<![CDATA[PONDER THE SCRIPTURES.COM - Blog]]>Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:49:12 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[the irredeemable black hole]]>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:13:30 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/the-irredeemable-black-hole“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

the irredeemable black hole

The word, “redeem,” literally means “to buy back,” “to recover by purchase.” In Christian theology it means, “to deliver from sin and spiritual death.” To be irredeemable is the opposite. In Christian theology one who is, because of their own obstinance and the depth of their depravity, irredeemable has not and cannot be delivered from sin and spiritual death. Those called in LDS parlance, “Sons [Daughters] of Perdition,” can be thought of as irredeemable.
As of February 2025, the U.S. White House is occupied by something more than a sociopath. It is occupied by an irredeemably wicked man. A Son of Perdition. An Anti-Christ. Perhaps a devil. He is irredeemably all these things and more. It would require a full page of ugly adjectives, many of them profane and pornographic to plumb the depths of his wickedness. And,  still, it may not plumb deep enough.
Scripture is our standard. It informs us what we should do and what we should be. No matter where we turn in scripture, when we weigh and measure the irredeemably wicked man whose name I refuse to utter or write against the standard, we find him lacking by absolutely every, EVERY measure.
In past homilies, meditations, and blog posts, we have, for example, reflected upon the fact that he is a serial breaker of the Ten Commandments, perhaps every single one of them—at the very least being a serial idolater, serial user of God’s name in vain, serial sabbath breaker, serial adulterer, serial thief, serial liar, and serial coveter.
We have also called upon the testimony of the Pauline virtues, approximated in the LDS Articles of Faith: truth, honesty, justness, purity, loveliness, goodness, virtue, and praiseworthiness.[1]  These the sociopath lacks entirely. In spades. Not a smidgen of a one of them does he possess.
Today, we add another list to the standard by which we measure the man who pollutes the U.S. White House, the U.S. government, the American people, and the citizens of this planet. This list constitutes what is often called the “Fruits of the Spirit.” These fruits are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.”[2] The man went 0 for 8 when it came to the Pauline virtues. He goes 0 for 9 when it comes to the fruits of the Spirit.
The man is just one big black hole when it comes to the virtues and the fruits of the Spirit. He is not only devoid of virtue himself, but he also sucks virtue out of everyone and everything that comes into his destructive orbit.
Scripture advises the need for the Holy Spirit in discerning truth. It speaks of studying things out in your mind. It speaks of burnings in the bosom—Lord knows the vile man whose name I refuse to utter or write has given me the worse case of heartburn of my life. It speaks of stupors of thought—I am constantly stupefied by the depth of the man’s wickedness. It speaks of enticement, the enticement to do good or to do evil.[3]
But really, in this post-truth age of our perverted current U.S. president, no assistance from the Holy Spirit is needed in discerning the truth of the man or the words he spews. As for the words he spews. They make discerning truth a simple matter of hearing what he says and knowing that the truth is always, always, always the opposite of what he says. The world has always been populated by leaders who lie. But few, if any, have ever lied so consistently, so thoroughly, and so persuasively as this latest liar. I have concluded, in fact, that he has never uttered a truthful word in his entire life. He is a perpetual lying machine.
And, remember, when we speak of lying, we are not only speaking about one’s relationship with facts—a relationship that is contemptuous of truth. The liar is also contemptuous of their fellow beings. Liars do not respect others. Liars harm others (One wonders, really, if those who so readily and enthusiastically accept the lies of the liar lack self-respect and are full of self-loathing). The man polluting the White House is such a man, contemptuous and disrespectful of everyone, including those who “love” him most.
But there is an upside to the man being such a devoted liar. Few people have ever made discerning truth easier than this conjurer of lies.
As for the man himself, the standards of scripture make the truth of his abject, total, and irredeemable depravity and wickedness undeniable, inarguable, and certain.
We have discussed what he hasn’t done—kept the most basic of commands, those of the Ten Commandments—and what he is not—possessing none of the virtues outline by Paul and restated in the LDS Articles of Faith or any of the fruits of the spirit. This is but a small sampling of scripture’s insight into the sociopath who pollutes 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
As we have observed above, scripture provides clear insights into what he is not. But it also provides clear insights into what he is. God is certainly the most prominent figure portrayed in scripture. Scripture is mostly about Him, and we would do well to focus on scripture’s Divine portrait. But it also portrays other figures. While the Book of Psalms, like the rest of scripture, is primarily focused on God and His unmatched character, it also portrays those who are opposed to or the opposite of God. One of these characters is the rāšāʿ, the “wicked,” the “malevolently immoral.” They are very active, numerous, and dominant in the world. The Psalmist spills a good bit of ink in describing them.
In an upcoming homily/ blog post, we will explore the doings and being of the rāšāʿ as the Psalmist describes them. You probably already understand why. But lest I leave you uncertain… the man whose name I refuse to utter or write is a rāšāʿ par excellence. So, in exploring the rāšāʿ and their character, we also explore the irredeemable man, what he is as well as what he is not. It isn’t a pretty picture. But we must not turn away and ignore the truth, for the truth shall make you free.[4]
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] See Philippians 4.8
[2] Galatians 5.22-23
[3] See DC 9 and Moroni 7
[4] See John 8.32
<![CDATA[we'll need more than psychology and psychologists]]>Mon, 03 Feb 2025 23:27:24 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/february-03rd-2025“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

we'll need more than psychology and psychologists

Now, I know what I said in my previous post: I would have little to say about the irredeemably wicked man who now pollutes the White House and infects and poisons the entire globe with his mind-numbing venon. What I should have said is that the evidence is in. For many years—many years before his ascendency onto the American political stage—his depravity has been on display, transparent to any with eyes to see. So, I will not go looking for more evidence, more data concerning his deep and abiding depravity. It would require me to keep up with the latest news reports of the toxic, malignant, and depraved doings of his misshapen and deformed sociopathic soul. This I refuse to do.
But, however hard I try, and however many filters I put up to block reports of the man’s boundless depravity from my view, his wickedness is so deep and so wide and long and so black and comes so naturally to him that one report or another is constantly slipping through the cracks of my defenses. There is simply no wall high or broad or long enough to keep reports of the sociopath’s irredeemable perversion, mendacity, deviancy, malignancy, and depravity from breaching one’s defenses. The politicians who bend the knee and worship the beast are little better.
I didn’t read the piece, mind you, but this headline slipped through my defenses: “Democrats Consult Psychologists on how to Deal with…” (You can supply the name of the pervert that now pollutes the White House, for I refuse, remember, to utter or write his vile name).
I would have laughed if it weren’t so sad and terrifying. Apparently, Democrats still don’t understand what they are dealing with. They think they are simply dealing with a very, very, very, very sick man. But I am here to tell them that they are dealing with something more than psychology, and if they want to deal with him, they need something far more than even the most skilled psychologists. They need an exorcist. As I have written before, the man’s depravity goes well beyond the abnormal. His depravity is off the charts. It is in the paranormal range. His depraved wickedness is positively demonic. Satanic. Luciferian.
So, my dear Democrats and anyone else who wished to understand and, perhaps, even righteously resist him, forget about the psychologist’s symbol:
​You’ll need something more appropriate to the danger. You’ll need something more powerful. If you will understand him and resist him and his bottomless wickedness, you’ll need something more like this instead.
<![CDATA[my head in the sand]]>Tue, 21 Jan 2025 23:35:53 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/my-head-in-the-sand“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8

​my head in the sand

With the American presidential inauguration of the sociopath whose name I refuse to utter or write, the madness, the lunacy, the buffoonery, the criminality, the wickedness, the ungodliness, the sorcery, the blasphemy is back in spades. The madness, the lunacy, the buffoonery, the criminality, the wickedness, the ungodliness, the sorcery, the blasphemy, all this will be deeper and darker this time around. America will have earned every pain it suffers at the hooves of this beast.
Those who have followed the postings on this site know very well how I feel about the demon. I could not have been clearer. My warnings have been unmistakable. He is a despicable human being. The most loathsome and irredeemably wicked creature of my lifetime. The most profane and vulgar of deviants. The most dishonest and dangerous “politician” in America’s short and storied history. The opposite of and an enemy to all that is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good, virtuous, and praiseworthy.[1]
I write, now, to say that while I will continue to muse and comment on scripture, it is unlikely that I will be posting much additional commentary about the beast or his bottomless wickedness. You see, I have put up filters to keep his filth out of my life as much as possible. Since America elected its favorite antichrist, I have not watched a minute of news. I have canceled all my news service subscriptions. I cannot stomach seeing video or images of the blasphemer’s ugly mug. I cannot abide the sound of the lunatic’s lying voice. I cannot endure the sight of the words the buffoon spews. I cannot endure the never-ending headlines that proclaim his ungodly deviance. When any words, headlines, images, or videos of or about the vile miscreant are involuntarily pushed upon me, I immediately scroll, click, or navigate away before my soul is further soiled and sullied by his filth. Any awareness of the sorcerer causes my blood pressure to rise and takes another year off my life.
America is in its current morass, in part, because of ignorance. I hate to join the crowd and become an ignorant voter. But I can’t take it. Unless the “burning fire shut up in my bones,” becomes unbearable,[2] I am planning to spend the next four years with my head in the sand and remain ignorant of the wicked deviance of the evil demon, now U.S. president, whose name I refuse to utter or write.
So, enjoy the ride. See you in four years, if American is still American and hasn’t, like the Gulf of Mexico, been renamed: renamed after the nameless scoundrel and fashioned in his pornographic image.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] See Philippians 4.8
[2] See Jeremiah 20.9
<![CDATA[dual purposes: caring for the poor and humbling the rich (dc 84.112)]]>Sat, 30 Nov 2024 23:24:44 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/dual-purposes-caring-for-the-poor-and-humbling-the-rich-dc-84112“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

dual purposes: caring for the poor and humbling the rich
dc 84.112

And the bishop, Newel K. Whitney, also should travel round about and among all the churches, searching after the poor to administer to their wants by humbling the rich and the proud.

This passage is one that I include in my list of scriptures that describe a just society. Some might question my inclusion of this passage in such a list. They may reason that this passage addresses behavior and intentions that relate only to those of the LDS faith and that it has no bearing or application to the world at large and how it manages its financial resources. I reject this reasoning. It is too puny a vision. God thinks big, as the prophet Isaiah reminded us over two millennia ago.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
   neither are your ways my ways,
      saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
   so are my ways higher than your ways,
      and my thoughts than your thoughts.”[1]
In this homily I hope to expand our vision of the counsel given to Bishop Newell K. Witney in 1832.

god’s call to serve

As I have suggested in numerous scripture-based homilies, meditations, and questionaries, God gave the small and insignificant nation of ancient Israel laws, imbedded with principles, by which a secure, just, and enduring society could be established. In doing so, God did more than provide laws and principles for the insular nation. God called Israel to be His servant to be an example to the world by keeping His just laws and forming a “more perfect union.”
 Through Israel’s “evangelical” example, God hoped to transform and improve the entire world. Unfortunately, Israel did not live up to its calling. It did not keep God’s laws for a just society and so the world was left without an example. This is not my own estimation of Israel’s failed response to God and His call, but that of the Hebrew prophets.
I have also suggested in numerous scripture-based homilies, meditations, and questionaries that I believe that Jesus of Nazareth, through his words and actions during his ministry and through his disciples, intended to transform and improve the world—remake it into the image of the kingdom of God. Unfortunately, through the apostacy of “Christianity”—to be seen not so much in the corruption of doctrine as in the corruption of behavior in yielding to the twisted and unjust values of this world—this hope was shattered. Once more, the world was left without a servant and without an example of a just society. The salt lost its savor, and Christianity found itself trodden under the feet of violent marching armies for centuries.[2]
Finally, as I have suggested in numerous scripture-based homilies, meditations, and questionaries, I believe that God intended to transform and improve the world through an insignificant Joseph Smith, the principles that He taught him, and the small institutions that He established through him. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of this latter movement. The signs are not particularly encouraging as this movement seems to have succumbed to the same worldly temptations and twisted values as the earlier evangelists—ancient Israel and emergent Christianity. If so, they are liable to suffer the same tragic ends.
It is a sad reality that all these efforts to transform and improve the world have seemingly been for naught—not for the lack of divine inspiration, but for the failure of the called servants and the lack of human response. The world does not seem much changed from what it has been from the dawn of history. Still, that does not mean that we give up the hope of transforming and improving the world that we have inherited.
The instruction found in DC 84.112 is an example of God’s efforts to transform and improve the entire world through the example of an insignificant and small portion of the world’s population. This instruction contains principles that are to be applied to the entire world, not only to a small enclave of humanity formerly known as Mormon. Neither Joseph Smith nor God were so myopic as to have anything in mind other than worldwide transformation and improvement.
So, what divine principles are found in this passage that might bring about the transformation and improvement of the world and form a cornerstone of a just and enduring society? Here are the principal ones that I identify in this passage.

  searching after the poor

Newel K. Whitney was to “travel round about and among all the churches, searching after the poor to administer to their wants.” At that time, the churches were scattered several miles apart. Roads were not great. During parts of the year, they were nearly impassable. The horse was the best and most swift means of travel, the horse-drawn wagon the principal means of transporting goods.
This is all preamble to our first point: fulfilling this divine direction required much time and energy. The Lord required leaders of the church to make whatever efforts were necessary to 1) identify the poor, and 2) supply the economic deficiencies of the poor. In fulfilling this divine mandate, the church not only cared for the poor, but served as example to the world. This is what just societies that are consistent with the character of God look like. Just societies actively and energetically and untiringly 1) identify the poor, and 2) supply their economic deficiencies, whatever difficulties that effort might entail. Looking after the poor is not to be a passive activity. Nor is it an afterthought.  Identifying the poor and supplying their economic deficiencies is a high priority for God and is to be a high priority for those in governance and leadership.
The goal is not merely to meet temporary needs. The goal is to eliminate poverty entirely.
“And the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.”[3]
“… The people were all converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another. And they had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift.” [4]
So, God, I contend, called a little group that would come to be known as Mormons to obey God in actively eliminating poverty among them through consecration. In engaging in this righteous work inside their group, they were to serve as examples to the outside world. Outside this movement, these called evangelists were to advocate for laws and policies that were consistent with the divine revelation and that would eliminate poverty in the broader society. These servants to the world were not called for their own glory. Yes, they were, by God’s own testimony, granted the “privilege of organizing themselves according to my laws.”[5] But in being so granted, they were under obligation to stand as an example, a city on a hill, to the rest of the world in hopes that the world would be transformed and improved until there were no poor anywhere on the globe.
So, that’s principle number one. Just societies actively and diligently identify those who are economically deficient and help supply the deficiencies of the poor. In today’s world, these deficiencies would include such things as food, housing, healthcare, education, and, where practical and realistic, jobs. Societies broaden these efforts, whatever the cost and effort, with the goal of eliminating the scourge of poverty from the planet.

  humbling the rich

The question now arises: By what means are the deficiencies of the poor to be supplied? Here is the Lord’s plan for supplying the deficiencies of the poor. The Lord directed Newel K. Whitney to “administer to their wants by humbling the rich and the proud.”
Now, as we have so often remarked, modern religious thought too often domesticates the idea of humility, turning it into a pleasant, almost cute and cuddly little character trait. But, in calling for the “humbling” of the rich and proud, God isn’t simply talking about shaping an inner trait in the rich. In this passage the Lord uses the verb, “to humble,” in its participial form. The verb means “to lower in power, dominance, independence, importance, status, or prestige.” The Lord intends to utilize the wealth of the rich to change both the life of the poor and the life of the rich. He intends to raise the poor and lower the rich.
Lest I be accused of making stuff up, I would have the reader consider counsel given to Joseph Smith a little more than a year after the counsel given to Newell K. Whitney. In DC 104, The Lord informed Joseph that the community’s economic resources must be utilized and distributed in “mine own way.” That way was consecration and redistribution. Then, he says,
“…this is the way that I, the Lord, have decreed to provide for my saints, that the poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low.”[6]
The “humbling” of the rich involved something far more than emotional and psychological alteration of the rich. I was about lowering them, lowering their wealth, lowering their power and influence purchased through their wealth. And it was about exalting the poor. Raising their wealth, raising their power and influence restricted by their poverty. All this is entirely in keeping with the intuition Mary had about the work that God intended to do through her son, Jesus.
“He hath shewed strength with his arm;
   he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He hath put down the mighty from their seats,
   and exalted them of low degree.
He hath filled the hungry with good things;
   and the rich he hath sent empty away.”[7]
The counsel given to Newell K Whitney evidences the Lord’s assumption that the rich need humbling and that they must be economically lowered. There is an assumption that the status, influence, and dominance of the rich must be diminished if not broken—indeed, one senses in these passages an intensity, almost aggression about humbling and making low the rich.” There is an assumption that the inordinate status, influence, and dominance of the rich is a threat to a well-functioning and enduring society. To be sure, American is currently passing through an era when the danger that the wealthy and the influence that their wealth buys is clear and self-evident. Many a societal ill found in America could be solved by following the direction given in the Doctrine and Covenants to “humble the rich” and “making them low.”
As we have said, there is an assumption in this passage and on the part of the Lord that the rich need humbling. I have said this before. I will repeat myself here. With the possible exception of maybe two passages, often misinterpreted, scripture does not record any instance of God leveling criticism against the poor. Rather, God and those who represent Him advocate for the poor hundreds of times in scripture. The poor are never portrayed as violators but as violated. They are not spoken of as those who victimize. They are always the victimized. They are never told to work harder or longer or smarter. The wealthy are told to work harder, longer, and smarter in caring for and lifting the poor There is simply no way around these scripture realities—however inconvenient it may be to those taken in by our twisted economic system and its justifying propaganda.
At the same time, scripture does not record any instance of God advocating for the wealthy. Indeed, 99.9% of the time when scripture mentions the wealthy it is with an explicit or implied “woe” somewhere nearby. We could fill a book with examples of God “woeing” the wealthy, while we can hardly find 25 words in which he “woes” the poor.[8]
These scriptural attitudes and habits are the exact opposite of current attitudes and habits toward the poor found in American society, where the poor are blamed and “woed,” while the rich are exalted and wooed. This is but one of many evidences of how utterly unbiblical and ungodly—ungod-like—American society is. It is indeed tragic that so many who join in the “woeing” of the poor claim to follow God’s word, whether it comes from the Bible or the Doctrine and Covenants.
Separating lying propaganda from divine law and principle, we find that administering to (not simply caring for) the poor by “humbling the rich and proud”—“proud” being, in scripture a near synonym of “rich,” the rich being thought of as proud almost by definition[9]—is not only a benefit to the poor. It also benefits the rich who “fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.”[10]
So, that’s number two. Just as the Lord sees that the poor need help out of their economic deficiencies, He sees that the wealthy need help out of the spiritual deficiency: the pride, that their wealth almost universally creates. Therefore, he humbles the wealthy by requiring that their wealth be dedicated to lifting up the poor. In addition, the Lord’s counsel is good for society at large. As the wealth of the rich is deduced, so too is the power and influence they buy with their wealth. Few things offer better proof of the Lord’s wisdom, justness, and interest in all His children than this inspired counsel found in DC 84.112.


