Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, Though they were once a regular and even central part of this site, I have gotten away from these Mad State of Rebellion posts. Perhaps it is time to rectify this oversite. The madness that Caligula and his acolytes represent has certainly not lessened. In fact, the madness is everything and more that I imagined it might be.
I was reminded of Jeremiah’s lament/indictment of his society as I recently listened to an interview between an NPR correspondent and one of the congressional Republicans who is “assisting” GOP senators to understand the evidence presented by the house Democrat in Caligula’s impeachment trial. As if it is complicated. As if the evidence isn’t crystal clear. As if it isn’t proof positive that Caligula is nothing more than a crime boss, a Gadianton Robber who has infiltrated the government with the assistance and full support of American “Christians,” or that portion of them known as “Evangelical.” No, what these house assistants are about is helping GOP senators understand how to circumvent the truth and enhance a series of lies too long to measure.. But, back to the interview. The interview, as with most interviews with politicians, was full of lies. Not lies formed out of ignorance, but well-crafted and willful lies. For the life of me, I do not understand why the press continues to interview individual politicians who, the press knows full well, will not answer their questions honestly. Why do they provide them with a forum to lie? Why do they allow themselves to be made fools of? Anyway, at the end of the lies-full-interview, the politician politely signed off with an insincere and snarky, “Thank you.” He might as well have said, “Thank you for providing me the opportunity to lie.” But, this is no lie…. Caligula is guilty of all sorts of sins. Now, as I have written before, there is not a single one of the Ten Commandments that he has not broken. He is a deviant. Through and through. From the top of his orange hair to the tip of his little itty bitty fingers. But, in the case of impeachment, he is guilty of treasonously seeking personal political gain at the expense of American security and international peace. He is then guilty of trying to cover it up by ruining people’s reputation and obstructing the legitimate investigations of a congress that is, much to his chagrin, an equal branch of government to that of the executive. There are no words to describe my disgust for this child of hell. He is, of his father, a liar. Every time the camera is turned upon him, it is an open invitation to lie to the “American people”—no matter that they are glad to be lied to, told what they want to hear. Caligula must go before even the very ideal of American—it has never been a reality—is dead forever.
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