"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies… And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war…” (Revelation 13.5-7). My readership, I am warned, may go down if I comment too often, too negatively, or too energetically on guns. That’s a shame. It is not a shame that some will not return to this site. That is their rightful choice. It is a shame that some have allowed themselves to be deceived by a doctrine of the devil, spoken by a lobby perverted by an obscene love of filthy lucre and drenched in the black blood of innocent American victims. Here is just one example of the myriad false doctrines spouted forth by Satan’s minions in the gun lobby. “There is no greater personal individual freedom than the right to keep and bear arms, the right to protect yourself, and the right to survive. It's not bestowed by man, but granted by God to all Americans as our American birthright.”[1] What a pack of lies and pile of bull crap! Forget the fact that there is nothing remotely sane in such words. There is not a single truth spoken in this crazed proclamation. There is nothing that is authentically “American” in this vile propaganda. And it is certain, certain, certain, that there is nothing godly or Christian in such blasphemy. The God of Heaven, the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus has nothing to do with such obscenity. He certainly does not “bestow” upon individuals or nations the “right to bear arms.” Such words issue straight out of the mouth of a false prophet of the great Anti-Christ. It is an example of Satan’s clearly stated intent to “buy up armies and navies and reign with blood and horror on this earth.” I am sorry if this offends. But it is the truth. I do not do what I do on this site for popularity. I am trying to stop the madness, not endorse it. I will not itch the ears of those who have itchy fingers. I will and do, in fact, throw my lot in with the brave students all over this country who are speaking out, speaking truth to power. You’ve heard the blaspheme that has issued forth from the defiled heart and insane mind of Wayne La Pierre. Perhaps you have not heard the courageous and righteous words that have come from the mouth of one of these brave young students, Emma Gonzalez. “Politicians who sit in their gilded House and Senate seats funded by the NRA telling us nothing could have been done to prevent this—we call BS. They say tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence. We call BS. They say a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. We call BS. They say guns are just tools like knives and are as dangerous as cars. We call BS. They say no laws could have prevented the hundreds of senseless tragedies that have occurred. We call BS.”[2] You go girl! These words are every bit as true as the following words, so wickedly misinterpreted: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Have so few words every been more thoroughly twisted into something so false; something that causes little but pain and suffering and death? Oh, how these few words have been perverted! Perverted by an industry whose only objective is to wallow in a pool of black human blood and mammon. Perverted by a lobby that profits from the sell of weapons of mass destruction. Perverted by citizens—and paying ones at that!—deceived by the ungodly propaganda of an unhallowed lobby. “Well regulated.” Well regulated? There is nothing “well-regulated” about anything involving guns in America. Those with their gun fetish are not part of a “well regulated” militia. They do not buy from a “well-regulated” gun industry. They do not have membership in a “well-regulated” lobby. I repeat, there is nothing about guns that is “well-regulated” in America. How many innocent lives have been stolen because of the poorly regulated gun industry! It is absolute madness. We will not debate, here, and again, the clear and simple fact that “keeping and bearing arms” is about maintaining a “well regulated Militia.” If some want to own an assault weapon, then let them go join a “well-regulated” state militia. My tax dollars will pay for their target practice. Hell, they will pay for them to launch heat-seeking missiles and to drive Abrams tanks to get their testosterone fix. Oh, and for those who entertain the gross absurdity that they can resist a tyrannical government by means of their pathetically feeble personal weaponry, perhaps you will want to see what such resistance looks like and results in. Have a look in the homily found on the “Just Society” page of this site: “Needed: Independent and Inventive World Creators.” No. No citizen outside a “well regulated Militia” should be given possession of a military-style weapon of mass destruction such as the assault weapons being used to slaughter innocent victims in America’s streets, malls, parks, schools, and homes. Every branch of government, and the electorate that empower them, are covered from head to toe in the black blood of countless thousands of their innocent fellow citizens. If a foreigner was killing our people, as, for example, during 911, we would, as we did then, pass thousands upon thousands of regulations—willingly obstructing dozens of “citizen’s rights.” Such regulation would not only NOT be resisted by the citizenry, but actively demanded and supported. But gun-toting white boys can kill with impunity, all in the name of “The Constitution.” It is our “unwell regulated” mythical citizen militia that is unconstitutional. But now, a group of surviving youth have decided not to go as sheep to the slaughter. They are fighting back. I say, “Give ‘em hell! You can count on my help. I pray that God comfort those martyred with the gun lobby’s aid. But more, I pray that He blesses and sustains your righteous labor against that lobbt’s fiendish evil!” [1] NRA CEO Wayne La Pierre at CPAC. [2] As found in “Has the NRA Finally Met its Match?” by Katha Pollitt on thenation.com. "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings
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