In the winter of 1830-31, after reading of and being inspired by Enoch’s establishment of Zion, and being moved upon by the Holy Spirit, Joseph Smith’s understanding of his calling underwent a huge and radical transformation.[11] No longer did he simply think in terms of establishing another religion, church, or institution. He began to think of his calling in terms of establishing a whole new type of society. This society was not to be a small, insular, and exclusive society. It was, like the stone cut out of the mountain,[12] to fill the entire world. Joseph and the movement he led were called to transform and improve the human condition the world over.
Under the Lord’s tutelage, Joseph began to understand that the world’s economic systems were a principal impediment to improving the human condition. Indeed, much of the blame for the sorry state of this world rested on the world’s economic systems. They were twisted and perverted, permeated with false values and destructive behaviors. A new economic system was needed in the world if it was to be transformed and improved as God intended and demanded it be—as it must be to abide His presence. At the heart of the Lord’s economic system was an awareness of the economic deficiencies under which the poor suffered and the spiritual deficiencies under with the rich suffered. These deficiencies were, in fact, interrelated and codependent. The economic instruction found in DC 84.112 along with much other economic counsel given in the middle third of the Doctrine and Covenants was intended to address and heal these deficiencies.
In a moment of inspiration soon after Joseph’s economic/ Zionist epiphany, the Lord informed—or is it “warned”?— “the poor have complained before me, and the rich have I made, and all flesh is mine, and I am no respecter of persons.”[13] With this warning ringing in his ears, Joseph immediately began to newly conceive the rich and poor. Much of the middle third of the Doctrine and Covenants is taken up with instruction concerning a new economic system that would benefit both rich and poor and so transform and improve the world.
DC 84.112 is part of that extended instruction on economy that makes up the approximate middle third of the Doctrine and Covenants. Here, the Lord directs that society make a more concerted effort of caring for the poor. Society’s leaders are to actively identify the poor, inventory their financial deficiencies, and provide means to eliminate these deficiencies. The principal means for eliminating the deficiencies under which the poor suffer is the redistribution of wealth.
True to the Lord’s early warning, there was no “respect of persons” (the poor over the rich) in this redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Both groups benefited. The Lord’s desired economic system could eliminate deficiencies found in both groups—economic deficiencies found among the poor, and spiritual deficiencies found among the rich. As is the case throughout scripture, there was an assumption that the financially rich were rich in pride and required humbling as much as the poor were humiliated and required help to be lifted out of poverty. However, in addition to altering the inner character of the rich, the Lord wanted and intended to reduce their unequal wealth, alter they social status, and reduce the excessive power and influence that purchased their wealth.
It is, in my view, a gross misreading of the text to understand the economic principles found in the middle third of the Doctrine and Covenants as applying only to “the Church,” or as containing principles exclusively intended for an exclusive “Zion.” The economic principles would, of necessity, initially be adopted and applied among a small group. But the Lord intended that, increasingly, larger and larger populations adopt and apply those principles because of the example of the first adopters and appliers and the superior society that those principles created. It was the Lord’s hopes and intentions that the economic principles would expand the world over.
As ancient Israel and Christianity, the initial latter-day group failed miserably in adopting and applying the Lord’s eternal economic principles. There is no telling how negative an impact this failure has had on the world. Those of us who lay claim to the heritage of this initial latter-day group have done no better. Indeed, we, as a group, actively resist such principles as we succumb to the false values and principles of the world’s economic systems—values and principles that are incessantly justified and propagated by an immense, sophisticated, and uncompromising propaganda machine.  
Just like all those that have proceeded (Egypt, Babylon, Rome, et al.), the world’s current twisted economic systems are on life-support, gasping for their last breath of air. It is high time that we who claim to believe that the Doctrine and Covenants contains the word of God—a warning to a dying world—put our money where our mouth is. It is time for us to individually live by the Lord’s economic principles. But this is not enough. We must advocate within our larger society for the Lord’s economic system; one in which the lifting up of the poor and the making low of the rich are given the highest priority and engage our most diligent efforts. This is true discipleship. Such values and practices are foundational to the endurance of human society in this world. Such values are necessary if we hope to abide in a more eternal and enduring society beyond those of this world.
“For verily I say unto you, the time has come, and is now at hand; and behold, and lo, it must needs be that there be an organization of my people, in regulating and establishing the affairs of the storehouse for the poor of my people, both in this place and in the land of Zion—for a permanent and everlasting establishment and order unto my church, to advance the cause, which ye have espoused, to the salvation of man, and to the glory of your Father who is in heaven; that you may be equal in the bonds of heavenly things, yea, and earthly things also, for the obtaining of heavenly things. For if ye are not equal in earthly things ye cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things; for if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare yourselves by doing the things which I have commanded you and required of you.”[14]
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] Isaiah 55.8-9
[2] See Matthew 5.13
[3] Moses 7.18
[4] 4 Nephi 1.2-3
[5] DC 51.15
[6] DC 104.16
[7] Luke 1.51-53
[8] Scripture is as clear as clear can be. Wealth breeds pride. This reality is widespread enough to be called universally true. It makes no difference that there might be the occasional exception—these exceptions being more exceptional than is often claimed. The Lord’s solution to the damning pride of the wealthy is to reduce the wealthy’s riches. This is not socialism or communism or any other ism. Rather, it is a ness. It is righteousness, holiness, godliness.
[9] The exceptions to this are just that, exceptions. Historically and globally speaking, they are so rare as to warrant little consideration.
[10] 1 Timothy 6.9
[11] See my meditation on DC 37.
[12] See Daniel 2.35, 44-45
[13] DC 38.16
[14] DC 78.3-7
<![CDATA[american christianity’s president elect:serial breaker of the ten commandments]]>Tue, 12 Nov 2024 23:13:00 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/american-christianitys-president-electserial-breaker-of-the-ten-commandments“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)
There are ten of them. They are most often referred to as “The Ten Commandments,” but sometimes as “The Decalogue” (The Ten Words). We all know what they are. American “Christians,” so-called, and especially “Christian Nationalists” want them displayed in courtrooms, schools, etc. Here and there, in Louisiana, for example, some have even convinced gullible and hypocritical lawmakers to mandate their display—I call them hypocritical, in part, due to their professed contempt for mandates.
At the same time, this same group of people enthusiastically, zealously, and hypocritically supported an American presidential candidate who repeatedly and unrepentantly has violated most, if all the Ten Commandments to which they so ardently claim allegiance and wish displayed wherever they can find blank wall space.
I have said it before, and I say it again now. I will not stop saying it.
The man, whose name I refuse to write or utter and who is shamefully to be the next president of the U.S. with huge “Christian” support, is guilty of breaking at least six of the ten commandments—not once, not twice, not in error, but openly and blatantly over and over again over many, many years.
He has broken the command, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
He has broken the command, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
He has broken the command, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
He has broken the command, “Thou shalt not steal.”
He has broken the command, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”
He has broken the command, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”
Those are the ones we know of; the ones we are absolutely 100% sure of. Who knows if he is guilty of having broken the command, “Thou shalt not kill.” It is highly likely that people have died because of his practiced wickedness. But, as he himself has confessed on more than one occasion, he could kill someone publicly and in broad daylight and his supporters wouldn’t give a damn.
The rationalization of these so-called Christians for supporting such a fatally and irredeemably flawed man is that, well, you know, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”[1] They like to remind those that criticize them and their idolatrous politician that it is only he or she who is without sin that can throw rocks—counsel that they, themselves are as far from keeping as the east is from the west.
But I am here to tell you, dear reader, that there have been few sinners more skilled in the dark arts of wickedness than this vile man. His wickedness is bottomless. Paranormal. Devilish. He is by a wide, wide margin the most wicked individual to run for public office in U.S. history. He is by a wide, wide margin the most openly and obviously wicked individual to be elected to public office in U.S. history.
We who are sinners cannot compare, compete, or keep up with his wickedness. He is out of our league when it comes to wickedness. Furthermore, he is deserving of every rock thrown at him and no one can be censored for joining in the fray of rock throwing.
And while we are throwing rocks, we ought to heave a few American “Christianity’s” way. To be sure, many non-confessing Christians joined in their wicked support of a fatally and irredeemably flawed man. Perhaps we cannot expect our secular society to care about things so archaic as morality. But, in supporting a demon, American “Christianity” has shown itself more than worthy of the divine criticism that God, Himself, threw at it two hundred and twenty years ago in a Colonial era spring forest. American "Christianity's" behavior is not merely hypocritical. Not merely blasphemous. Not merely a stain on its collective character. It is corrupt and an abomination before God.[2]
With its support of this vile, lurid, vulgar, profane, cruel, dishonest, wicked, evil, and demonic sociopath, American “Christianity” has shown itself to be in violation of the very first command to have no other gods before the Only, the One, and True God. If it has not already done so, how long can it be before it makes of this man, who utters great and blasphemous things, an idolatrous image and thus breaks the second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them…”
I, for one, will not bow the knee to such a beast.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] Romans 3.23
[2] See JSH 1.19
<![CDATA[engaging in some foolish bible parallelomania: america’s Manasseh (homily on 2 kings 21)]]>Fri, 01 Nov 2024 23:44:25 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/engaging-in-some-foolish-bible-parallelomania-americas-manasseh-homily-on-2-kings-21  introduction

Those not familiar with current American Evangelical political thought might be unaware of a new, detailed theology concerning the former American president and 2024 GOP presidential candidate. In this theology, evangelicals have drawn a parallel between the ancient Persian Emperor, Cyrus, and the wicked man whose name I refuse to utter or write. Just as God used Cyrus, a godless man, to restore Judah to its ancestral home in the promised land, the theory goes, God is using the wicked New York playboy turned politician to lead American Christians back to their rightful place of dominance over American culture and government
This is not the place to examine all that is wrong with this theology or the questionable historical claim that founders of America intended Christianity to dominate American culture or government. Indeed, there is good reason to believe that Jesus, whose kingdom was not of this world, never intended his disciples to participate in flawed and immoral human governments, let along control them.
It is perhaps foolishness to draw parallels between Biblical and modern American characters. That said, God, Himself, is not above using what is foolish to accomplish good.
“For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.[1]
I have suggested elsewhere that if there is a parallel to be found between a Biblical character and the unnamed American scoundrel, it is most likely the Antichrist of Revelation 13.[2] This is especially so if he is reelected. American Christians would be well advised to forget about Cyrus as a Biblical parallel with the New York playboy and give serious thought to the beast of Revelation 13.
But, in this homily, I will engage in my own bit of foolishness and participate in a little Biblical parallelomania. In doing so, I will utilize a different Biblical character as a parallel to the godless New York playboy turned politician. That character is Judah’s king Manasseh. If nothing else, this homily promises to be a fun and informative romp through the Old Testament. Who knows but what in the course of our foolishness and fun, we might learn a thing or two that can serve as a warning about our current trajectory and mad state of rebellion against God.

  a call to leave the world to serve and evangelize

God saw Israel’s suffering under the heavy hand of Egyptian servitude. He delivered the Israelites from their servitude. This is the central story of the Old Testament and allows its authors to draw out the Book’s central theological insight: God is an emancipator of the weak and powerless.
It was not, however, only out of a divine hatred for captivity, violence, and oppression that God delivered Israel. He delivered an oppressed people so that He might create a people, a nation, that rejected captivity, violence, and oppression—a nation that would be the mirror opposite of Egypt. In creating such a nation, God hoped to provide an example, a beacon for all the world. With this beacon shining in a darkened world, God hoped to change the world. Israel, then, was God’s servant and messenger to the world; His exemplar of a better world.
Isaiah speaks often of Israel’s call.
“All nations will come streaming to it;
   many peoples will come, saying:
Come! Let’s go up to Yahweh’s mountain;
   to the temple of the God of Ya‘qōb.
He will teach us his ways,
   and we shall walk in his paths.
For Torah will come out of Ṣîyôn,
   and the word of Yahweh from Yerûšālāyim.”[3]
“Just look at My servant, whom I take hold of,
   My chosen, in whom I was pleased.
I placed My spirit upon him
   that he should generate justice among the nations…
I, Yahweh, called you, as is right,
   and will empower you and watch over you
and present you as a promise to peoples
   and an example to nations,
to open eyes that are blind,
   to lead captives out of prison;
      from imprisonment those who abide in darkness.”[4]
Because of the law of God that Israel lived and taught, God hoped that the nations would
“retool their swords into plow blades
   and their spears into pruning instruments.
One nation will no longer lift the sword against another,
   nor will they any longer train for warfare.”[5]
The Psalmist, too, knows and speaks of Israel’s call as servant and evangelist to the world.
“’ĕlohîm! May you show us grace, and bless us!
   May you lighten us with your presence
that how you conduct yourself might be known throughout the earth;
   made known to all peoples the victory you can bring.
That the nations might acknowledge you,
   all peoples yield to you;
that hosts of people might raise a shout of joy
   when you govern the nations justly,
      when you supply direction to the peoples of the earth;
that the nations might acknowledge you,
   every people yield to you.
Earth will then yield its bounty.
   ’ĕlohîm, our God, will bless us.
’ĕlohîm will bless us
   because every corner of the earth reveres him.”[6]
Unfortunately, Israel rejected its call and refused to make any effort to fulfill its call.
“He won’t call out, or lift
   or make his voice heard in public.
He doesn’t so much as trample a crushed blade of grass,
   or an already sputtering wick
      to faithfully generate justice.
He was not to grow feint or discouraged
   until he establish justice on earth;
      for the ends of the earth await his instruction.”[7]
Israel not only failed to be a light to the world, but it set a bad example in the world by mirroring such rogue states as Egypt, Babylon, and Sodom.
“Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom;
   give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah.”[8]
Israel, in fact, became worse than any other rogue nation, being less faithful to the one and only true God than they had been to all their false gods.
“For pass over the isles of Chittim, and see;
   and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently,
      and see if there be such a thing.
11Hath a nation changed their gods,
   which are yet no gods? 
but my people have changed their glory
   for that which doth not profit.”[9]
“As I live, saith the Lord God, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters.”[10]
“Manasseh seduced them to do more evil than did the nations whom the Lord destroyed before the children of Israel.”[11]
This last quote brings us, finally, to Manasseh.

  manasseh, final nail in judah’s coffin

Israel’s rebellion against God and its refusal to act as God’s servant in the world began right from the start and continued year after year, decade after decade, century after century. Acting in the role of mediator, Jeremiah offered a confession for the nation that it stubbornly refused to make for itself.
“We have sinned against the LORD our God,
   we and our fathers,
from our youth even unto this day,
   and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.”[12]
Still, for hundreds of years, God stuck with the nation. God’s longsuffering patience with Israel is a remarkable testimony to the largess of His character. The rebellion continued until the nation’s final days, as the chroniclers of 2 Kings witness.
“They have done that which was evil in my sight, and have provoked me to anger, since the day their fathers came forth out of Egypt, even unto this day.”[13]
This final notice comes during the reign of King Manasseh.  As we have already observed,
“Manasseh seduced them [Judah’s citizens] to do more evil than did the nations whom the Lord destroyed before the children of Israel.”
Here, we are reminded of King Mosiah’s observation,
“For behold, how much iniquity doth one wicked king cause to be committed, yea, and what great destruction!”[14]

Manasseh’s wickedness, greater than any Israelite or Jewish king before him, and his people’s wickedness, equal to that of any nation before them, is catalogued in 2 Kings 21. It is a cornucopia of transgressive behavior. And, after hundreds of years of national rebellion, Manasseh’s wickedness and concerted efforts to destroy and reverse centuries of established norms is finally simply too much for God. His patience finally runs out.
“And the Lord spake by his servants the prophets, saying, ‘Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done these abominations, and hath done wickedly above all that the Amorites did, which were before him, and hath made Judah also to sin with his idols: therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle. And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down. And I will forsake the remnant of mine inheritance, and deliver them into the hand of their enemies; and they shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies…’”[15]
When the text finally gets around to recording Judah’s final collapse, we read,
“And the Lord sent against him bands of the Chaldees, and bands of the Syrians, and bands of the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon, and sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by his servants the prophets. Surely at the commandment of the Lord came this upon Judah, to remove them out of his sight, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did; and also for the innocent blood that he shed: for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; which the Lord would not pardon.”[16]
the man i refuse to name is more Manasseh than cyrus

As we mentioned in the introduction, in a vain attempt to justify their support for a wicked man, American Christians developed a theology that views Persia’s wicked Cyrus and America’s wicked 2024 GOP candidate for president in parallel. In this theology, God works through both men to accomplish some good, however ignorant of God and His works the men proved to be.
Of course, I offer a wholehearted and full-throated, “Amen,” to American Christians’ evaluation concerning the wicked nature of the man I have variously called, “Caligula,” “tRUMP,” “Legion,” “The Beast,” and “Antichrist.” While all power elites in American and world history have been and are flawed in common and predictable ways, this man, whose name I refuse to utter or write, is uniquely, bottomlessly, and perhaps paranormally wicked. Hence all excuses of supporting him because “they are all the same,” flounder on the brutal reality of this man’s unparalleled, unbounded, and bottomless wickedness.
Here, I add yet another name to his list of shameful monikers: Manasseh. If we are to look outside of Revelation 13 for Biblical characters who might be seen in some manner parallel to the vile American man, it seems to us that Manasseh, king of Judah is better than Cyrus, king of Persia.
Most agree, even many of his supports, that, the American playboy turned politician is a deeply flawed man. America’s Manasseh is wicked beyond words. Like Manasseh of old, he has transgressed every sacred norm. Like Manasseh of old, this depraved American version of Manasseh has seduced American citizens to engage in vile wickedness. His acolytes love the man for his transgressive behavior and speech. At no time do they cheer him more than when he is at his most vulgar. The more vulgar he becomes, the more their love for him grows, bearing witness to the previously concealed vulgarity of his hordes.
America’s Manasseh has indicated that if elected, those deems his enemies—his enemies becoming “enemies of the state,” as he becomes the state—can expect harassment, prosecution, and death.[17] If elected, it is very possible, indeed, likely, that he will oversee the shedding of innocent blood just as the Manasseh of old.
We could go on. I have no doubt that many books will be written over the next many years and decades cataloguing the wickedness of America’s Manasseh and the wonder that such wickedness could attract such numbers of admirers. There is no telling what wickedness he and his wicked hordes might do if given the unchecked power after which he and they lust.


