The regular visitor may have noticed an unusually long period of inactivity on this site. I have, here, been very quiet for the past several weeks. The outward quiet is the result of an inner disquiet—a disquiet brought on by a disheartening unannounced LDS policy in regard to gay men and women and their children. It is a disquiet that has stymied and immobilized me, silencing and bringing my muses to a halt.
In my disquiet I have counted. I have counted to ten—counted to ten over and over and over again—fearful of what may come out if I give voice to my disquiet. . At some point, after I have counted to ten many, many more times, I may very well give voice to my disquiet. But, not yet. The wound is still too raw.. For now, the Christmas Season is upon us. I am so very grateful for the Christmas Season; a Christmas Season that seems, this year, divinely timed to quiet my disquiet and reawaken the muses; a Christmas Season that whispers its invitation to do as I have always done—take refuge in, hide in my Jesus; a Christmas Season during which we reopen the pages of this site, and, together, follow the invitation of the Psalmist, “taste and see that the LORD is good” (Ps. 34:8); a Christmas Season during which we bear witness to the majesty that is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to whom be glory forever and ever.
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