“…The heart of the sons of men the irredeemable black holeThe word, “redeem,” literally means “to buy back,” “to recover by purchase.” In Christian theology it means, “to deliver from sin and spiritual death.” To be irredeemable is the opposite. In Christian theology one who is, because of their own obstinance and the depth of their depravity, irredeemable has not and cannot be delivered from sin and spiritual death. Those called in LDS parlance, “Sons [Daughters] of Perdition,” can be thought of as irredeemable.
As of February 2025, the U.S. White House is occupied by something more than a sociopath. It is occupied by an irredeemably wicked man. A Son of Perdition. An Anti-Christ. Perhaps a devil. He is irredeemably all these things and more. It would require a full page of ugly adjectives, many of them profane and pornographic to plumb the depths of his wickedness. And, still, it may not plumb deep enough. Scripture is our standard. It informs us what we should do and what we should be. No matter where we turn in scripture, when we weigh and measure the irredeemably wicked man whose name I refuse to utter or write against the standard, we find him lacking by absolutely every, EVERY measure. In past homilies, meditations, and blog posts, we have, for example, reflected upon the fact that he is a serial breaker of the Ten Commandments, perhaps every single one of them—at the very least being a serial idolater, serial user of God’s name in vain, serial sabbath breaker, serial adulterer, serial thief, serial liar, and serial coveter. We have also called upon the testimony of the Pauline virtues, approximated in the LDS Articles of Faith: truth, honesty, justness, purity, loveliness, goodness, virtue, and praiseworthiness.[1] These the sociopath lacks entirely. In spades. Not a smidgen of a one of them does he possess. Today, we add another list to the standard by which we measure the man who pollutes the U.S. White House, the U.S. government, the American people, and the citizens of this planet. This list constitutes what is often called the “Fruits of the Spirit.” These fruits are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.”[2] The man went 0 for 8 when it came to the Pauline virtues. He goes 0 for 9 when it comes to the fruits of the Spirit. The man is just one big black hole when it comes to the virtues and the fruits of the Spirit. He is not only devoid of virtue himself, but he also sucks virtue out of everyone and everything that comes into his destructive orbit. Scripture advises the need for the Holy Spirit in discerning truth. It speaks of studying things out in your mind. It speaks of burnings in the bosom—Lord knows the vile man whose name I refuse to utter or write has given me the worse case of heartburn of my life. It speaks of stupors of thought—I am constantly stupefied by the depth of the man’s wickedness. It speaks of enticement, the enticement to do good or to do evil.[3] But really, in this post-truth age of our perverted current U.S. president, no assistance from the Holy Spirit is needed in discerning the truth of the man or the words he spews. As for the words he spews. They make discerning truth a simple matter of hearing what he says and knowing that the truth is always, always, always the opposite of what he says. The world has always been populated by leaders who lie. But few, if any, have ever lied so consistently, so thoroughly, and so persuasively as this latest liar. I have concluded, in fact, that he has never uttered a truthful word in his entire life. He is a perpetual lying machine. And, remember, when we speak of lying, we are not only speaking about one’s relationship with facts—a relationship that is contemptuous of truth. The liar is also contemptuous of their fellow beings. Liars do not respect others. Liars harm others (One wonders, really, if those who so readily and enthusiastically accept the lies of the liar lack self-respect and are full of self-loathing). The man polluting the White House is such a man, contemptuous and disrespectful of everyone, including those who “love” him most. But there is an upside to the man being such a devoted liar. Few people have ever made discerning truth easier than this conjurer of lies. As for the man himself, the standards of scripture make the truth of his abject, total, and irredeemable depravity and wickedness undeniable, inarguable, and certain. We have discussed what he hasn’t done—kept the most basic of commands, those of the Ten Commandments—and what he is not—possessing none of the virtues outline by Paul and restated in the LDS Articles of Faith or any of the fruits of the spirit. This is but a small sampling of scripture’s insight into the sociopath who pollutes 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As we have observed above, scripture provides clear insights into what he is not. But it also provides clear insights into what he is. God is certainly the most prominent figure portrayed in scripture. Scripture is mostly about Him, and we would do well to focus on scripture’s Divine portrait. But it also portrays other figures. While the Book of Psalms, like the rest of scripture, is primarily focused on God and His unmatched character, it also portrays those who are opposed to or the opposite of God. One of these characters is the rāšāʿ, the “wicked,” the “malevolently immoral.” They are very active, numerous, and dominant in the world. The Psalmist spills a good bit of ink in describing them. In an upcoming homily/ blog post, we will explore the doings and being of the rāšāʿ as the Psalmist describes them. You probably already understand why. But lest I leave you uncertain… the man whose name I refuse to utter or write is a rāšāʿ par excellence. So, in exploring the rāšāʿ and their character, we also explore the irredeemable man, what he is as well as what he is not. It isn’t a pretty picture. But we must not turn away and ignore the truth, for the truth shall make you free.[4] Even so, come, Lord Jesus! [1] See Philippians 4.8 [2] Galatians 5.22-23 [3] See DC 9 and Moroni 7 [4] See John 8.32
“…The heart of the sons of men we'll need more than psychology and psychologistsNow, I know what I said in my previous post: I would have little to say about the irredeemably wicked man who now pollutes the White House and infects and poisons the entire globe with his mind-numbing venon. What I should have said is that the evidence is in. For many years—many years before his ascendency onto the American political stage—his depravity has been on display, transparent to any with eyes to see. So, I will not go looking for more evidence, more data concerning his deep and abiding depravity. It would require me to keep up with the latest news reports of the toxic, malignant, and depraved doings of his misshapen and deformed sociopathic soul. This I refuse to do. But, however hard I try, and however many filters I put up to block reports of the man’s boundless depravity from my view, his wickedness is so deep and so wide and long and so black and comes so naturally to him that one report or another is constantly slipping through the cracks of my defenses. There is simply no wall high or broad or long enough to keep reports of the sociopath’s irredeemable perversion, mendacity, deviancy, malignancy, and depravity from breaching one’s defenses. The politicians who bend the knee and worship the beast are little better. I didn’t read the piece, mind you, but this headline slipped through my defenses: “Democrats Consult Psychologists on how to Deal with…” (You can supply the name of the pervert that now pollutes the White House, for I refuse, remember, to utter or write his vile name). I would have laughed if it weren’t so sad and terrifying. Apparently, Democrats still don’t understand what they are dealing with. They think they are simply dealing with a very, very, very, very sick man. But I am here to tell them that they are dealing with something more than psychology, and if they want to deal with him, they need something far more than even the most skilled psychologists. They need an exorcist. As I have written before, the man’s depravity goes well beyond the abnormal. His depravity is off the charts. It is in the paranormal range. His depraved wickedness is positively demonic. Satanic. Luciferian. So, my dear Democrats and anyone else who wished to understand and, perhaps, even righteously resist him, forget about the psychologist’s symbol: You’ll need something more appropriate to the danger. You’ll need something more powerful. If you will understand him and resist him and his bottomless wickedness, you’ll need something more like this instead.
“…The heart of the sons of men my head in the sand |
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