As bottomless as is the man’s wickedness, and as wondrous as is the attraction of so many millions of American to him and his wickedness, what should give us greatest pause is the possible divine response to America’s Manasseh and his torrent of wickedness. We remember God’s response to Judah’s Manasseh.
“Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle. And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down. And I will forsake the remnant of mine inheritance, and deliver them into the hand of their enemies; and they shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies…’”
Now, let me be clear. I reject a violent God and the idea that He caused or causes societal or national collapse such as the Old Testament authors credited Him. But I do believe in a God who knows and warns about attitudes and behaviors that necessarily bring societal and national collapse. And I do believe in societal collapse under the weight of national wickedness that reflects rebellion against God and His wise counsel and warnings. I do believe that America’s Manasseh could bring about the end of America just as Judah’s Manasseh brought an end to Judah.
To some, of course, this sounds like hysteria and hyperbole. Every nation in history has considered itself exceptional, essential, and inevitable. Every nation, when faced with warnings of its demise, has responded with the same false reasoning and vain and arrogant boasts as those spoken by Laman and Lemuel when they heard the inspired warning of national catastrophe and collapse.
“And we know that the people who were in the land of Jerusalem were a righteous people; for they kept the statutes and judgments of the Lord, and all his commandments, according to the law of Moses; wherefore, we know that they are a righteous people; and our father hath judged them...”[18]
“Neither did they believe that Jerusalem, that great city, could be destroyed.”[19]
We hear much the same propaganda and false security among the Book of Mormon peoples of wicked king Noah.
“And now, O king, what great evil hast thou done, or what great sins have thy people committed, that we should be condemned of God or judged of this man? And now, O king, behold, we are guiltless, and thou, O king, hast not sinned; therefore, this man has lied concerning you, and he has prophesied in vain. And behold, we are strong, we shall not come into bondage, or be taken captive by our enemies; yea, and thou hast prospered in the land, and thou shalt also prosper.”[20]
Let America beware of such false, vain, arrogant, and destructive bluster.
Perhaps God intended America, like ancient Israel, to be a light to the world. I don’t know. But if so, the nation has often stumbled in its call just as ancient Israel. Like ancient Israel, it has at times been the worst of nations. In its love affair with it American Manasseh, it is reaching the nadir of wickedness.
 God has been incredibly patient with America and its mad state of rebellion against Him. We should all be concerned that if America’s Manasseh is reelected—a greater offense than the reign of Judah’s Manasseh, as, unlike the people then, we have free voice in his selection and rule—God’s undeserved patience will finally come to an end, and He leave us to suffer the natural consequences of our wicked choices and behavior. Perhaps America’s Manasseh will be the one to break the hourglass and allow the sands of time to finally run out on the great American experiment.
I, for one, will not be found playing advocate for a wicked and vulgar nation. America’s Manasseh and the America he leads to wickedness and perversion will deserve every bit of the hell it suffers. One hopes it is not too late, and that the day for repentance has not passed. But one sees reasons to fear that Isaiah’s insight into Israel’s mad state of rebellion against God might very well apply to America in 2024.
“And He said, “Go, and say this to the people:
   ‘Listen carefully! But you won’t pay attention.
     Understand rightly! But you won’t even consider.
Pronounce this people’s heart impenetrable,
   their ears deaf,
     and their eyes blind
lest they see with their eyes,
   hear with their ears,
understand with their heart,
   return, and be healed.’”
“Then I asked, ‘How long, my Lord?’
   He answered,
‘Until cities are desolate without inhabitant,
   houses are without a single occupant,
     the land is ruined, a desolate waste,
and YHWH has removed everyone—
   the desolation being tremendous throughout the land.’”[21]


“Lord, how long shall the wicked,
how long shall the wicked triumph?”[22]
“O Lord God, how long wilt thou suffer that such wickedness and infidelity shall be among this people?
O Lord, wilt thou give me strength, that I may bear with mine infirmities.
For I am infirm, and such wickedness among this people doth pain my soul.
O Lord, my heart is exceedingly sorrowful;
wilt thou comfort my soul in Christ.
O Lord, wilt thou grant unto me that I may have strength,
that I may suffer with patience these afflictions which shall come upon me,
because of the iniquity of this people.”[23]
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] 1 Corinthians 1.21
[2] See my homily on Revelation 13, entitled, “My Confessions and the Beast.”
[3] Isaiah 2.2-3, author’s translation
[4] Isaiah 42.1, 6-7, author’s translation
[5] Isaiah 2.4, author’s translation
[6] Psalm 67.1-6, author’s translation
[7] Isaiah 42.2-4
[8] Isaiah 1.10
[9] Jeremiah 2.10-11
[10] Ezekiel 16.48
[11] 2 Kings 21.9
[12] Jeremiah 3.25
[13] 2 Kings 21.15
[14] Mosiah 29.17
[15] 2 Kings 21.10-14
[16] 2 Kings 24.2-4. We do not accept that God pushed the destruction button on his divine console. Such language is rhetorical. Nevertheless, God knows the consequence of all human behavior, and always warns of them
[17] Liz Cheney is the vile man’s latest target of violent rhetoric as he threatens her with a firing squad. There is no reason, zero, to disbelieve the man’s intensions to persecute, arrest, and kill those who oppose him.
[18] 1 Nephi 17.22
[19] 1 Nephi 2.13
[20] Mosiah 12.13-15
[21] Isaiah 6.9-12, author’s translation
[22] Psalm 94.3
[23] Alma 31.30-31]]>
<![CDATA[lies, stories, totems, and tribes]]>Tue, 17 Sep 2024 22:24:11 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/lies-stories-totems-and-tribes“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

a homily on our mad state of rebellion

lies, stories, totems, and tribes
dc 10.25

 lies, stories, and sin then

In the spring of 1829, after several months of hectic and sporadic translation, Joseph Smith had produced 116 manuscript pages of what was to be the opening of what would eventually be entitled “The Book of Mormon.” Under pressure from his chief financial supporter, Martin Harris, who wished to “prove” Joseph’s work of translation existed and was true, Joseph allowed Harris to take the manuscript and show it to those whom the latter wished to impress. Under circumstances that to this day remain a mystery, the manuscript disappeared.
Soon, Joseph came to learn/ suspect that the disappeared/ stolen manuscript had been altered by those who possessed it. This they had done to expose Joseph as the fraud and liar that they believed him to be. According to DC 10, those who had possession of the manuscript and had altered it were waiting for Joseph to retranslate. If, upon doing so, the retranslation was the same as the original, they would present their altered text as fabricated proof that Joseph was a fraudulent translator. In other words, they created a false story and were prepared to lie in order to catch Joseph telling what they believed to be a lie.
In describing the actions of those who had altered the text, their reasons, and their justifications, we read,
“Yea, he [Satan] saith unto them: ‘Deceive and lie in wait to catch, that ye may destroy; behold, this is no harm.’ And thus he flattereth them, and telleth them that it is no sin to lie that they may catch a man in a lie, that they might destroy him.”[1]
From this passage, we learn several truths.
1.   It is sin to tell a lie even if the intent of the lie is to catch another in a lie—whether the other’s lie is real or imagined.
2.   The use of lies as a strategy against another is used with the intent and in the interest of destroying another.
3.   Those who adopt such a strategy yield to Satan’s flattery as he is the instigator of such a strategy.

  lies and stories now

Recent stories have surfaced that a certain group of immigrants in a central Ohio town have been abducting peoples’ pets—notably dogs and cats. After stealing them, they have taken them to their homes, cooked them, and ate them. Any honest person with half a brain approaches such stories with skepticism, especially anyone knowing world history and the common use of lying stories to attack foreigners, the other. False conspiracy theories and lying stories about foreigners have been a cottage industry in human history.
The Hebrew Bible is chock full of salacious stories about Israel’s enemies. In the Middle Ages descendants of those who propagated and then recorded such conspiracy stories in the Hebrew Bible were themselves victims of salacious and lying conspiracy stories as they were accused of killing Christian children and drinking their blood—a crime, I have to believe, worse than having pets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even the “inspired writers” of the Book of Mormon—that Book claimed to be the truest of the true—couldn’t resist slandering the other, those deemed to be enemies and a danger to “true culture.” Speaking of the Nephites enemies, the Lamanites, Enos engaged in a bit of cultural and xenophobic slander.
“They were led by their evil nature that they became wild, and ferocious, and a blood-thirsty people, full of idolatry and filthiness; feeding upon beasts of prey; dwelling in tents, and wandering about in the wilderness with a short skin girdle about their loins and their heads shaven; and their skill was in the bow, and in the cimeter, and the ax. And many of them did eat nothing save it was raw meat.”[2]
I, for one, am glad that Enos has never joined me for a nice steak dinner when I enjoy my medium to rare ribeye steak. And we won’t even mention the many times that various Book of Mormon authors showed their bigotry by commenting on their enemy’s dark skin color—a bigotry as at home in early 19th century America as it has been throughout human history right into the present.
But, back to the poor pets of central Ohio. Local officials have consistently and adamantly declared that the slanderous stories of disappeared pets showing up on the plates of immigrants are false. There is not one iota of evidence. These stories represent a lie.
But the fact that these stories are lies has not stopped certain unprincipled and immoral political leaders and pundits on the right from retelling the stories. Indeed, the GOP candidates for president and vice president have been especially exuberant in retelling the debunked stories. Even in the face of fact checking that puts the lie to the stories, they have doubled down and propagated the story on the national stage.
As it turns out, by their own admission, these same two evil geniuses have “created the story.” Says the junior partner, J.D. Vance, “I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention…” And this admission is offered boastfully, arrogantly, and loudly.
Like Israelites of Jeremiah’s day, notwithstanding their sin which they present for all to see, they have “a whore’s forehead” and “refusedst to be ashamed.”[3]
In admitting that their story is “created,” of course, they exhibit all the stupidity of a bank robber taking a selfie as he or she robs a bank. But then, neither has ever impressed anyone with their intelligence.
These two proud confessors of their lying also exhibit the same sinfulness as those who some two hundred years earlier told a lie in order to catch Joseph in his supposed lie. The media, these latest purveyors of lies claim, has lied, even if only by omission. Therefore, in their warped sense of right and wrong, “it is no sin to lie that they may catch a man in a lie.” It’s just good storytelling, and even better politics.
With all of this happening, we must remind our readers with all America of God’s moral evaluation of this evil pairs’ us of lying storytelling.
1.   J.D. Vance and the other man whose name I refuse to speak or write have sinned in creating a story that is a lie in order to catch another in a lie—whether the other’s lie is real or imagined.
2.   J.D. Vance and the other man whose name I refuse to speak or write use lies as a strategy against others with the intent of and in the interest of destroying others (and, indeed, their lies have brought threats and acts of violence against the innocent and vulnerable community targeted by their lies).
3.   J.D. Vance and the other man whose name I refuse to speak or write have yielded to Satan’s flattery as he is the instigator of such a strategy.
J.D. Vance and the other man whose name I refuse to speak or write possess the same spirit as Satan. They are destructive. What was true of those infamous lying creators and tellers of lies in Joseph’s day is true of J.D. Vance and his partner in crime, the man whose name I refuse to speak or write.
“[Satan] flattereth them, and leadeth them along until he draggeth their souls down to hell; and thus he causeth them to catch themselves in their own snare.”
Would to God that it might be soon! It can’t come soon enough for me.

  signals, totems, and tribes

The stories that have been created and repeated about central Ohio immigrants stealing, cooking, and eating “legitimate citizens” pets—I suppose if they were eating their own pets, the story would have less power?—are lies. The telling of such stories is a sin. Those who tell such stories are sinners.
These are moral truths. Absolute. The word of God.
Having said that as clearly as I know how, anthropologically speaking, these lies possess a kind of twisted and perverted “truth.” They serve as signals and totems. Those who tell the stories and those who embrace them signal to each other that they are on the same team. That they belong to the same tribe. That they are one. There is us and there is them. And we are part of the chosen us. Those who signal those of their tribe through lying stories declare that they are trustworthy members of the tribe. Those who embrace the lying stories told by others in the tribe prove their loyalty to the tribe.
Again, huge chunks of the Hebrew Bible’s storytelling serve the role of signal and totem. “We are all members of the same, chosen tribe.” This is often done without regard to “the facts,” and at the expense of the hated and “evil” other. It is often destructive of others. We will again use the Book of Mormon to provide a parade example of signaling a tribal “truth” of trustworthiness, unity, and superiority through the lie of storytelling.
In Alma 31, we meet a group of “dissenters” designated, “Zoramites.” After dissenting from their Nephite religious tradition—a dissent that also had political overtones and repercussions—they established their own form of religion, religious institutions, and sacred places. They built themselves a high platform which they designated, “rameumptom.” From this sacred space, they prayed. Like many cultic prayers, including LDS sacrament prayers, it was always the same prayer.
Holy, holy God; we believe that thou art God,
and we believe that thou art holy,
and that thou wast a spirit, and that thou art a spirit,
and that thou wilt be a spirit forever.
Holy God, we believe that thou hast separated us from our brethren;
and we do not believe in the tradition of our brethren,
which was handed down to them by the childishness of their fathers;
but we believe that thou hast elected us to be thy holy children;
and also thou hast made it known unto us that there shall be no Christ.
But thou art the same yesterday, today, and forever;
and thou hast elected us that we shall be saved,
whilst all around us are elected to be cast by thy wrath down to hell;
for the which holiness, O God, we thank thee;
and we also thank thee that thou hast elected us,
that we may not be led away after the foolish traditions of our brethren,
which doth bind them down to a belief of Christ,
which doth lead their hearts to wander far from thee, our God.
And again we thank thee, O God,
that we are a chosen and a holy people.
This is storytelling in the form of prayer. It is an act of signaling. It signals unity. It signals community. It signals superiority or “election.” Now, often when we consider this Zoramite storytelling/ prayer, we focus on its doctrinal falsehoods, especially the one in which they proclaim that God “hast made it known unto us that there shall be no Christ.” It is true that “factually,” the prayer/ story is mostly lies and half-truths. But anthropologically, it possesses a great group “truth” that is far more important than the facts.
“Thou hast separated us from our brethren”
“We do not believe in the tradition of our brethren”
“Thou hast elected us to be thy holy children”
“Thou hast elected us that we shall be saved”
“All around us are elected to be cast by thy wrath down to hell”
“[We] thank thee that thou hast elected us”
“We [are] not… led away after the foolish traditions of our brethren”
“We are a chosen and a holy people”
The stories that the GOP presidential and vice-presidential candidates are telling about immigrants eating citizen’s pets fills the same function as this Zoramite prayer. It establishes and solidifies group identity and unity.
It does little good to wonder and ask whether those who adopt the lying stories such as that of the Zoramites or the GOP presidential and vice-presidential candidates believe the lies contained in the story. The signal is more important to those who disseminate and accept the stories than the facts. And the signal is anthropologically “true”—though the man who goes always unnamed can pervert even this, as the only “us” he is truly interested in is the “I,” “me,” “myself.” The signal bears witness that they have all been elected into the same superior tribe and all others are going to hell: the facts be damned.
Of course, as we have seen, such lying storytelling does lead to hell. However, it is those who perpetrate such lying stories and those who adopt the lying stories as their own who are in danger of suffering he darkness of hell.


There are, Jesus teaches, two commandments: love God and love others. These two can be seen as a summary of what is arguably the most famous commandments in human history: the Ten Commandments. The first three commandments concern the love of God. The last six commandments concern the love of others. The fourth commandment can be viewed as a transitional command, focused on both love of God and love of others.
The final seven commandments are stipulations against doing harm to others. The fourth, transitional, commandment concerns the observance of a day of rest. To not observe a day of rest—especially at the societal level—is to harm workers (including animals!), treating them not so very differently than the Egyptians treated the Israelites in enslaving them.[5] To disregard the commandment to honor one’s parents harms them in the later years when they are in need of help from their younger more able children. The harm that is done to others when there is failure to observe the commandments prohibiting murder, adultery, theft, lying about others, and covetousness is obvious.
The Ten Commandments, then, at the very least teach us to do no harm. Lumped in with the harms is that of lying about others. The prohibition against lying is not simply a prohibition against making false statements of facts. Lies are more than false statements of facts. Lies are false statements of facts with the intent to do harm.
Those who altered the text found on the 116 manuscript pages created a lying story to catch another in their supposed lie. They lied with the intent to do harm. The language of DC 10 is stronger than this, however. Those who altered the text found on the 116 manuscript pages and created a lying story intended to ”destroy.” This is repeated over and over again in Section 10. They intended to destroy the young man, Joseph, (10.6, 19, 25). They intended to destroy “the work” he was trying to accomplish (10.12, 23). They intended to destroy “the gift” he had been given to accomplish the work (10.7). This intent to destroy through telling a lying story was directly inspired by Satan.
“He saith unto them: ‘Deceive and lie in wait to catch, that ye may destroy.”[6] 
This whispered anti-revelation of using a lie to destroy—the only kind of “lie” that spiritually exists—was sin. It made no difference whether the other was right or wrong. Even lying about or against another liar is sin. This whispered anti-revelation of using a lie to destroy is consistent with the very character and intention of Lucifer himself who “goeth up and down, to and fro in the earth, seeking to destroy the souls of men.”[7]
Satan is the very “father of lies.”[8] He it is who inspires those who create lying stories. Just as those who altered the lost manuscript and created a lie to deceive and destroy, America’s present GOP presidential and vice-presidential candidates have create a lying story to deceive and to destroy. Whereas those who altered the manuscript remain in obscurity and hid their deeds, the GOP vice presidential candidate, anyway, has opening admitted to creating a lying story in order to catch others in a supposed lie—one of omission. More perfectly satanic and more steeped in the art of lying than his vice-presidential partner, the GOP presidential candidate makes no admission of lying. Like Lucifer, he is incapable of distinguishing truth from fiction and lives only to destroy. He will say anything as long as it fits his destructive purposes.
The lying story these two servants of Satan have created is intended to do harm to immigrants living in central Ohio. Indeed, it has done harm to thousands of innocent and legal immigrants living in central Ohio. But the lying stories these two demons tell about central Ohio immigrants are not intended to harm only central Ohio immigrants. They are intended to harm immigrants in every state, town, county, and community in America. Indeed, the GOP presidential candidate has been open from the very beginning of his terrifying entrance onto the national stage about his intent to do them harm.
Those who gladly received and adopt the lying story may or may not believe the facts of the story. But they believe the anthropological signal the lying story sends. They believe the liar is one of them and that they are one with the liar. They are members of the same tribe and possess the same election. The acceptance of the lying story establishes and solidifies group identity and unity. Unfortunately, in receiving and adopting the lying story they also reveal themselves to possess the same spirit of harmfulness and destruction. They join the throng of satanic angels who rejoice in Satan’s plan to destroy the souls of as many humans as possible.
Among the many wonders Enoch saw in his visions, “he beheld Satan.” He saw that Satan “had a great chain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness.” He saw that Satan “looked up and laughed” as he saw the suffering that the darkness caused. And he saw that Satan’s “angels rejoiced.”[9]
I sincerely suggest that my readers resist and combat the two satanic angels who create lying stories to destroy lest they become numbered among the choirs of satanic angels who rejoice in the destruction that Satan brings until, sooner or later, they find themselves chained with the veil of darkness and destruction that they thought to inflict upon others through their beloved lying stories.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] DC 10.25
[2] Enos 1.20
[3] Jeremiah 3.3
[4] Alma 31.15-18
[5] See Deuteronomy 5.12-15
[6] DC 10.25
[7] DC 10.27
[8] See 2 Nephi 9.9
[9] See Moses 7.26
<![CDATA[mythology of america’s capitalistic sorcerers: price gouging, price controls, the sacralization of profit, and the secularization of people]]>Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:19:20 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/mythology-of-americas-capitalistic-sorcerers-price-gouging-price-controls-the-sacralization-of-profit-and-the-secularization-of-people“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

healing our brokenness inadequately (part 12): a homily on just society and our mad state of rebellion

“They heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’
      But nothing is OK!” (Jeremiah 6.14, author’s translation).

mythology of america’s capitalistic sorcerers:
price gouging, price controls, the sacralization of profit, and the secularization of people
amos 8.4-6

  introduction to the series

Judicial inequality and injustice. Economic inequality and injustice. Rampant greed and fraud on the part of wealthy individuals and essential institutions. Bribery and corruption of government officials. Inordinate influence of the wealthy on laws and public policy. Unjust laws and policies favoring the powerful and influential while disadvantaging the less powerful and influential. The infliction of the vulnerable with hunger, homelessness, sickness, and anxiety. Self-righteous justification of the mad state of rebellion. Stubborn refusal to acknowledge these and a host of other societal ills.
No, I am not talking about America of 2024. However, if the shoe fits…
I am talking about late 6th and early 5th century B.C. Judah. These, and many other evils undermined the temporal, moral, and spiritual health of the nation. All the signs were there. The nation was on the verge of collapse. It was in desperate need of truth, however sour it might be to the national palate. But the nation’s shepherds fed the populace an empty diet of propagandistic myths of nationalism and materialism. Many of Israel’s prophets joined the fray. Israel’s watchmen, Jeremiah charged,
“Heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’”
        “But nothing,” Jeremiah replies, “is OK!”
Does this, too, sound familiar? Strike close to home? It should. Too often, today’s religious leaders—whether they go by the name, “prophet,” “priest,” or “pastor”— seem to lack both discernment and courage. They seem utterly blind to and mute about sin and evil, unless, of course, it involves some form of real or imagined sexual deviance. If they do speak out on matters of social justice, it is often with muted, vague, delicate, and generalized voices and statements. These shepherds seem not up to the challenging task of bold and clear truth telling of the sort that our society so desperately needs. But now is not the time for delicacy and caution.
This homily is the twelfth in an ongoing series entitled, “Healing Our Brokenness Inadequately,” based on Jeremiah 6.14. In this series, we explore specific examples of individual and societal sins about which political and religious leaders all too often remain willfully blind or, if sighted, stubbornly mute… and therefore complicit. Tragically, sometimes their complicity is even active and enthusiastic. With these examples in mind, we will often call upon the classic Hebrew prophets as well as other ancient and not so ancient prophets to speak as if from the dust. We read these discerning writings in light of the societal ills and injustices that abound in our modern world. Sometimes we even imagine and take a stab at replicating what a Hebrew prophet might have to say if he were to come to us from the past.
In today’s homily, we offer an additional example of our brokenness about which too many remain silent and worse, in which too many religious leaders engage in and benefit from themselves. Such moments as ours desperately cry out for the type of discernment, boldness, and truth-telling so characteristic of the Hebrew prophets.

  policing price-gouging

The American right is at it again. Raising the laughable specter of “communism.” It happens anytime decent people stand up for the downtrodden against the legalized down treading that the wealthy, influential, and powerful perpetrate against them. Unfortunately, America’s “left,” (while there is a cultural left, there is no economic left in America, and certainly none left enough for yours truly—hence the quotation marks), as it always is, will most likely be intimated and cowed into retreat. Those on the “left” are too often as mesmerized and star-struck by the mythic sacralization of profit as their more proudly avaricious and less hypocritical compatriots on their right.
What is the nature of the left’s most recent foray into the red of communism? Its presidential candidate as had the audacity to suggest that the ravenous price gouging of America’s rapacious businesses ought to be halted. Put differently, the crime of price gouging ought to be policed—the right is really into policing, or so they claim. Imagine that… the one condemning price gouging is attacked more than the price gougers! Rather than retreating, perhaps the left could step up and confess that the idea of policing the crime of price gouging is not communistic, but moral. And it is most certainly biblical, even if it isn’t very American.
We have on several occasions utilized the following passage to address several of the many modern economic iniquities that plague our society. Today we use it in relation to the very biblical proposal of one of the U.S. presidential candidates that U.S. legislators, shepherds of their flock, ought to stand against and police price gouging and end harmful and immoral greedflation.    
“Hear this, those who weary the impoverished
   to the end that they ruin the land’s downtrodden--
thinking: “when will the new moon sabbath be over
   so that we can sell grain;
and the weekly sabbath
   so that we can make our produce available,
while shrinking the size of the dry measure,
   increasing the weight of šeqel,
      and rigging fraudulent scales
to buy the underprivileged with money
   and the impoverished at the cost of a pair of sandals.
   We will even sell worthless debris mixed in with the grain!”[1]
This is prophetic advocacy for quality controls, quantity controls, and price controls. It is a prophetic call for the policing of price gouging. Now, before applying this prophetic call to ourselves, as scripture so clearly expects us to do, we should take a moment to examine the process of wheat production, selling, and buying that underpins this passage.
In Amos’ day, after wheat was harvested from the field in was taken to a threshing floor where it was winnowed. During this winnowing process, wheat was repeatedly thrown into the air, allowing the wind to blow away the wheat husks and other debris that had mixed with the wheat kernels during the harvesting process. While the debris was blown away, the nutritious wheat grain itself fell to the ground where it was collected and prepared for sale. Winnowing, then, was meant to produce a quality produce for sale.
Amos informs us that wheat sellers either skipped this winnowing process or somehow performed it so that the wheat they sold contained husks and other debris mixed in with the wheat kernels. By either not winnowing at all or winnowing less, the seller saved money and increased profits by reducing the labor costs associated with winnowing. In addition, by mixing useless and nutrition-less debris with good nutritious wheat, wheat sellers were able to stretch their grain out over more sales and even further increase their profit margins.
But in their drive for increased profit margins, Israelite merchants did not stop there. Wheat sellers engaged in additional unethical business practices. They falsified their weights and measures and the tools they utilized in weighing and measuring. We can easily visualize the unethical business practices that Amos describes. We will first describe how the transaction between a buyer and seller of wheat was conducted.
The buyer came to the seller and requested a certain measure of wheat (we will say a “pound” to make it relatable), for which the buyer agreed to pay one shekel (in the pre-coinage era, a weight, not coin) of silver. The merchant placed a one-pound weight on the left side of a heavy-duty commercial scale used to measure dry goods. This caused the left scale to lower. He then began to add wheat to the right side of the scale. The left rose, the right side lowered until, finally, the two sides sat next to each other at equilibrium. The seller then dumped the wheat from the scale into a receptacle for transport.
Now, it was time for the buyer to pay. The seller placed a weight equivalent to a shekel on one side of a second smaller, light-duty commercial scale used to weight metal. The buyer placed their silver on the other side of the scale until the two sides were at equilibrium. The buyer could then leave with their wheat. All this was acceptable business practice.
However, in the transaction as Amos describes it, the one-pound weight that the merchant used to measure the wheat was not, in fact, a full pound, but, say, 7/8 a pound, thus cheating the buyer of the amount of wheat for which they paid. In addition, the merchant manipulated his scales in some way so that the two sides were slightly out of equilibrium to begin with. Therefore, our customer walked away with something even less than the already scant 7/8 pounds of wheat.
Contrary to American practice of mythification, Amos does not chalk such behavior up to “market forces” as if economics were a matter of natural law akin to, say, the law of gravity. This unethical behavior was a volitional choice of human beings. It could only flow out of human lust for increased profit margins that overrode every other consideration, including the impact such practices had on real people and society at large. Amos viewed the merchants’ unethical business practices not only in economic terms but in spiritual and religious terms as well. This unethical behavior was sinful wickedness, a breach against humanity as well as rebellion against God.
Amos demands an end to such practices. By calling for an end to such practices, the prophet is engaged in an ancient form of price control. He expects government and business leaders to regulate, or police prices and end price gouging. This is consistent with the law codes of the Hebrew Bible.
“You are not to engage in injustice in regard to administering the measurement of length, weight, or volume. You are to possess accurate balances, accurate weights, accurate dry measures, and accurate liquid measures. I am YHWH, your God, who brought you out of Egypt.” [2]
When those who governed in Israel failed to uphold such laws and, worse, actually wrote laws in such ways as to “legalize” the sort of behavior that Amos so clearly condemns as ungodly, the Hebrew prophets were not shy about calling out those leaders.
“A tragic Warning! To those who issue oppressive statutes
   and continuously write laws that afflict;
that put redress out of the reach of the underprivileged
   and rob the poor among my people of justice,
making prey of widows
   and plundering orphans”[3]
How very badly we need religious leaders to truly take up the mantle of the Hebrew prophets!


We do not deny the merchant’s right to a profit. But we do deny, and expect moral people everywhere to deny, the sorts of profits that have been a part of our latest battle with inflation. In these most recent battles with inflation, some increases in costs have been due to various continuing disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic. Some increases in costs, for example, have been due to continuing supply chain disruptions. These are facts (We do question the “fact” that the increases in costs were significantly due to people having too much money, which is rather like blaming the victim rather than the victimizer).
But it is also a fact, demonstrated over and over again, that not an insignificant portion of inflated prices went well beyond extra costs of production, labor, transportation, etc. Not only did prices go up, profit margins went up as well, in many cases exorbitantly. Rather than being used to make capital and customer service improvements, these exorbitant profits served to increase pay for CEO’s of questionable usefulness and necessity, and increased returns for shareholder of insatiable appetite. A not insignificant portion of price increases that have afflicted so many worldwide have been the consequence of greed—some suggesting up to half of the increased costs stemmed from greed—making “greedflation” an apt and accurate term.
Tragically, unjust laws have in no small part facilitated this greedflation. One example will have to suffice. Chicken. The wizards of economics demand that government get out of the way of business and let “the market” dictate practices, including pricing. The consumer, the mythology goes, is one of many controllers of costs. If the cost of chicken, for example, grows too high, the consumer will stop buying, or buy from a competitor. But, this has two major problems.
First, “consumers,” who business treats as objects rather than people, must eat. We can’t stop buying food—or housing, or any number of other necessities—because it is expensive. Second, at the behest of unscrupulous economic sorcerers, legislators and the judiciary have gutted anti-monopoly laws. Because of this gutting, in the example of chicken, there are limited suppliers of chicken. Consumers cannot go to a competitor to buy cheaper chicken, because there are few competitors, and those that might exists are engaged together in what amounts to legalized price fixing with their one or two “competitors.” In many industries, “competition” is nonexistent.   
Well, we could go on and on critiquing the collusion between government and business that harms citizens and consumers. The harmful collusion took off with the venerable rightwing Ronald Reagan and the economic sorcerers who cast their devious spell upon him. Since then, with ever increasing insistence, all restraint upon business and their profits and profit margins have become anathema—the restraint being more evil than the immoral conduct itself. Even so-called leftist, such as Bill Clinton or Barak Obama have listened as economic wizards whispered lies into their willing ears. People all over the world have been sold out, becoming slaves to profit margins.
“They sell out the innocent in order to turn a profit.
   They sell out the impoverished in order to acquire a pair of sandals.
They lust after the dirt
   that is found in the hair of the poor,
      and make the life of those already distressed even more precarious.”[4]
Worse, people all over the world have been chopped up into little pieces and fed to the ungodly and ravenous beast of laissez faire capitalism.
“I am warning: Yaʿaqōb’s elite must listen right now,
   along with Yiśrāʾēl’s governing officials:
      Isn’t it incumbent on You to determine what is just--
the very ones who hate what is beneficial and love what is harmful;
   the very ones who strip their skin right off them,
      and their flesh from off their bones;
the very ones who have eaten my people’s flesh,
   stripped their skin right off them,
      snapped their bones,
chopped them into little pieces to fit in a pot,
   as meat in a caldron.”[5]
The Hebrew prophets would never stand silent in the face of such inhumane barbarism. Those who would claim their mantle today cannot remain silent without being shown, like the proverbial emperor without clothes, to be naked, without prophetic mantle or divine truth.   


We do believe, as Hebrew prophets such as Amos did, that profits and especially profit margins should be regulated, policed. It is humane. It is moral. It is right. It is biblical. Before the nation gave itself to bestiality, it was once American.
Now, make no mistake about it. In the attempt to control inflation, the U.S. government through its Federal Reserve has been engaged in “price control.” The fed has sought to control prices by raising interest rates. So, the idea that “price controls” is inappropriate is a lie. The idea that it is some kind of evil communist plot is a lie. But, the Feds method of price control has disproportionately and most harmfully impacted regular people, especially vulnerable people—have a look at chicken, again, or the cost of housing.
Somehow, the economic sorcerers have convinced everyone that policing pricing by policing the consumer is not only appropriate but mandatory. It is righteous. At the same time, these wizards have convinced everyone that policing the seller in order to control prices is not only inappropriate and unnecessary, but is downright wicked, communistic. What a marvelous slight of hand! What a magnificent piece of mythmaking? 
But we claim a wisdom that is higher and nobler than the myths that the wizards of economy whisper into the willing ears of businessmen, legislators, and judges. We reject the wizard’s myth and magical thinking that sacralizes profit and secularizes human beings. We reject the false doctrine that maximizing profit is righteous. We reject the lie that profits are sacrosanct and must not be policed in any way. We reject the wealthy’s claim of innocence and righteousness. 
“A merchant with an inaccurate scale at hand
   enjoys defrauding.
And, ʾEprayim thinks, “I’m rich! I have discovered the source of power!
   With all my profits,
      no one will identify my abuse as sin.”[6]
We reject the blasphemy that wealth, however high it is piled, can hide a multitude of sins.
It is just such slights of hand that the Hebrew prophets rejected. When they observed prices increase—often at the same time that product decreased in quantity and quality—they looked to the seller. They examined the seller’s behavior and business practices. They demanded that their behavior and business practices be reformed. They did not, as so many false prophets have and do, heal the brokenness of human nature inadequately. They did not remain mute. They did not call “OK,” what was not OK. May it be so today.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] Amos 8.4-6, author’s translation
[2] Leviticus 19.35-37; author’s translation
[3] Isaiah 10.1-2, author’s translation
[4] See Amos 2.6-7, author’s translation.
[5] Micah 3.1-3, author’s translation
[6] Hosea 12.7-8, author’s translation.
<![CDATA[drinking and bribery, partners in crime]]>Fri, 16 Aug 2024 22:34:25 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/drinking-and-bribery-partners-in-crime“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8

a homily on just society and our mad state of rebellion
healing our brokenness inadequately (part 11): drinking and bribery, partners in crime
 (isaiah 5.22-23)

“They heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’
     But nothing is OK!” (Jeremiah 6.14, author’s translation).

  introduction to the series

Judicial inequality and injustice. Economic inequality and injustice. Rampant greed and fraud on the part of wealthy individuals and essential institutions. Bribery and corruption of government officials. Inordinate influence of the wealthy on laws and public policy. Unjust laws and policies favoring the powerful and influential while disadvantaging the less powerful and influential. The infliction of the vulnerable with hunger, homelessness, sickness, and anxiety. Self-righteous justification of the mad state of rebellion. Stubborn refusal to acknowledge these and a host of other societal ills.
No, I am not talking about America of 2024. However, if the shoe fits…
I am talking about late 6th and early 5th century B.C. Judah. These, and many other evils undermined the temporal, moral, and spiritual health of the nation. All the signs were there. The nation was on the verge of collapse. It was in desperate need of truth, however sour it might be to the national palate. But the nation’s shepherds fed the populace an empty diet of propagandistic myths of nationalism. Many of Israel’s prophets joined the fray. Israel’s watchmen, Jeremiah charged,
“Heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’”
        “But nothing,” Jeremiah replies, “is OK!”
Does this, too, sound familiar? Strike close to home? It should. Too often, today’s religious leaders—whether they go by the name, “prophet,” “priest,” or “pastor”— seem to lack both discernment and courage. They seem utterly blind to and mute about sin and evil, unless, of course, it involves some form of real or imagined sexual deviance. If they do speak out, it is often with muted, vague, delicate, and generalized voices and statements. These shepherds seem not up to the challenging task of bold and clear truth telling of the sort that our society so desperately needs. Now is not the time for delicacy and caution.
This homily is the first in an ongoing series entitled, “Healing Our Brokenness Inadequately,” based on Jeremiah 6.14. In this series, we explore specific examples of individual and societal sins about which political and religious leaders all too often remain willfully blind or, if sighted, stubbornly mute… and therefore complicit. Tragically, sometimes their complicity is even active and enthusiastic. With these examples in mind, we will often call upon the classic Hebrew prophets as well as other ancient and not so ancient prophets to speak as if from the dust. We read these discerning writings in light of the societal ills and injustices that abound in our modern world. Sometimes we even imagine and take a stab at replicating what a Hebrew prophet might have to say if he were to come to us from the past.
In today’s homily, we offer additional examples of our brokenness about which too many remain silent and worse, in which too many engage themselves. Such moments as ours desperately cry out for the type of discernment, boldness, and truth-telling so characteristic of the Hebrew prophets.
isaiah 5 and its tragic warnings

Isaiah 5 began with a love song (5.1-2) commemorating God’s love for His vineyard (Israel, 5.7) and the disappointment He felt when it yielded poor quality grapes (social injustice, 5.7). Isaiah then describes the ravishing and destructive consequences that will come upon the vineyard as a result of its poor yield (5.3-6). Isaiah then interprets the song so that its application to the relationship between God and Israel is clear. In this interpretation, Isaiah makes clear that God’s disappointment with Israel is centered on the social injustice that He finds in the nation (5.7).
“He hoped for justice. But, look! Violence!
         He hoped for the rule of law. But, look! Shouts of distress!”
With this, Isaiah launches into six blistering and tragic warnings. Each warning should be read in light of the injustice alluded to in verse 7. Each warning should also be read in light of the others, as building one upon another.
The first warning is directed at those who accumulated large, landed estates through predatory laws and practices (5.8-10). The second warning is directed at those same landowners and the carefree and decadently luxurious lifestyle that they live on their fraudulently acquired estates (5.11-17). The third warning, without any mention of consequences, is directed at these same landowners, who are now portrayed as skeptically challenging God to act, as Isaiah claims He will do, against the injustices he alleges against them (5.18-19). The fourth warning, again without any specific mention of consequences, is directed at these same landowners living in luxury who twist reality in such a way as to identify the evil they do—the business fraud and the decadent lifestyle—as good (5.20). The fifth warning, also without mention of consequences, is once more directed at the wealthy and carefree landowners who claim that not only is the evil they do actually good but is a sign of their intelligence and skills (5.21). This brings us to the sixth tragic warning and the focus of this homily.

  drinking and bribery, partners in crime

In Isaiah’s second tragic warning, he condemned heavy drinking, finding in it a sign of the decadently luxurious lifestyle of the rich and famous. It was the decadent and luxurious lifestyle that Isaiah condemned, not some breach of a health code such as the LDS Word of Wisdom.
“What a tragic warning! There are those who rise early in the morning,
   pursue drunkenness until nighttime,
      wine inflaming them,
lyre and harp, tambourine and flute,
   and yet more wine being part of their carousing.”[1]
In Isaiah 5.22-23, Isaiah returns to a similar theme.
“What a tragic warning! There are those who are powerful, imbibing wine,
   and are influential individuals, mixing alcoholic drinks…
As in 5.11-12, the behavior with which Isaiah takes exception is not the actual imbibing and mixing of alcohol but the luxuries lifestyle of which it is a part. So, what is the behavior that so much troubles Isaiah? After speaking of the “powerful” and “influential” who imbibe wine and mix alcoholic drinks, Isaiah transitions immediately and easily to, 
“who declare the guilty, ‘innocent,’ as a result of bribery
   and subvert the vindication of the innocent.”
The imbibers and the mixers are the same people who decide cases based upon bribery. Under the influence of bribes, they call evil good and good evil (see verse 20), declaring the innocent “guilty” and subverting the case of the innocent. Obviously, Isaiah is condemning the system of bribery that perverts justice in the courts—and, undoubtedly, in the legislative process as well.
Now, the prohibition against bribery and its perversion of justice is found in the Covenant Code of Exodus.
“You are not to pervert justice toward your impoverished in their lawsuits.
You are to keep your distance from false charges, and not put the guiltless and innocent to death. Certainly, I do not acquit the guilty.
You are not to accept a bribe because a bribe blinds the otherwise clear-eyed and subverts the claims of the innocent.”[2]
The Deuteronomistic code also possesses a prohibition against bribery.
“Cursed is one who takes a bribe to injure an innocent person. And all the people should say, “So let it be.”[3]
Such prohibitions and statements are clear. Bribery is unacceptable. It is morally unsound and improper. It is harmful to individuals (especially the poor and powerless), families, communities, and societies. The Hebrew prophets consistently condemn the violation of these inspired prohibitions and the injustice they produce. Earlier, Isaiah complained,
“Your leaders are criminals,
    collaborators with thieves.
All of them want bribes,
   and, more, actively seek out kickbacks.
They do not stand up for the orphan,
   or hear the widow’s complaint.”[4]
Micah, a contemporary of Isaiah, also criticized such behavior.
“I beg you to listen to this, you leaders of Yaʿaqōb,
   and you rulers of Yiśrāʾēl
who show abhorrence for justice
   and pervert all that is right;
shaping Ṣîyôn through violence,
   and Yerûšalāyim through injustice.
Its leaders make decisions based on bribery,
   its priests offer direction for a fee,
      and its prophets offer predictions for money.”[5]
“Those of integrity have vanished from the land.
   There isn’t an upright individual among them.
All of them are involved in violent intrigues.
   Each of them hunts down his fellow citizen with a snare.
Their hands are outstretched to corruption.
   For a favorable decision, the government administrator demands,
      along with government official, bribes.
So, the power elite reveals what he secretly wants,
   and they grant it.
The best of them is like a prickly bush.
   The most upright like a thorn hedge…”[6]
Obviously, bribery is unjust and is a cause of both prophetic critique and divine retribution. But we should note and consider the significance of Isaiah’s linking heavy drinking with bribery. We must ask, what is the connection? What do drinking and the perversion of justice through bribery have to do with each other? One possible answer may be found in the writings of an older contemporary of Isaiah, the Hebrew prophet, Amos. He complained,
“Upon garments given as collateral
   they recline next to their alter,
while they drink wine, payment of those fined,
   in the house of their gods.”[7]
Here, Amos suggests that much of the ease that the wealthy experienced came at the expense of others who were treated unjustly. Perhaps, Isaiah wants us to understand the same when he mentions heavy drinking and the subversion of justice in the same breath. Those whom Isaiah criticizes for their drinking, indicative of their easy lifestyle, could drink and live as they did because of the ill-gotten gains they acquired through injustices, among them, bribery.
However, we should consider another connection between the easy life of drink and bribery. We quoted the following passage earlier as an example of the prophetic complaint against bribery. But now, we must quote it once more, this time in relation to the connection between the easy life of drinking and bribery.
“Your leaders are criminals,
    collaborators with thieves.
All of them want bribes,
   and, more, actively seek out kickbacks.
They do not stand up for the orphan,
   or hear the widow’s complaint.”[8]
Those in a position to legislate law (legislators) and interpret the application of law (the judiciary) “collaborate” with those with money and possess their own monied interests. But such collaboration is not limited to some kind of secret backroom exchange. The official accepting the bribe does not take the bribe and walk away, never to hear from the briber again. The collaborators have a relationship that extends outside the moment that the bribe is exchanged. The word we translate to indicate collaboration can also reflect “companionship,” “alliance,” and “association.” The one offering the bribe and the one accepting the bribe are companionable. They hang out together so that their association is more than what takes place in the dark.
It seems to me that we must consider the possibility that Isaiah is condemning the easy mingling of wealthy and influential individuals with members of the judiciary (and the legislature) under the influence of alcohol with its loosening of inhibitions. Those with money and power hobnob with those who make and administer law. Those of the legislator and those of the judiciary often associate with the wealthy, enjoying the luxuries the wealthy have to offer. These luxuries include the finest wines, bourbons, whiskies, etc.
Then, members of the judiciary and legislature find themselves considering laws and cases that involve the very same people with whom they have been regularly hobnobbing. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the laws will be written, and the cases decided in favor of drinking buddies whose money and wealth made the drinking and partying possible.

  application and conclusion

This kind of mingling of the rich and influential with members of the judiciary and legislature has become a bedrock feature of America’s legislature and judiciary. One only need recall the many… many… examples of Supreme Court Justices—Clarence Thomas foremost among them—accepting trips, vacations, luxury resort excursions, cruises on yachts, flights on jets, etc. from and often in company with the wealthy and influential. There is no doubt that just as in Isaiah’s day, such mingling involves large doses of the finest wines, bourbons, whiskeys, etc.
Neither can there be any doubt that interests close to the heart of the wealthy and influential with whom judges and legislators party are discussed during their drinking and then come before those same judges and legislators. It beggars all credulity to believe that those same legislators and judges who are beneficiaries of the largesse do not decide in favor of their drinking buddies. In fact, one comes to believe that the real decision making takes place during these parties under the influence of drink rather than during the deliberations that take place in the deep chambers of the legislature or the arguments that are presented in the paneled court rooms of the judiciary.
Only a fool could believe that members of the legislature and judiciary are invited to parties that the wealthy and influential throw because of their bubbly and personable personalities. Only a fool could believe that wealthy and influential individuals are invited to parties thrown by members of the legislature and judiciary because of the bubbly and person ableness of those invitees. Many of those members of the legislature and judiciary along with the wealthy and influential lack personality or have personalities that are far from personable—one can’t imagine, for example Elon Musk being a great dinner guest. No, invitations are based upon positions and influence. The parties of the rich and famous are like cattle auctions where wealthy, powerful, and influential people are bought and sold and the common people are sold out.
As is so often the case, the world in which Isaiah lived and against which he preached bears an uncanny resemblance to the world in which we now live. Perhaps the world has always been such no matter the time or location. But one wishes that modern religious leaders—prophets priests, and pastors alike—possessed the same inspired insights into their world and the same courage to stand against it that the great Hebrew prophets, Isaiah being one of the greatest among them, exhibited
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] Isaiah 5.11-12. All translations are the author’s unless noted otherwise.
[2] Exodus 23.6-8
[3] Deuteronomy 27.2. This is some uncertainly whether the bribe spoken of here is offered to injure an innocent person, or to declare “not guilty” someone who has killed an innocent person. Either way, accepting bribery brings a curse—as does, presumably, offering a bribe.
[4] Isaiah 1.23
[5] Micah 3.9-12
[6] Micah 7.2-5
[7] Amos 2.8
[8] Isaiah 1.23
<![CDATA[my confessions and the revelator's beast]]>Mon, 22 Jul 2024 22:16:49 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/my-confessions-and-the-revelators-beast“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

my confessions and the revelator's beast
​revelation 13

  first confession

Many of my homilies, especially those that focus of the just society, are headed, as this one is, with the passage from Ecclesiastes.
“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
This is an assertion about which scripture is adamant.
“All have sin and come short of the glory of God.”[1]
“…All are hardened; yea, all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement which it is expedient should be made.”[2]
“…For we know that… we are unworthy before thee; because of the fall our natures have become evil continually…”[3]
“Behold Satan hath come among the children of men, and tempteth them to worship him; and men have become carnal, sensual, and devilish…”[4]

There can be no hedging and no denial about this. Scripture is equally adamant that we acknowledge our sins and sinfulness, our hardness and madness, our evil and unworthiness. We must make open and honest confess before God.
“Speak unto the children of Israel, ‘When a man or woman shall commit any sin that men commit, to do a trespass against the Lord, and that person be guilty; then they shall confess their sin which they have done.”[5]
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”[6]
“… if he confess his sins before thee and me, and repenteth in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I will forgive him also. Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me.”[7]
“Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more. By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them.”[8]
There is no blessed forgiveness outside this confession. The Psalmist of the Hebrew Bible is aware of the blessedness of divine forgiveness. He is also aware of the difficulty of confession. Speaking of the blessedness of forgiveness, he affirms,
“How truly blessed is the one whose rebellion is borne away
   and whose sin is buried.
How truly blessed is the one whose guilt YHWH does not consider
   because there is no attempt to obfuscate.”[9]
The Psalmist, however, had learned this the hard way. He informs us of a time when he refused to confess and suffered the consequences of his pigheaded refusal.
“Because I remained silent, my frame wasted away
   while I raged all day long.
Because Your power rested heavily upon me day and night
   my moisture turned into summer draught.”[10]
Realizing the error of his obfuscation or his unwillingness to confess, he repented of his failure to confess.
“I’ll confess my sin to You
   and no longer hide my guilt from You.
I decided, ‘I’ll confess my rebellion to YHWH,’
   and You, You bore away my sinful guilt.”[11]
I appreciate scripture’s admonitions toward confession and acknowledgement of sin and error. I appreciate the Psalmist sharing his difficult experience. I try to follow scripture’s admonition. In this case, I try to not repeat the Psalmist’s stubborn refusal to confess.
So, I have a confession to make. Or, rather, several of them.
I confess that there was a time when I wanted to be thought of as a “Christian.” I confess that there was a time when I resisted the sentiment that Joseph Smith claimed God possessed toward Christianity.
“…They [Christian sects] were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: ‘they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.’”[12]
But no more. I want nothing to do with American Christianity. I do not want to be associated with it. I accept God’s estimation of it: it is an abomination.
Please, Lord, forgive my previous unholy desire and my obduracy toward Your faithful word.
If the abomination was there some 200 years ago when God spoke in a New England forest, then it has been there throughout my lifetime. There were hints, of course, that could and did make me squirm uncomfortably at times. Sadly, it has taken something extraordinary to make me know what I would not know. This leads to my second confession.

  second confession

I was wrong about him. At first, I thought he was simply an evil, lying narcissistic man. At this stage, I seldom referred to him other than as “that man.” Calling him by his name was giving him too much power and undeserved respect. He quickly graduated in my mind to a sick, twisted, perverted sociopath. At this stage, I did name him. He became “Caligula.” However, as his influence continued to grow and he captured American Christianity, this man, this crazed Caligula became a “cult leader.” His movement had become religion. He remained cult leader even after defeat, even after insurrection, even after indictment after indictment, even after becoming a felon three dozen times over.
It was at this point, as his supporters doubled down, as Americans rewarded him with millions of dollars—many millions, it seems, per felony account—and as many of his critics who had seen him as unworthy and unfit for office rallied around him that I concluded that we were dealing with a phenomenon. Something paranormal. We were dealing with a demon. Many Americans, including an unbelievably large portion of American Christians—legions and legions of them—were possessed. Taken over, captured, enslaved, possessed by a powerful demonic force.
But, once more, I might have been wrong. I may have underestimated the depth of his wickedness. He may be something more than demon. If he is not stopped now, he may graduate to beast status. This is at least as likely as the silly comparative analogy so many American Christians have drawn between him and the ancient Persian emperor, Cyrus.
How I hope he is only demonic! I, at least, can escape his demonic allure, as it holds no allure for me. But there is no escaping the beast, if beast he be. There is no escaping the beast to whom the dragon gives “power, and his seat, and great authority.”[13] There is no escaping the beast with the “deadly wound” to the head that “was healed.”[14] There is no escaping the beast whose mouth ceaselessly spews “great things and blasphemies.”[15]  There is no escaping the beast after whom so many “wonder”[16]—American Christians, those of centuries long abomination, being foremost among them; first to bend the knee and “worship the beast.”[17] There is no escaping the beast if “power [is] given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”[18] There is no escaping him if he joins the dragon in “mak[ing] war with the saints,” even “to overcome them.”[19]
The future looks bleak. The sociopathic narcissist has already ushered in a post truth era. If he is not stopped and becomes the beast the post truth era will become the era a blasphemy.
A time of blasphemous lies and wonders. Most will believe and wonder at his words and wonders, not recognizing that what comes from his mouth are blasphemies against God, blasphemies against God’s power, blasphemies against heaven, and blasphemies against all who dwell in heaven.[20]
The beast has no intention of governing. He is intent on ruling. Like is inspiration, Lucifer, he seeks power. Power over men. Power over angels. Power over God. He is intent on punishing. Chasing. Oppressing. Imprisoning. Enslaving. Despoiling. Warring. He will likely end up killing. His people, his worshippers love him for his transgressiveness, just as they love his fraud and theft and rape. They would have it no other way. They are of the same spirit as the beast. They too possess beastliness. They too glory in lies and blasphemy.

  so, what’s next

What is to be done in the face of the beast and his worshipers swept up and away in the tail of the dragon? Visitors to this site have read my past imprecations against him and his worshipers. They have heard a hint of the screams that I have aimed at God in the secret closet of my prayers. They know of my wish to be rid of the creature, in whatever iteration he has taken in my past—man, sociopath, Caligula, cult leader, demon, beast.
But it seems he is not going anywhere. He may have another life ahead of him. The dragon, the dark “prince of this world,”[21] the Devil protects and empowers him as he protected and empowered so many beasts before him: Roman Emperors, Stalin, Hitler, etc.
It is highly unlikely that I have uttered my last imprecation against him and his. It is highly unlikely that I will quit screaming at God for deliverance from the beast. In doing so, I do as the inspired Revelator said I must do when he, faced with his own beast, admonished:
“If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”[22]
Now, don’t be fooled by that word, “patience.” As Inigo Montoya once famously observed, “I do not think it means what you think it means.” The patience that the Revelator calls for is not quiet. It is not passive. It is not submissive. “In most of the NT,” the Greek word, hypomonē, “refers to the steadfast endurance of the Christian under the difficulties and tests of the present evil age.” But this “steadfast endurance,” or “patience” is indicative of a “courageous endurance which… defies evil. Unlike patience, it thus has an active content. It includes active and energetic resistance to hostile power.”[23] The “patience” that the Revelator calls for is centered in God. It trusts God in dark and dangerous ties, It waits on God. The Revelator’s “patience” is confident and firm. It is also active and energetic.  
I will continue to wait on God. I will continue to scream for and at Him as I wait. But I will not wait passively or silently. I will wait patiently, defiantly enduring in resisting the beast and his beastliness. The beast need not look here for another convert.

  conclusion and benediction

In following the New York sociopath turned beast, American Christianity, long deep in the waters of abomination, has further immersed itself in the bowels of abomination, willfully accepted baptism into the cult of abomination. They have and will continue to proclaim the beast as godly, a manifestation of God. They will claim that it is God who preserves and empowers him.
But the people of God must not be fooled. They must understand that it is the power of the prince of this world that preserves and empowers him. They must understand that it is Lucifer—the one who tries to look like God, replace God, be God—who protects the beast. They must understand that the dragon declared war on God a long time ago and that we are simply seeing the continuation of that war. The beast is a warrior from hell.
This war will require the people of God to be patient—to steadfastly resist the beast.  They must do so with the word of God, “powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword.”[24] They must gird their loins with truth. They must resist and fight with the greatest weapon ever devised: the testimony of Jesus that lays bear and exposes the real darkness of this world, its prince, and the demons and beasts that follow him, serve him, and do his bidding.
We ask, again, with those slain under the altar
“How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”[25]
“O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth;
   O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.
Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth:
   render a reward to the proud.
LORD, how long shall the wicked,
   how long shall the wicked triumph?
How long shall they utter and speak hard things? 
   and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?
They break in pieces thy people, O LORD,
   and afflict thine heritage…
Understand, ye brutish among the people:
   and ye fools, when will ye be wise?
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? 
   he that formed the eye, shall he not see?”[26]
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] Romans 3.23
[2] Alma 34.9
[3] Ether 3.2
[4] Moses 6.49
[5] Numbers 5.6-7
[6] 1 John 1.9-10
[7] Mosiah 26.29-30
[8] DC 58.42-43
[9] Psalm 32.1-2 (author’s translation).
[10] Psalm 32.3-4 (author’s translation).
[11] Psalm 32.5 (author’s translation).
[12] JSH. 1.19
[13] Revelation 13.2
[14] Revelation 13.3
[15] Revelation 13.5
[16] Revelation 13.3
[17] Revelation 13.4
[18] Revelation 13.7
[19] Revelation 13.7
[20] See Revelation 13.6
[21] See John 14.30
[22] Revelation 13.9-10
[23] Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
[24] Hebrews 4.12
[25] Revelation 6.10
[26] Psalm 94.1-5, 8-9
<![CDATA[american possession]]>Fri, 12 Jul 2024 15:21:26 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/american-possession“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

american possession

  from bad to worse

In the beginning, America’s political right was free. It could freely choose. It had a choice in 2016. In 2016, tRUMP was anything but inevitable. 
Consider Ohio, for example. Ohio has a population of 12,000,000 of which 42% or 5,000,000 are registered republican or republican leaning voters. In the 2016 Ohio republican primary the sociopathic New York playboy and mobster received 725,000 or 35% of republican primary votes casted. This means that roughly 15% of all registered republicans/ republican leaning voters cast a primary vote for him in 2016.
Or, consider Virginia with its population of 8,700,000 of which 38% or 3,300,000 are registered republican or republican leaning voters. In the 2016 Virginia republican primary the sociopathic New York playboy and mobster received 350,000 or 35% of republican primary votes casted. This means that roughly 11% of all registered republicans/ republican leaning voters cast a primary vote for him in 2016.
Then there is Vermont with its population of 650,000 of which 30% or 195,000 are registered republican or republican leaning voters. In the 2016 Vermont republican primary the sociopathic New York playboy and mobster received 20,000 or 35% of republican primary votes casted. This means that roughly 10% of all registered republicans/ republican leaning voters cast a primary vote for him in 2016.
Ruby red Texas has a population of 30,000,000 of which 39% or 11,500,000 are registered republican or republican leaning voters. In the 2016 Texas republican primary the sociopathic New York playboy and mobster received 758,000 or 27% of republican primary votes casted. This means that roughly 6% of all registered republicans/ republican leaning voters cast a primary vote for him in 2016.
Blood red Idaho has a population of 1,9000,000 of which 40% or 760,000 are registered republican or republican leaning voters. In the 2016 Idaho republican primary the sociopathic New York playboy and mobster received 62,500 or 28% of republican primary votes casted. This means that roughly 8% of all registered republicans/ republican leaning voters cast a primary vote for him in 2016.
The evidence is clear. Republican and republican leaning primary voters were anything but enthralled by tRUMP or thoughts of a tRUMP presidency. His election was anything but inevitable. The party could easily have gone another way. 
However, by the 2016 general election, the die was cast. Nationwide, roughly 88% of republican and republican leaning voters voted for the sociopathic New York playboy and mobster. This reflects the well-known aspect of American politics: partisanship. Partisanship rules. Controls. Reduces choice. Stifles freedom. 
This is sad and dangerous enough. But, then, something even more troubling surfaced. Notwithstanding his grift, his ineptitude, his corruption, his wickedness, and the danger he posed to American democracy, by the end of the sociopathic New York playboy and mobster’s term as 45th president, he had moved from instilling little enthusiasm to being a partisan puppet, to becoming a cult leader. His widened base was adamant. He was its savior. There is no other way to understand the unreasoned and self-destructive support his followers offer him. They lost their minds.
We all watched him commit treason and inspire an insurrection. Many who had uncomfortably supported him had had enough and condemned him. He was impeached for a second time. He left the White House on the wave of a crime spree. Many of those who worked closely with him in his administration announced their belief that he was morally, temperamentally, and intellectually unfit to hold office again, let along be president.
“Unfit.” “Unfit.” “Unfit.” They said it over and over again. Still, even since becoming a 37 times indicted criminal—surely only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his unbounded criminality—these same witnesses proclaim without apparent shame that they will vote for him again. !!!!!!!!!!! Within days of being convicted of his peers of being a criminal 37 times over, his grift brought in tens of millions of dollars, donors, essentially, paying him a million dollars per crime. !!!!!!!!!! The party has lined up behind him to have the sociopathic criminal’s back. The rabble glories in his transgressions. And his voter base widens.
This has convinced me that we have arrived at a state that is something far worse than partisanship. Something far more wicked and powerful than cult. Trump is something more, something far worse and more powerful than a cult leader. His followers are something more, something far worse than duped cult members. 

  from worse to worst

At one point in his Galilean mission, Jesus crossed to the southeastern shores of Galilee’s sea and entered the region of the gentile Gadarenes. Here, he encountered a man who “had devils long time.”[1] Indeed, the man was possessed by a legion of demons, some 6,000 of them. The man’s behavior was wild, violent, and self-destructive. After coming to understand the man’s plight, Jesus casted the demons out. Six thousand of them rushed over a cliff and drowned in the sea.[2]
I think of this possessed man and the legions of demons when I think of tRUMP and witness the wild, violent, and self-destructive discipleship of his followers. In him and them, we are dealing with something more than politics. More than partisanship. More than cultism. We are dealing possession.
Now, however, we are not dealing with legions of devils. Now we are dealing with only one demon. tRUMP. tRUMP is the demon. One, sole demon, however many minions he has. Yet this one demon is powerful enough to possess and enslave millions. Now we have not one possessed man, but millions of possessed Americans. They are wild, violent, and self-destructive. They have lost all freedom and agency. They and the demon that possesses them are a danger to all that is good and right and holy. The captivity in which they are enslaved can only grow unless there is a thorough exorcism.

  conclusion and benediction

tRUMP is a demon. His followers are possessed. America is in as dire a need for divine intervention as it has ever been. It needs Jesus to come and exorcise the demon, shut the mouth that spews blasphemy, and cast him back into the bottomless pit from whence he slithered and from whence he draws his power.
In this, we are not asking so much, I think. If Jesus really could and did handle something as serious and difficult as 6,000 demons, surely he can handle this one demon named, not legion, but tRUMP. If Jesus was willing to help just one possessed man, whose influence upon his world was paltry, surely, he must help millions of possessed, whose influence has the potential of being world shattering.
I do not understand Jesus’ inaction. I, for one, have been screaming at him for nearly a decade now. It is past time for him to act.
“O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth;
   O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.
Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth:
   render a reward to the proud.
LORD, how long shall the wicked,
   how long shall the wicked triumph?
How long shall they utter and speak hard things? 
   and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?
They break in pieces thy people, O LORD,
   and afflict thine heritage.
They slay the widow and the stranger,
   and murder the fatherless.
Yet they say, “The LORD shall not see,
   neither shall the God of Jacob regard it.”
Understand, ye brutish among the people:
   and ye fools, when will ye be wise?
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? 
   he that formed the eye, shall he not see?
He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? 
   he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] See Matthew 8.28-33; Mark 5.1-20; Luke 8.26-39
[2] The reader can review my handling and understanding of this narrative elsewhere on this site. 
<![CDATA[cannibalism, american style]]>Wed, 22 May 2024 22:26:59 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/cannibalism-american-stylea homily on just society and our mad state of rebellion
healing our brokenness inadequately (part 10): cannibalism, american style
“They heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’
     But nothing is OK!” (Jeremiah 6.14, author’s translation).

  introduction to the series

Judicial inequality and injustice. Economic inequality and injustice. Rampant greed and fraud on the part of wealthy individuals and essential institutions. Bribery and corruption of government officials. Inordinate influence of the wealthy on laws and public policy. Unjust laws and policies favoring the powerful and influential while disadvantaging the less powerful and influential. The infliction of the vulnerable with hunger, homelessness, sickness, and anxiety. Self-righteous justification of the mad state of rebellion. Stubborn refusal to acknowledge these and a host of other societal ills.
No, I am not talking about America of 2024. However, if the shoe fits…
I am talking about late 6th and early 5th century B.C. Judah. These, and many other evils undermined the temporal, moral, and spiritual health of the nation. All the signs were there. The nation was on the verge of collapse. It was in desperate need of truth, however sour it might be to the national palate. But the nation’s shepherds fed the populace an empty diet of propagandistic myths of nationalism. Many of Israel’s prophets joined the fray. Israel’s watchmen, Jeremiah charged,
“Heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’”
        “But nothing,” Jeremiah replies, “is OK!”
Does this, too, sound familiar? Strike close to home? It should. Too often, today’s religious leaders—whether they go by the name, “prophet,” “priest,” or “pastor”— seem to lack both discernment and courage. They seem utterly blind to and mute about sin and evil, unless, of course, it involves some form of real or imagined sexual deviance. If they do speak out, it is often with muted, vague, delicate, and generalized voices and statements. These shepherds seem not up to the challenging task of bold and clear truth telling of the sort that our society so desperately needs. Now is not the time for delicacy and caution.
This homily is the first in an ongoing series entitled, “Healing Our Brokenness Inadequately,” based on Jeremiah 6.14. In this series, we explore specific examples of individual and societal sins about which political and religious leaders all too often remain willfully blind or, if sighted, stubbornly mute… and therefore complicit. Tragically, sometimes their complicity is even active and enthusiastic. With these examples in mind, we will often call upon the classic Hebrew prophets as well as other ancient and not so ancient prophets to speak as if from the dust. We read these discerning writings in light of the societal ills and injustices that abound in our modern world. Sometimes we even imagine and take a stab at replicating what a Hebrew prophet might have to say if he were to come to us from the past.
In today’s homily, we offer additional examples of our brokenness about which too many remain silent and worse, in which too many engage themselves. Such moments as ours desperately cry out for the type of discernment, boldness, and truth-telling so characteristic of the Hebrew prophets.

  american cannibalism

The 8th century prophet, Micah, issued this warning to the power elite of his day:
“I am warning: Yaʿaqōb’s elite must listen right now,
   along with Yiśrāʾēl’s governing officials:
      Isn’t it incumbent on You to determine what is just--
the very ones who hate what is beneficial and love what is harmful;
   the very ones who strip their skin right off them,
      and their flesh from off their bones;
the very ones who have eaten my people’s flesh,
   stripped their skin right off them,
      snapped their bones,
chopped them into little pieces to fit in a pot,
   as meat in a caldron?”[1]
This is brutal and grotesque language and imagery to describe the inhuman manner that Israel’s elite treated those over whom they had influence and power—those they were called to shepherd but ended up eating for dinner. The verbs are grotesque with the “stripping,” and “snapping,” and “chopping.” And, of course, there is the eating of human flesh. It is not only the vocabulary and imagery that is grotesque and brutal. The very structure, with its short poetic lines, is grotesque and brutal. One can almost hear in the short, staccato like lines the chop, chop, chop of the butcher’s knife; the slice, slice, slice of the carving knife’ the snap, snap, snap of human bones; the plop, plop, plop of human flesh as it is dropped into the caldron for cooking. 
It is a sad commentary on our society that such grotesque, brutal, and violent cannibalism is alive and well in 21st century America. Following are just a few examples of the many we could offer. Our first example of American cannibalism comes in the form of American business’s cannibalization of children.
A janitorial company, Fayette Janitorial Service, based in Tennessee, was recently found to have employed children as young as thirteen to work night shifts to clean animal slaughterhouses. “Minors were used to clean dangerous kill floor equipment such as head splitters, jaw pullers, meat bandsaws, and neck clippers,” the DOL said in a February release. According to the DOL, a 14-year-old working for Fayette at the Virginia facility reportedly sustained serious injuries while on the job.”[2] And, again, this was during the overnight shift!
Unfortunately, this is not a one-off. Many U.S. lawmakers, at the behest of business lobbyists, and willing to feed at the trough of American businesses’ bribes, are engaged in a full-on assault against child labor laws. Happily, and unusually, in the case of Fayette Janitorial Service, the company was found guilty of breaking Department of Labor laws and fined $649,000. Though I can’t say for sure, I would wager a guess that this janitorial service was too small to afford high priced attorneys to fight and delay the charges as the larger companies can and do. Also likely, the just over half-million dollar fine barely made a dent in the company’s ill-gotten gains. Certainly, no individual manager or CEO was held criminally accountable. Still, hurray for one small victory for the little guy.
Then there are the outdoor laborers in Florida. They are not so lucky. I have lived in Florida. I have worked outside in Florida’s incredible heat and humidity. I have become dehydrated in Florida’s heat and humidity. I have suffered heat stroke in Florida’s heat and humidity. So, I can appreciate, even if other hardened souls cannot or will not, the multilayered wickedness of Florida’s legislators and Governor about which I am about to speak.
Though there are federal labor laws concerning breaks for outdoor laborers, a few local governments in Florida, observing record breaking heat year after year, have proposed more compassionate and appropriate laws concerning such things as water breaks, shade, etc. for its some two million outdoor laborers—there can be no doubt that the water and rest needs of an outdoor laborer in Florida are going to be different than those of, say, a laborer in Maine, Minnesota, or Montana.
Now, before continuing with the ugly story of the Florida government’s cannibalism of laborers, let me just say that having lived in Florida I have had many, many occasions to observe its outdoor laborers—lawn service workers, roofers, pool installers, agricultural field workers, etc.— 75% of whom seem to be brown skinned people. They work hard. They work steady. They work long hard hours. They work harder than many more privileged Americans ever would or even could. These laborers are skilled. They are incredibly productive.
Even so, “Some farmworkers in Florida aren't allowed to take breaks, don’t have access to shade and are pushed to work faster… Some are afraid to drink water because they don't have access to a bathroom. Meanwhile, supervisors discipline them for trying to take breaks when they feel overheated.”[3]
So, how has the Florida State Legislature and Governor responded to local governments’ proposals for laws to better, more compassionately address the very real, sometimes life-threatening dangers that face its outdoor laborers?  Concerned that their own meal ticket, Florida businesses, would be “hamstrung” and profit margins thinned, Florida’s legislature drafted, and the Governor signed a bill that bans local governments from adopting such laws. Even the very suggestion, it seems, of treating people humanely, scares the bejesus out of Florida lawmakers.
Slice, slice, snap, snap, chop, chop, plop, plop.
The response of Florida’s Legislature and Governor is inhumane.
“How can they not understand, those who act so cruelly;
   those who devour My people as if they were eating some common bread…”[4]
The response of Florida’s Legislature and Governor is meanspirited. It is an example of unrighteous dominion.
“We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion.”[5]
The response of Florida’s Legislature and Governor is inconsistent with their own pretended belief that governance is best done at the most local and intimate levels where leaders best understand the needs of their particular citizens.
“But woe unto you… hypocrites! For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
Woe unto you… hypocrites! For ye devour widows’ houses…
Woe unto you… hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.”[6]
The response of Florida’s Legislature and Governor represents another example of governmental officials feeding at the corrupt and thieving trough of business that cares for nothing but profit margins for a tiny number of privileged and wealthy sociopaths.  
“Your leaders are criminals,
    collaborators with thieves.
All of them want bribes,
   and, more, actively seek out kickbacks.
They do not stand up for the orphan,
   or hear the widow’s complaint.”[7]
Such leaders should hide their faces in shame. But, of course, they do not. They are hardened in their abomination. They
“possess the defiance of a whore;
   [and] will not allow [themselves] to feel shame.”[8]
While such laborers such as those in Florida are forced, like ancient Israel at the hands of their Egyptian taskmasters, to work harder, longer, and more productively under more dangerous circumstances, they have failed to see financial benefits commensurate with their labors.
“Wages have failed to keep up with productivity growth: from 1979 to 2019, net productivity for US workers increased by 59.7%, while typical compensation for a worker only grew by 15.8% in the same period. The median worker would have made an extra $9 an hour if the rates had grown together….
“The federal minimum wage has remained $7.25 an hour since July 2009, the longest period in the minimum wage’s history without an increase, and it’s worth 29% less today than 15 years ago.”[9]
Slice, slice, snap, snap, chop, chop, plop, plop.
Meanwhile, American business and governmental elites have their pound of human flesh and eat it too. McDonald’s CEO, for example, “has one of the highest CEO-to-worker pay ratios in the world, at 1,224 times the median worker pay. A typical McDonald’s worker would have to work more than 1,200 years to make his compensation for a year….”[10]
Just let that sink in. A CEO who doesn’t really know what it means to “work,” is worth 1,200 lives. It is impossible to conceive a more preposterous, mad, and wicked idea.
Slice, slice, snap, snap, chop, chop, plop, plop.
While laborers work more productively under more difficult conditions, both of which save companies countless millions of dollars, corporations raise prices on everything at a rate that far surpasses the miniscule increased cost of production.
“A new report examining the causes of inflation demonstrates that corporate greed and increased CEO pay led to higher-than-necessary costs for American consumers in recent months… In the past two economic quarters alone, 53 cents out of every dollar of inflationary price increases were due to corporate profits.

“Since the start of the pandemic, corporate greed and profits accounted for close to one-third of all inflation…  resulting in a phenomenon that is oftentimes called “greedflation.”[11]
Slice, slice, snap, snap, chop, chop, plop, plop.
Of course, corporations and the many American media conglomerates in cahoots with them blame everything and everyone but the very greedy corporations that are raising the prices—“it’s the supply system,” “it’s increased worker wages” “it’s government interference,” etc., etc. Many Americans blame the President. Everyone is blamed but the actual culprits.
Having said that, I do lay much of the blame on government officials. Though unjust laws and policies, they allow corporations to as they do. They allow the cannibalism of American business and stuff themselves with the human flesh they flay from the bones of the sheep they are supposed to be guarding.
“Warning! To those who issue oppressive statutes
   and continuously write laws that afflict;
that put redress out of the reach of the underprivileged
   and rob the poor among my people of justice,
making prey of widows
   and plundering orphans.”[12]
Slice, slice, snap, snap, chop, chop, plop, plop.


American business and government leaders at all levels are cannibalistically feeding upon vulnerable Americans—and, really, not just Americans, but human beings the world over. Our examples in this homily are but the latest and represent the tip of the iceberg. In doing so, they sell their own souls for that which “moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.”[13] Indeed, they are both the thieves and the thieved. They act upon the pride and wisdom of this world that values wealth, power, and influence about all things. It’s a great and spacious and impressive looking building they enter. But its foundation is sand, its inspiration and builder the Devil, and “the fall thereof [will be] exceedingly great.”[14]
“And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying,
‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city!
for in one hour is thy judgment come.’
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, And saying,
‘Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet,
and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
For in one hour so great riches is come to nought.’
“Rejoice over her, thou heaven,
and ye holy apostles and prophets;
for God hath avenged you on her.” [15]
As we have asserted many times, it was just the sort of behavior and policy that we have discussed in this homily that was the special and particular purview of the Hebrew prophets. They did not concern themselves overly much with dogma and doctrine. They did not concern themselves with the maintenance of religious institutions. Indeed, they were often quite critical of the religious institutions of their day. As we have pointed out and demonstrate in many readings/questionaries, homilies, and meditations, they did concern themselves with such mundane societal matters as political graft and government corruption, legal injustice, commercial fraud, land use, wages, wealth and poverty, flamboyant and luxurious lifestyles, etc.
In our time, those who would take up their mantle—by whatever name, prophet, priest, or pastor—have failed to measure up to the calling that the Hebrew prophets fulfilled so well. They have often become distracted. They have often been less than courageous. Sometimes, they have become corrupted by and in the very system that they were meant to critique, reform, and improve. But, for whatever reason, they are almost always silent, mute about the slice, slice, snap, snap, chop, chop, plop, plop of American business and governmental cannibalism that does harm to body and soul of so many of God’s vulnerable children. Truly,
“They heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’
      But nothing is OK!”  
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] Micah 3.1-3, author’s translation.
[2] “US Company Fined $649K for Illegally Hiring Children to Clean Slaughterhouses,” Truthout, Zane McNeill.
[3] “DeSantis signs bill banning Florida counties from requiring heat and water breaks for outdoor workers,” Associated Press, Brendan Farrington.
[4] Psalm 14.4, author’s translation
[5] DC 121.39
[6] Matthew 23.13-15
[7] Isaiah 1.23, author’s translation
[8] Jeremiah 3.3
[9] “‘We deserve more: US workers’ share of the pie dwindles,” The Guardian, Michael Sainato.
[10] Ibid.
[11] “Greedflation Accounts for 53 Cents of Every Dollar of Inflation in Past 6 Months,” Truthout, Chris Walker.
[12] Isaiah 10.1-2
[13] Matthew 6.19-20
[14] 1 Nephi 11.36
[15] Revelation 18.9-17, 20]]>
<![CDATA[the iniquity of inequality... bigger, deeper, higher, grosser than ever]]>Sat, 06 Apr 2024 22:45:07 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/the-iniquity-of-inequality-bigger-deeper-higher-grosser-than-ever“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

​healing our brokenness inadequately (part 9):
the iniquity of inequality... bigger, deeper, higher, grosser than ever

“They heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’
      But nothing is OK!” (Jeremiah 6.14, author’s translation)

Judicial inequality and injustice. Economic inequality and injustice. Rampant greed and fraud on the part of wealthy individuals and essential institutions. Bribery and corruption of government officials. Inordinate influence of the wealthy of laws and public policy. Unjust laws and policies favoring the powerful and influential while disadvantaging the less powerful and influential. The infliction of the vulnerable with hunger, homelessness, sickness, and anxiety. Self-righteous justification of the mad state of rebellion. Stubborn refusal to acknowledge these and a host of other societal ills.
No, I am not talking about America of 2024. However, if the shoe fits…
I am talking about late 6th and early 5th century B.C. Judah. These, and many other evils undermined the temporal, moral, and spiritual health of the nation. All the signs were there. The nation was on the verge of collapse. It was in desperate need of truth, however sour it might be to the national palate. But the nation’s shepherds fed the populace an empty diet of propagandistic myths of nationalism. Many of Israel’s prophets joined the fray. Israel’s watchmen, Jeremiah charged,
“Heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’”
“But nothing,” Jeremiah replies, “is OK!”
Does this, too, sound familiar? Strike close to home? It should. Too often, today’s religious leaders—whether they go by the name, “prophet,” “priest,” or “pastor”— seem to lack both discernment and courage. They seem utterly blind to and mute about sin and evil, unless, of course, it involves some form of real or imagined sexual deviance. If they do speak out, it is often with muted, vague, delicate, and generalized voices and statements. These shepherds seem not up to the challenging task of bold and clear truth telling of the sort that our society so desperately needs. Now is not the time for delicacy and caution.
This homily is the ninth in an ongoing series entitled, “Healing Our Brokenness Inadequately,” based on Jeremiah 6.14. In this series, we explore specific examples of individual and societal sins about which political and religious leaders all too often remain willfully blind or, if sighted, stubbornly mute… and therefore complicit. Tragically, sometimes their complicity is even active and enthusiastic. With these examples in mind, we will often call upon the classic Hebrew prophets as well as other ancient and not so ancient prophets to speak as if from the dust. We read these discerning writings in light of the societal ills and injustices that abound in our modern world. Sometimes we even imagine and take a stab at replicating what a Hebrew prophet might have to say if he were to come to us from the past.
In today’s homily, we offer another example of our brokenness about which too many remain silent and worse, in which too many engage themselves. Such moments as ours desperately cry out for the type of discernment, boldness, and truth-telling so characteristic of the Hebrew prophets.

  some fun facts

I have shared this fun fact before, but it is simply too juicy to not be partaken of again and again.
“It would… take a typical worker two lifetimes to make their [CEO’s] annual pay.”
“The median pay for workers at companies included in the AP survey was $77,178, up 1.3% from $76,160 the previous year. That means it would take that worker 186 years to make what a CEO making the median [CEO] pay earned just last year.”[1]
Here’s another fun fact.
“The wealth of the five richest people in the world, they found, has more than doubled, from $405bn (£320bn) in 2020 to $869bn in late 2023. That’s an increase of about $14m an hour…”[2]
What are the wealthy doing with all their wealth? Well, lots of fun stuff. But we’d be here for a lifetime if we enumerated all their waste. Here’s something, though, that they are not doing with their wealth.
“Thousands of high-income earners have not filed tax returns for several years, but the cash-strapped Internal Revenue Service did nothing to get them to pay what they owe….
“About 25,000 cases involve people whose income is known to the agency to be above $1 million, IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said…”[3]
These wealthy American bandits get away with it because America’s political right have strangled the IRS through funding cuts. These tight-fisted American cheats feel no responsibility to society. They do everything in their power to avoid contributing to society’s welfare. And when they do pay a little tax? They have rigged the system so that they pay the absolute minimum possible.
“The wealthiest Americans are reaping the most benefits from regressive tax codes. In 41 states, the report found, the top 1 percent richest households pay a lower proportion of their incomes than the rest of the population, despite having the most ability to part with their incomes; and in all but four states, the top 1 percent are taxed less than the middle 60 percent, a group often categorized as the ‘middle class’ by economists…
These upside-down tax rates have led to tax structures that worsen wealth inequality…
“…Those with the lowest 20 percent of incomes are taxed at an average rate that’s three times higher than the rate of the wealthiest earners in the states with the 10 most regressive tax codes — Florida, Washington, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Illinois, Arkansas and Louisiana…
“In Florida, which ranked the worst on ITEP’s inequality index, the top 1 percent pay only 2.7 percent of their incomes on taxes on average, while the lowest 20 percent pay 13.2 percent — nearly five times more.”[4]
“Taxation regimes have generally become less progressive. In 1979 the top marginal rate of income tax was 83% in the UK. In the US it was 70%. Nowadays, the rates are 45% and 37%, respectively. In summary, not only have the super-rich benefited from rising asset prices and higher profits, they are taxed at half the level they were two generations ago.”[5]
Many Americans “live” on a minimum wage.  America’s wealthy class lives on minimum humanity.
And then there’s the companies for which America’s wealthy “work” and lead. The companies are no less rapacious or any less the moochers than their wealthy CEOs.
“Senior executives at 35 different firms – from Tesla to T-Mobile US – received compensation worth more than the net tax payments of their respective employers between 2018 and 2022, the research found. All the companies generated billions of dollars in profit over the same period.
“Analysis by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) found the collective net federal income tax bill of all 35 companies was negative $1.72bn over the five-year stretch – meaning they collectively received more money back from the government in refunds than they paid.”[6]

Still, they are never satisfied with exorbitant profits. They must stick it to the consumer.
“The average global mark-up, the difference between the price of production and the sale price, rose from 7% in 1980 to 59% by 2020…[7]
We could go on. And on. And on. There is no shortage of reportage of such social deviance. It’s almost as if the press has taken the place of the prophets in revealing and decrying such iniquity.

  the madness and absurdity of it all

Call me crazy, but there is no way, none whatsoever, that one individual’s efforts in one year are worth any other individual’s efforts over 186 years—not one, but two lifetimes. No way. There is no way—no way at all, anywhere, ever—that any individual can work hard enough or produce such benefits to self or others as to justifiably earning 14 million dollars an hour—nearly one to two million times more than the minimum wage earner, depending on the state. I mean, really! It’s ridiculous. No one, even those benefiting from the insanity, can believe such nonsense.   
Such wealth is so utterly irrational, preposterous, and wasteful as to boggle the mind. There is truthfully, no language sufficient to express the insanity. Indeed, only a mind twisted by nightmarish and godless logic could condone or justify such gross sin. Only utter sociopaths could accumulate such wealth and then demand that laws be established that allow them to keep their wealth from contributing to society’s welfare. Only social deviants would craft and pass laws that make such inequality possible and allow such inequality to flourish. One could easily be persuaded that the wizards of this iniquity are actually possessed, warped by evil spirits from another dimension.
The fact is, no one needs more in their private life than another. A wealthy person does not need more caloric intake of food for health and survival than the poorest of the poor. No wealthy person requires cooler temperatures in heat or warmer temperatures in cold to survive the climatic variations of season weather. No individual requires more square footage of living space than another to be comfortable and happy. No ill person, wealthy or poor, is more deserving of access to a good doctor or life enhancing and preserving procedures and medications. To deny these and many other truths concerning the equalities of daily life is to deny the worth of souls—souls that are all of equal worth in the eyes of God.  To deny the equal worth of souls in God’s sight is to deny God, Himself.
Less genteel, Micah likened those who brought suffering on others through their own self-centeredness to cannibals, who 
“pluck off their skin from off them,
     and their flesh from off their bones;
3Who also eat the flesh of my people,
     and flay their skin from off them;
      and they break their bones,
and chop them in pieces, as for the pot,
     and as flesh within the caldron.”[8]
This seems more than apropos to 21st century American society.

  laying in the harlots bed of sin

Such inequality as America imbibes is indicative of a deep veil of sin and wickedness that darkens a world that has come to accept darkness as light. There is simply no way in heaven or on earth that God is in any way pleased with or condones such inequality as we have lightly touch upon or the behaviors and policies that make it possible—indeed, that institutionalize and lionize it. Such inequality and the behaviors and policies that make it possible are, however, utterly consistent with what is found, founded, and revered in hell, below. It is appropriate, then, that the practitioners of such inequality will open their eyes in hell.
“Wo unto you rich men, that will not give your substance to the poor, for your riches will canker your souls; and this shall be your lamentation in the day of visitation, and of judgment, and of indignation: The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and my soul is not saved!”[9]
This is not me being angry. This is not me being political or partisan. This is me being theological. This is me speaking truth as it always has been, as it is, and as it always will be, notwithstanding the insistent propaganda and false doctrines of America’s economic sorcerers. This is me simply repeating what God, Himself, has so unmistakably and uncompromisingly stated. So, once more, here is the irrevocably word of God. Hear!
“It is not given that one man should possess that which is above another, wherefore the world lieth in sin.”[10]
It is not given.” American style inequality is not “given.” It is not inevitable. It is not irresistible. It is not permissible. And it is not acceptable. God does not approve of it. Never in his wildest dreams did God intended the sort of vile inequality to exist that exists in America today. It is a gross lie that the wealthy are self-made. It is a damnable lie that the wealthy are God-made. American style economic inequality is sin of the blackest hue, utterly inconsistent with everything God is and stands for. It carries in its blackness devastating and life-threatening consequences for its practitioners.
“Nevertheless, in your temporal things you shall be equal, and this not grudgingly, otherwise the abundance of the manifestations of the Spirit shall be withheld.”[11]
Equality is not something to be avoided. It is not to be sought grudgingly. It is to be energetically and gladly embraced, advocated, and labored for. It is not without its spiritual benefits. Economic equality brings an “abundance of the manifestations of the Spirit.” Conversely, God unequivocally affirms that inequality of any kind, and most certainly of the type of which a drunken America imbibes, decreases the Holy Spirit’s influence and manifestations, making the discernment of reality and truth all the more difficult. A tragic and deadly loss.


Inequality in America has reached absurd levels. It is not accidental or inevitable. It is a matter of wicked choice. It has been made possible through individual wickedness and unjust societal laws and policies. No society that chooses, allows, and propagates such absurd levels of inequality can be called sane. No society that chooses, allows, and propagates such absurd levels of inequality is safe. No society that chooses, allows, and propagates such absurd levels of inequality can endure. No society that chooses, allows, and propagates such absurd levels of inequality knows God, loves God, serves God, or can abide God. Any society that chooses, allows, and propagates such absurd levels of inequality is in the grasp of sin, the devil, and hell. Any society that chooses, allows, and propagates such absurd levels of inequality is in self-destructive rebellion against God.
But, you’d never know any of this from America’s priests, prophets, or pastors. Such black wickedness goes largely unrecognized and uncensored by the watchmen on the tower whose calling it is to warn against just such gross wickedness. Their trumpets lie unused. Their voices mute. Their sheep scattered and slaughtered. This is consistent with the behavior of so many prophets in Jeremiah’s day about whom he complained:
“They heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’
      But nothing is OK!”
Once more, Isaiah was less genteel in his complaint against the dereliction of duty on the part of Israel’s watchmen of his day.
“His watchmen are blind.
   All of them are unqualified watchmen.
All of them are mute dogs.
   They cannot bark
as they are deep in dream, asleep,
   enjoying their slumber.
These dogs are inherently greedy.
   They can never get enough.
They are unqualified shepherds.
   All of them consider only their own interests.
      Each of them considers their personal gain the be all and end all.”[12]
May they repent of their dereliction of duty. May their wondering sheep heed the call to repent and begin to feel, think, and act more consistent with the exemplary and divine character of God.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] By Alexandra Olson, May 31, 2023
[2] “The Big Idea: Should We Worry About Trillionaires?” The Guardian, Duncan Weldon.
[3] “Thousands of Millionaires Haven’t Filed Tax Returns For Years, IRS Says,” Washington Post, Julie Zausmer Weil.
[4] “In 41 States, Richest 1 Percent Pay Lowest Tax Rate of Any Group, Truthout, Sharon Zhang.
[5] “The Big Idea: Should We Worry About Trillionaires?” The Guardian, Duncan Weldon.
[6] “Companies Paid Top Executives More Than They Paid In US Taxes – Report,” The Guardian, Callus Jones.
[7] “The Big Idea: Should We Worry About Trillionaires?” The Guardian, Duncan Weldon.
[8] Micah 3.2-3
[9] DC 56.16
[10] DC 49.20
[11] DC 70.14
[12] Isaiah 56.10-11, author’s translation
<![CDATA[healing our brokenness inadequately (part 8):three strikes and you’re out]]>Mon, 18 Mar 2024 22:55:21 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/healing-our-brokenness-inadequately-part-8three-strikes-and-youre-out“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

a homily on just society and our mad state of rebellion
healing our brokenness inadequately (part 8):
three strikes and you’re out
isaiah 1.16-20

“They heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’
      But nothing is OK!” (Jeremiah 6.14, author’s translation)


Judicial inequality and injustice. Economic inequality and injustice. Rampant greed and fraud on the part of wealthy individuals and essential institutions. Bribery and corruption of government officials. Inordinate influence of the wealthy on laws and public policy. Unjust laws and policies favoring the powerful and influential while disadvantaging the less powerful and influential. The infliction of the vulnerable with hunger, homelessness, sickness, and anxiety. Out of control materialism. Self-righteous justification of the mad state of rebellion. Stubborn refusal to acknowledge these and a host of other societal ills.
No, I am not talking about America of 2024. However, if the shoe fits…
I am talking about the ancient nations of Israel and Judah. These, and many other evils came to undermine the temporal, moral, and spiritual health of the nations. All the signs were there. The nations were on the verge of collapse. They were in desperate need of truth, however sour it might be to the national palate. But the nations’ shepherds fed the populace an empty diet of propagandistic myths of state. Many of Israel’s and Judah’s prophets joined the fray. Judah’s watchmen, Jeremiah charged,
“Heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’”
“But nothing,” Jeremiah replies, “is OK!”
Does this, too, sound familiar? Strike close to home? It should. Too often, today’s religious leaders—whether they go by the name, “prophet,” “priest,” or “pastor”— seem to lack both discernment and courage. They seem utterly blind to and mute about sin and evil, unless, of course, it involves some form of real or imagined sexual deviance. If they do speak out on matters of real social ills, it is often with muted, vague, delicate, and generalized voices and statements. These shepherds seem not up to the challenging task of bold and clear truth telling of the sort that our society so desperately needs. Now is not the time for delicacy and caution.
This homily is the eighth in an ongoing series entitled, “Healing Our Brokenness Inadequately,” based on Jeremiah 6.14. In this series, we explore specific examples of destructive individual and societal sins about which political and religious leaders all too often remain willfully blind or, if sighted, stubbornly mute… and therefore complicit. Tragically, sometimes their complicity is even active and enthusiastic.
With specific societal evils in mind, we call upon the Hebrew prophets to speak as if from the dust. We read these discerning writings in light of the societal ills and injustices that abound in our modern world. Sometimes we even imagine and take a stab at replicating what a Hebrew prophet might have to say if he were to come to us from the past.
In today’s homily, we offer another example of our national brokenness about which too many remain silent and worse, in which too many engage themselves. Such moments as ours desperately cry out for the type of discernment, boldness, and truth-telling so characteristic of the Hebrew prophets.

  how many strikes is that?

The Washington Post recently reported that “Allen Weisselberg, the former longtime top financial officer of Donald Trump’s company, pleaded guilty Monday to perjury, admitting that he lied under oath to the New York attorney general’s office while it was investigating the former president.” The piece reminded us that this is not the first time Weisselberg has been found lying to authorities. Indeed, he has in the past  pled “guilty to multiple felonies in a different case.” As a result, he served “months behind bars” and faced “stiff sanctions, including a $1 million penalty, following a separate civil fraud trial.”[1]
So, here we have a man who has been found guilty of multiple—that’s multiple as in a whole bunch—felonies—that’s felonies as in way worse than misdemeanors. In fact, in this latest case, Weisselberg was charged with five—that’s five in just sort of half-a-dozen—counts of perjury in the first degree—that’s perjury of the worse kind, committed with “intent and premeditation.” “He is,” according to the Post, “expected to receive a five-month sentence—that’s (presumably) several months short of the rest of his life.
Sounds like justice was served. No?
Well… maybe. I mention a sentence that is “several months short of the rest of his life” because his sentence is so short compared to many poorer and less well represented repeat offenders. Indeed, one recalls the now discredited “three-strikes-and-your-out” laws that many of the so-called “law and order” folks on the right want to resurrect. Perhaps you remember, as I do, the petty thief who ended up with life in prison because of a “third strike” in which the thief was guilty of the heinous crime of stealing a few videos from a video rental store. Or maybe, as a more contemporary example, you will consider the many repeat drug addicts who are currently serving long—sometimes life—prison sentences because they were caught in possession of a few measly ounces of some illegal drug one time too many.
But how many strikes has Weisselberg against him? So, let’s hear it, America. Let’s hear it, you true blue law-and-order cranks! Let’s hear you get fired up and demand that the repeat offender, the repetitious violator of just law, the habitual criminal, Alan Weisselberg, who has, in fact, struck out with three strikes against him more than once—Let’s hear you call him out on strikes. Let’s hear you call for a longer, maybe even life sentence.
But, I won’t hold my breath. No, neither these law-and-order pretenders nor the legal system that they have helped to craft and corrupt over the past several decades will call for such “extreme” treatment of rich white men. This would be fine, I guess, if America had an equal judicial system for rich and poor criminals alike. But it doesn’t. America has two legal systems: one for the haves and one for the have nots. One for the wealthy and influential and one for the poor, whose poverty denies them influence. One for those who buy the best and most unscrupulous attorneys money can buy and those who cannot afford counsel—indeed, those who are often not provided any legal counsel at all, contrary to constitutional principles.

  the return of hebrew prophets

How fortunate for the many repeat “white-collar” criminals that there are no Hebrew prophets around today. How very fortunate for them, too, that those who call themselves prophets, priests, and pastors stubbornly and cowardly remain mute about the white-collar criminal class. How fortunate for them that too many prophets, priests, and pastors are, themselves, engaged in the same greedy and unscrupulous business and legal practices, making them a peculiar kind of “white-collar” criminal.
Just as justice and equity before the law is fundamental to the American judicial system, justice and equity was one of the foundational principles and expectations of Israel’s covenant relationship with God. Deuteronomy stipulated,
“And I charged your judges at that time, saying, Hear the causes between your brethren, and judge righteously between every man and his brother, and the stranger that is with him. He shall not respect persons in judgment; but ye shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of man…”[2]
Similarly, Leviticus says,
“Do not act with inequity in any legal procedure. You are not to give advantage to the vulnerable, or show favoritism toward the influential. You are to adjudicate each citizen’s case with justice.”[3]
Unfortunately, these expectations were not met in Israel any better than they are in 21st century America. Isaiah made the following complaint.
“Warning! To those who issue oppressive statutes
   and continuously write laws that afflict;
that put redress out of the reach of the underprivileged
   and rob the poor among my people of justice,
making prey of widows
   and plundering orphans”[4]
More than a century later, Jeremiah complained,
“For there can be found among my people ungodly individuals.
   They keep watch, like bird catchers watching a trap.
      They place traps, they capture human beings.
Just as a bird cage is full of birds,
   their houses are filled with deceit.
      This is how they have become powerful and wealthy.
They have grown fat and plump,
   having gone beyond, even, the wicked words they speak.
They will not hear a legal case—
   such as that of an orphan—and yet they enjoy success.
      Nor will they bring the cases of the impoverished to trial.
Should I not level a charge against these?—
   an oracle of YHWH—
      Should I not take vengeance on a nation such as this?”[5]
The little-known prophet with the funny name, Habakkuk, lamented,
How long, Lord, must I call for help,
    but you do not listen?
Or cry out to you, “Violence!”
    but you do not save?
Why do you make me look at injustice?
    Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?
Destruction and violence are before me;
    there is strife, and conflict abounds.
Therefore the law is paralyzed,
    and justice never prevails.
The wicked hem in the righteous,
    so that justice is perverted.”[6]
Such lamentation is heartbreaking. And all too familiar.


There are far, far too many examples of injustice in America’s judicial system and in society at large. Our example of Alan Weisselberg and the preferential treatment he has received at the bar of our courts is but one. There is simply no doubting that he, like so many wealthy and influential citizens, has been treated differently than so many less affluent and poorer represented defendants.  
The Hebrew prophets did not brook any type of injustice in ancient Israel. Nor should we or our contemporary prophets, priests, or pastors. We need bold and clear renunciation of injustice, both private and institutional. We need our prophets, priests, and pastors to take their head out of the sand and see the injustices that inhabit every facet of our society. We need our prophets, priests, and pastors to unbind their tongue and speak truth to power.
Without justice and equity, America cannot stand. Without justice, America is guilty, its sin as scarlet as blood and as black as night. Only through justice can the stain of sin be removed from the belligerent nation. This, anyway, is Isaiah’s view.
“Wash yourselves! 
   Clear yourselves!
Remove your evil deeds from my sight.
   Stop doing evil.
Learn to do good.
   Seek after justice.
      Set things right for those treated unjustly.
Take the side of the orphan.
   Plead for the widow.
‘Come! Let us reason together,’ says Yahweh.
   ‘Though your sins be as scarlet,
      they shall be as white as snow.
Though they are as red as scarlet died fabric,
   they shall be as wool.
If you are willing and listen,
   you can eat the good of the land.
If your refuse and rebel,
   you will be consumed by sword.’
This comes from Yahweh’s own mouth.”[7]
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] “Longtime Trump Executive Pleads guilty again, this time to perjury charges,” El M. Calabrese and Mark Berman.
[2] 1.16-17
[3] 19.15, author’s translation.
[4] Isaiah 10.1-2, author’s translation.
[5] Jeremiah 5.26-29, author’s translation
[6] Habakkuk 1.2-4, NIV.
[7] Isaiah 1.16-20
<![CDATA[the hebrew prophet, amos,crimes against humanity, and the renunciation of war]]>Mon, 11 Mar 2024 23:37:21 GMThttps://ponderthescriptures.com/blog/the-hebrew-prophet-amoscrimes-against-humanity-and-the-renunciation-of-war“…The heart of the sons of men
is full of evil,
and madness is in their heart
while they live…”
(Ecclesiastes 9.3)
Wherewith shall I come before the LORD,
and bow myself before the high God?
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?
 (Micah 6.6, 8)

a homily on just society and our mad state of rebellion
healing our brokenness inadequately (part 7): the hebrew prophet, amos,
crimes against humanity, and the renunciation of war
(amos 1.3-2.3 & dc 98.14-17)


Judicial inequality and injustice. Economic inequality and injustice. Rampant greed and fraud on the part of wealthy individuals and essential institutions. Bribery and corruption of government officials. Inordinate influence of the wealthy of laws and public policy. Unjust laws and policies favoring the powerful and influential while disadvantaging the less powerful and influential. The infliction of the vulnerable with hunger, homelessness, sickness, and anxiety. Self-righteous justification of the mad state of rebellion. Stubborn refusal to acknowledge these and a host of other societal ills.
No, I am not talking about America of 2024. However, if the shoe fits…
I am talking about late 6th and early 5th century B.C. Judah. These, and many other evils undermined the temporal, moral, and spiritual health of the nation. All the signs were there. The nation was on the verge of collapse. It was in desperate need of truth, however sour it might be to the national palate. But the nation’s shepherds fed the populace an empty diet of propagandistic myths of state. Many of Israel’s prophets joined the fray. Israel’s watchmen, Jeremiah charged,
“Heal my people’s brokenness inadequately, asserting:
   ‘It’s OK! It’s OK!’”
“But nothing,” Jeremiah replies, “is OK!”
Does this, too, sound familiar? Strike close to home? It should. Too often, today’s religious leaders—whether they go by the name, “prophet,” “priest,” or “pastor”— seem to lack both discernment and courage. They seem utterly blind to and mute about sin and evil, unless, of course, it involves some form of real or imagined sexual deviance. If they do speak out, it is often with muted, vague, delicate, and generalized voices and statements. These shepherds seem not up to the challenging task of bold and clear truth telling of the sort that our society so desperately needs. No is not the time for delicacy and caution.
This homily is the seventh in an ongoing series entitled, “Healing Our Brokenness Inadequately,” based on Jeremiah 6.14. In this series, we explore specific examples of individual and societal sins about which political and religious leaders all too often remain willfully blind or, if sighted, stubbornly mute… and therefore complicit. Tragically, sometimes their complicity is active and enthusiastic. With these examples in mind, we call upon the Hebrew prophets to speak as if from the dust. We read these discerning writings in light of the societal ills and injustices that abound in our modern world. Sometimes we even imagine and take a stab at replicating what a Hebrew prophet might have to say if he were to come to us from the past.
In today’s homily, we offer another example of our national and international brokenness about which too many remain silent and worse, in which too many engage themselves. Such moments as ours desperately cry out for the type of discernment, boldness, and truth-telling so characteristic of the Hebrew prophets.

  renouncing war

According to the Online Etymological Dictionary, this word comes from Latin, renuntiare, “bring back word; proclaim; protest against,” from re- “against” + nunitiare, “to report, announce.” Nunitiare is related to nuntius, “messenger.” In the late Middle Ages, the word also came to mean “give up, resign, surrender, cede.”
We highlight this word and its meaning because in this homily, and consistent with the current Lent Season, we will engage in a bit of renunciation. Our renunciation is consistent with obligations that scripture places upon disciples of Christ. We have utilized this passage before.[1] Here, we wish to have a closer look at it than we have done in the past. First, here is the passage.
“Therefore, be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy. For if ye will not abide in my covenant ye are not worthy of me.
Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children; and again, the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets, and the prophets unto the Jews; lest I come and smite the whole earth with a curse, and all flesh be consumed before me” (DC 98.14-17).
In considering the many principles found in this passage, we first note the command: “renounce war and proclaim peace.” If this command is to be fulfilled, it is not enough for individuals to offer “thoughts and prayers” for peace. It is not enough for institutions to issue vague, delicate, or generalized media statements about their desire for peace. It is not even enough to issue generalized calls—individual or institutional—for peace. We must “renounce war” clearly and specifically.
Certainly, in renouncing war we, ourselves, give up war and surrender the idea that war serves as a means of achieving peace or any kind of human endurance and advancement. But the call to renounce war is more comprehensive than this. Our words and actions must take on the aspect of clear, bold, and specific protest against war.
“Second, we note that our renunciation of war and our calls for society to renounce war is a firm and Divine test of our faithfulness. It is a standard against which our worthiness to think of ourselves as disciples of Christ, to be thought of by others as disciples of Christ, and, most importantly, to be thought of by Christ himself as his disciples is set.
“I have decreed in my heart, saith the Lord, that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy. For if ye will not abide in my covenant ye are not worthy of me. Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace…”
Those who refuse to renounce war fail a Divine test. They do not abide in the Lord’s covenant. They are not worthy. They are not worthy of Christ, being, in their silent refusal to renounce war, unlike the Savior.
Third, we note that the call to renounce war is linked to and consistent with the “Spirit of Elijah.” It is the Spirit of Elijah that inspires individuals and institutions to renounce war.
“Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children.
This admonition harkens back to the well-known final two verses of the Hebrew Bible.
“Understand: I am going to send ’Ēlîyâ, the prophet, to you before the coming, totally awe-inspiring day of YHWH. He is to restore the love of parents for children and the love of children for parents so that when I arrive, I need not strike the earth with annihilation (author’s translation).[2]
If we did not already know that the “Spirit of Elijah” goes far, far beyond our too narrow interpretation of it to include far more than generationally united and linked families through temple instruction and ordinanes, DC 98.14-17 educates us to that spirit’s expanded meaning, intentions, and labors. The Spirit of Elijah calls to those who partake of it to “renounce war and proclaim peace” not simply between moms and dads and children, but between whole populations, societies, and nations. The Spirit informs all individuals, populations, societies, and nations—past, present, and future—that there is existential endurance only through acknowledging that we are bound together and must live as one or die. The labors that the Spirit of Elijah enjoins is not for the eternities only, but for the here and now. The end of war is how the globe with its billions survives in the cosmos. If war is not renounced, but allowed to continue, it can only eventually bring the annihilation of the human race.
Fourth, laboring in the Spirit of Elijah is not limited to comfortable chairs and relaxed, air conditioned sacred spaces. The renunciation of war is not easy or without cost. Such renunciation takes place in the wide open world where it is highly unpopular. The renunciation of war will be considered unpatriotic. It will be thought evil. True to the satanic sentiment and spirit as expressed in the LDS temple, those who renounce war and proclaim peace as God requires, will be thought of, as all truth-tellers are, as “molesters.” The renunciation of war will incite intimidation, threats, and violence.
For all these reasons and more, the Lord’s call to renounce war and proclaim peace is prefaced with the admonition/ encouragement that we “be not afraid of [our] enemies… even unto death.” Jesus died being true to this admonition against fear. He did not allow fear to keep him from truth-telling, no matter the cost. Those who abide in the Lord’s covenant and are worthy of him will not be intimidated into silence but will renounce of war and proclaim peace.
Finally, we note that the “Spirit of Elijah” not only turns hearts one to another. It turns “the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets, and the prophets unto the Jews.” It is requisite according to the Lord’s understanding of the Spirit of Elijah that the Jewish people accept, give heed to, and act upon prophetic insights. Then, contrary to the criticism that the Hebrew prophets have always leveled against their own people, the prophets can finally, without incurring the disapproval of God, boldly advocate for the Jewish people.[3]

  a series of crimes against humanity

Now then. This talk of the call to renounce war and of the Jewish people brings us back to where we began in our introduction: the Hebrew prophets. The Hebrew prophets were certainly and specifically called to minister to their own people. All too often the prophets’ Jewish audiences refused to turn their hearts to the prophet who delivered an unwelcome message. However, the prophets also kept a discerning eye on the world stage and often felt compelled to comment on it. They often leveled the same kind of criticism against other nations’ wickedness that they leveled against Israel and Judah—often for the same evils.
Isaiah, for example, devotes an entire section of his Book, chapters 13-23, to imprecation against Israel’s neighboring nations.[4] Ezekiel does the same, Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyre, Sidon, Egypt, and Seir/ Idumea all coming under his purview and condemnation.[5]
Before either of these two great Hebrew prophets, Amos informed himself of international affairs and took it in hand to critique and utter imprecations against the nations that neighbored Israel, including its sister nation, Judah. And, lest we forget, this herdsman of Tekoa followed his critique and imprecations against Israel’s neighbors with critiques and imprecations against his own people, Israel, filling a whole Book in cataloguing a whole host of Israelite crimes—crimes not only against humanity but against God. But this catalogue of Israelite sins and imprecations will have to await another time for our attention. For now, we will slow down and have a detailed look at Amos’ observations about Israel’s neighboring nations and their crimes—crimes, as we will see, that were crimes against humanity.
Amos begins with Israel’s neighbor to the northeast, Syria.
“This is what YHWH says:
   ‘Because of a series of Dammeśeq’s crimes,
      topped off with this last one,
I will not relent:
   because of their threshing Gilʿād with iron threshers’” (1.3)
As God indicates, He could have settled on any one of many national crimes of which Syria was guilty. But He settled on this crime: “their threshing Gilʿād with iron threshers.” Syria was guilty of attacking Israel’s northern territories and murdering its inhabitants. There can be little doubt that most victims were innocent noncombatants. The choice of threshing as imagery for this attack is meant to emphasis the brutal and vicious nature of the attack. It was a crime against humanity. While the Syrian crime upon which the Lord settles was one perpetrated against Israel, not all the crimes mentioned in the following survey were. Syria’s sin would have been a crime against humanity and God no matter the nation targeted.
God next turns to Gaza, Israel’s enemy to the west.     
“This is what YHWH says:
   ‘Because of a series of ʿAzzâ’s crimes,
      topped off with this last one,
I will not relent:
   because of their stripping deportees buck naked,
      and delivering them over to ʾEdôm’” (1.6).
In considering Gaza’s crimes, the Lord settled on a common practice found throughout the ancient world of the Near East. With the military defeat of a region, the victor often rounded up the surviving non-combatant population, stripped individuals naked and beat them, and then publicly paraded the naked, bleeding, bruised, and terrified victims for others to see. This served as an effective form of propaganda and intimation; a warning that resistance was futile and would be met with maximum punishment, pain, and humiliation.
But the cruelty did not end there. Those humiliated and treated like parade animals were then sold into slavery for profit. This was a crime against humanity. We should probably understand Gaza’s crime to be related to Syria’s and to build upon it. Violent butchery of innocent noncombatants was often followed by humiliation of survivors. We might assume the captives of whom Amos speaks here were Israelites, but the text does not say this. We cannot be certain which nation Gaza so victimized in this instance.
The Lord now sets His sights on Tyre, a neighbor to the northwest of Israel.
“This is what YHWH says:
   ‘Because of a series of Ṣōr’s crimes,
      topped off with this last one,
I will not relent:
   because of their delivering deportees buck naked to ʾEdôm,
      and not honoring the covenant of alliance’” (1.9).
Tyre’s crime is essentially the same as Gaza’s. However, the Lord adds one element to the crime. Tyre’s criminal mistreatment and sale into slavery of captives was perpetrated against those with whom it had previously entered into alliance. Not only was the nation guilty of crimes against humanity, but of breach of treaty and “international law” as well. Again, this crime should be viewed as building upon and clarifying the nature of the previous crimes. Again, Amos does not specify Israel as the victim of Tyre’s inhumanity. The fact is that every one of the nations mentioned in Amos’s survey had at one time or another entered into treaties with every one of the other nations. So, each stipulated crime was perpetrated in spite of previous agreements, treaties, and alliances. These nations were not only cruel, they were unfaithful and untrustworthy partners in international affairs.
Edom, Israel’s neighboring nation to the south of Judah is next on the Lord’s survey of nations and their crimes against humanity.  
“This is what YHWH says:
   ‘Because of a series of ʾEdôm’s crimes,
      topped off with this last one,
I will not relent:
   because of its pursuit of an ally with a sword.
It flouted compassion,
   perpetually fed its anger,
      and maintained its rage continually’” (1.11).
Again, Israel is not specified as the target of Edom’s excesses. Like the nations before it, Edom was guilty of violent war against and cruel treatment of other nations: crimes against humanity. We should certainly understand this violence and cruelty in terms previously described: brutal as threshing, humiliating as striping and parading, and for profit. Like Tyre, Edom was guilty of breach of treaties and alliances: it pursued “an ally with a sword.”
But the Lord adds another element to the crimes: the purposeful and calculated harboring of hatred, anger, and rage. Any suggestion of compassion or balance in response to threats and aggression was consciously rejected. Crimes against humanity were not simply committed in the heat of the moment. They were thought out, planned, and ruthlessly executed.
Next, Ammon, Israel’s eastern neighbor, comes under the divine microscope.
“This is what YHWH says:
   ‘Because of a series of Benê-ʿAmmôn’s crimes,
      topped off with this last one,
I will not relent:
   because of their splitting open pregnant Gilʿādean women
      in order to expand their territory’” (1.13).
Here, we are back to Gilead and crimes that the Ammonites committed against Israel. Few are more innocent or more vulnerable to attack than pregnant women. They represent no threat to an opposing and invading army. Yet, Ammon brutally killed them and their unborn babies. This is a crime against humanity. And, like those before them who sold captives into slavery for profit, Ammon perpetrated its brutality against innocent women and unborn children for profit. The profit came not in the form of payment for slaves, but in additional land. It can seem at times that the nations of this world compete to see who can be the most despicable in their behavior toward their enemies. The Ammon that Amos targets with his criticisms certainly earns a ribbon.  
We now come to the last of Israel’s neighbors that come under Amos’ criticism—we will take up his criticism of Judah at another time. Moab was Israel’s neighbor to the southeast. It too was guilty of crimes against humanity.
“This is what YHWH says:
   ‘Because of a series of Môʾāb’s crimes,
      topped off with this last one,
I will not relent:
   because of its burning to ash the bones of ʾEdôm‘s king’” (2.1)
We do not know the history behind this crime, but we can make several observations. First, neither the nation of Israel nor any Israelite citizen is the target of this atrocity. This should direct us away from any thought that Amos surveyed the crimes that he did because they were perpetrated against Israel or that it was the targeting of Israel that caused God to act against the criminal states. The historical record is clear. Even Syria’s and Ammon’s brutal crimes, mentioned in 1.3 and 2.1 respectively, as having been committed in and against Gilead were most certainly committed by other nations against nations other than Israel. Assyria, for example, perfected the national pastime of crimes against humanity—and we can find them committing crimes such as Amos’ surveyed.
Second, we have the matter of Moab’s cremation of Edom’s king. Cremation was not a widely accepted or used method of disposing of the dead. Physical burial was an important aspect of the deceased’s afterlife. In ancient Near Eastern culture, cremating a defeated enemy’s remains was as high a form of contempt, disrespect, and humiliation as any—akin to the beheading and otherwise mutilation of the body of a defeated enemy and then hanging them in public. Burning the body was the height of disrespect for the humanity of another. Not only had Edom’s king lost his life, most likely violently, but in cremating him, Moab threatened his very eternal existence. This act shows a degree of hatred, wage, and vengeance that is gratuitous and excessive. It goes beyond the pale.
We might add, here, that cremating a human body so that it is reduced to mostly ash requires high temperatures and is, in an ancient culture such as Moab’s, labor intensive. This, expenditure in resources and time too, shows the Moabite commitment to harboring anger, resentment, and malice just as Edom was portrayed as doing in 1.11.
Amos’ oracles against Israel’s neighboring nations paints quite the picture, no? Nations attack each other in the most brutal fashion. Even if the violent death of warriors and soldiers could be shrugged off as natural and inevitable, not so the death and torture of innocent non-combatants and the mistreatment of survivors. The violent death and mutilation of innocent non-combatants in war is unacceptable and inhumane. The helpless enslavement of one’s defeated enemies is unacceptable and inhumane. The brutalization of defeated enemies for propaganda and intimidation is unacceptable and inhumane. The use of war to profit and expand is unacceptable and inhumane. The harboring of and basking in resentment, anger, and rage against one’s enemies is unacceptable and inhumane. The use and manipulation of resentment, anger, and rage to inspire militancy is unacceptable and inhumane. The willful breaking of treaties and alliances is unacceptable and inhumane.
All this is humane, Amos would have it, no matter the perpetrator or the target of the inhumanity. The one showing inhumanity to another is inhumane. The inhumanity against another diminishes the humanity of the other. And all this, God sees. All this, God sees, has consequences. All this, God sees, brings yet more inhumanity, more brutality, more wrath, more destruction, more death. Left unchecked, God knows, all this brings annihilation.
No doubt the picture that Amos paints of his day could be painted of every era of human history—certainly the crimes against humanity committed between nations during the Middle Ages can stand toe to toe with those committed by Israel’s neighbors against each other. Unfortunately, humanity has not outgrown such inhumanity even to this day. Sadly, and in keeping with our commitment to avoid speaking in parables but to speak with clarity, specificity, and boldness, it is to modern humanity’s inhumanity that we must now turn.

  today in israel, syria, gaza, tyre, edom, ammon, moab, et al

We are all familiar with the tragic events of October 7, 2023, when Hamas attacked Israel, killing some 1500 mostly civilian non-combatants. The attack was accompanied by heinous acts of violence, hatred, rage, and brutality not unlike those that Amos describes in his survey of national crimes committed by Israel’s neighbors against one another.
What are we to do? What are we to think? What are we to say when we hear reports of brutality against civilians: against old men and women, against children, against teenagers, against expectant mothers, against mothers, against fathers? How can we not think of ancient Syria’s threshing of Gilead or of ancient Ammon’s splitting open pregnant women of the same region? How can Amos’ Edom of long ago not come to mind—that Edom that “flouted compassion, perpetually fed its anger, and maintained its rage continually”? 
Some things never change. We must condemn such brutality in the strongest possible terms. Those who perpetrated this hateful and heinous brutality must be held to account. We cannot be too harsh on such brutality and those who perpetrate it. Or can we?
What are we to do? What are we to think? What are we to say when the response to such brutality is the same brutality multiplied many times over?[6] What are we to do, think, say when that single day of heinous terror perpetrated against the people of Israel is followed by month after month of equally heinous terror perpetrated against the Palestinian people— civilians, 60% of whom are under 18? What are we to do, think, and say when a nation requires the payment of 30,000 civilian Palestinian lives—4 in 10 of them children, that’s 12,000 dead children— for 1,500 Israeli civilian lives? What are we to do, think, and say when, increasingly, Israel inflicts suffering and death upon the Palestinian people in the most cowardly fashion.
It has become increasingly clear that, as one observer put it, “Israel is intentionally starving Palestinians… The speed of malnourishment of young children is also astounding. The bombing and people being killed directly is brutal, but this starvation – and the wasting and stunting of children – is torturous and vile. It will have a long-term impact on the population physically, cognitively and morally … All things indicate that this has been intentional… We have never seen a civilian population made to go so hungry so quickly and so completely, that is the consensus among starvation experts…” Israel is not just targeting civilians, it is trying to damn the future of the Palestinian people by harming their children.”
“Intentionally starving civilians by ‘depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including willfully impeding relief supplies’ is a war crime, according to the Rome statute of the international criminal court. Indispensable objects include food, water and shelter – which Israel is systematically denying Palestinians. Starvation is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute. It was also recognized as a war crime and general violation of international law by the UN security council in 2018….”[7]
How is Israel’s starving of infants, including the most vulnerable in neonatal hospital units, any different than ancient Ammon’s “splitting open pregnant Gilʿādean women”? It isn’t.
What are we to do, think, and say, then, when Israeli political and military leaders give way, as Edom did long ago, to the madness of blind and unyielding rage and excessive violence;  when they too “flout compassion, perpetually feed their anger, and maintain their rage continually”?
No, things have not changed much since Amos’ day. The fact is, in this latest permutation of hatred, rage, and brutality one cannot tell the “good guys” from the “bad guys.” The region is an epidemic of inhumanity.

  conclusion and benediction

Truly and clearly, there are no good guys in this latest Near Eastern conflict. Truly, Israeli and Palestinian alike act as the nations of whom and to whom Amos spoke so long ago. Truly both commit the great crime that sent God to weeping in anticipation of the flood. God had great hopes that human beings would “love one another, and that they should choose me, their Father.” “But hehold,” that Holy God lamented, “they are without affection, and they hate their own blood” (See Moses 7.33).
In this latest manifestation of generational hatred, rage, violence, and brutality, we do not take sides. We are not for Palestinians. We are not for Israelis. We are for God. We side with Him. However mute and muted the prophets, priests, and pasters are, we will not be silent or ambiguous. We accept God challenge, the proof of our covenant faithfulness, and our worthiness to consider ourselves and be considered by others as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace. For this reason, we, as commanded by the Prince of Peace, renounce war wherever we see it—from the snow-covered ground of Ukraine to the desert sands of Gaza.
Our commitment to accept this aspect of the call to discipleship is also inspired by the Spirit of Elijah. The nation of Israel must turn its heart to the prophets, especially, in this instance, to the prophet Amos and his all too relevant criticisms of nations that engage in crimes against humanity. Individuals and the nations they create must learn that God prizes every human being no matter their nationality, religion, race, gender, etc. Nations and their citizens must learn that we are all connected, linked through God’s intense love. We must learn that we cannot break the link with each other without breaking our link with God. And we cannot break our link with each other and with God without threatening our own existence in fulfillment of the Hebrew Bible’s final warning—annihilation.
“Lord, how long shall the wicked,
   how long shall the wicked triumph?” (94.3).
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

[1] See, for example, “Healing our Brokenness Inadequately (part 6): US Law and More Weapons, More War, More Retribution, More Death.”
[2] See, for example, our homily on Malachi 4.5-6 entitled, “The Spirit of Elijah: An Expanded View.”
[3] God commanded Jeremiah not to advocate for the people (See, for example, Jeremiah 14.11). Jeremiah disregarded this command and did it anyway (See, for example, 14.17-22). The Lord responded to Jeremiah’s disobedience (See, for example, Jer. 15.1).
[4] Babylon (13.1-14.23 and 21.1-10), Assyrian (14.24-27), Philistia (14.28-32), Moab (15.1-16.14), Syria (17.1-14), Cush (18.1-7), Egypt (19.1-20.6), Edom (20.11-12), Arabia (21.13-17), Judah! (22.1-25), and Tyre (23.1-18).
[5] See Ezekiel 25.1-32.32 and 35.1-15.
[6] We discussed this multiplication of brutality on the part of the Israeli government in a homily based on 1 Kings 12.1-16, entitled, Of Pinky Fingers, Thighs, and Eyes for an Eye.”
[7] “Israel is deliberately starving Palestinians, UN rights expert says,” Nina Kakhani, The Guardian.