I guess we should have known that it would be those on America’s political right who would advocate most strenuously—since “strenuous” is their preferred way of existence—for euthanasia, the right to die by ending one’s own life.
The headline reads, “Republican lawmakers push to cast vaccine refusal as a civil rights issue.”[1] The Guardian piece reminds us that, “The extremist Georgia Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has likened the vaccination efforts to Nazi Germany and the Turning Point USA founder, Charlie Kirk, has compared it to apartheid.” Furthermore, “A recent survey by Politico also found that while Democrats supported vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, Republicans opposed, “the government or most employers infringing on their individual choice”. Another poll released by PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist in March found that 41% of Republicans don’t plan to get vaccinated.” This is consistent with all polling, whether conducted by those on the right or left. In a piece entitled, “Vaccine hesitancy morphs into hostility, as opposition to shots hardens,” the Washington Post accurately reports that “…the recent Conservative Political Action Conference, attendees celebrated… that Biden had missed his goal of vaccinating 70 percent of adults. “Clearly they were hoping — the government was hoping — that they could sort of sucker 90 percent of the population into getting vaccinated,” activist Alex Berenson told the crowd Saturday... “And it isn’t happening.” “The crowd clapped and cheered at that failure. “What began as ‘vaccine hesitancy’ has morphed into outright vaccine hostility, as conservatives increasingly attack the White House’s coronavirus message, mischaracterize its vaccination campaign and, more and more, vow to skip the shots altogether.” Utter and total madness. “And thus we see,” to quote a well-known and respected Book of Mormon author, that the American right feels it their right to die of COVID. Had they been as mad as they are today, they would have maintained just under a century ago that they had the right to contract polio, die of smallpox, or suffer the loss of their children to rubella. I assume that they have now abandoned the practice of washing their hands after taking a piss. No doubt the consumption of raw chicken among this intellectually challenged group is on the rise. Now, before there was a vaccine for COVID, we strongly advocated against the right’s mad libertarian behavior in regard to all things related to COVID—mask wearing, for example. Our objection to their madness at that time was a matter of public safety. Their madness was killing innocent people. But, things are different now. There is a vaccine available. So, now, the madness of the American right will kill, mostly, the guilty, the mad, those on America’s right without whom the world will be a better place anyway. So, I say, by all means, pass euthanasia laws that permit people to kill themselves with an easily defeated virus—a virus that God in his mercy has given us the intelligence and know-how to resist. While no one has the right to kill another, they do have the freedom to choose death for themselves by any means that might enter their empty noggins. Once the innocent are protected, those on the right can, for all I care, slit their own wrists till their heart's content, and their heart has taken its final ignominious beat. This may seem harsh, but I understand, now, that God has been saying just this for a very long time. It has been several thousands of years since Enoch reported having heard a voice emanating from the bowels of the earth, “Wo, wo is me, the mother of men; I am pained, I am weary, because of the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which is gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctify me, that I may rest, and righteousness for a season abide upon my face?”[2] Enoch was assured that the earth would finally be cleansed and obtain rest from the human vermin that so distressed it and polluted its existence. The earth would be “renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.”[3] But that cleansing was a way off and would come about only after and through intense tribulations. One of those tribulations would be “plague.” I don’t know if you think of an infectious disease such as COVID as a “plague” or not, but I know that I think of the American right’s unreason and madness in the face of COVID as a plague of Biblical proportions. God has given us the means to ameliorate the impact of the first, but there is no balm that can heal the plague of willful human madness. We might have thought that God had a “plague” button on his divine console of tribulation. This, he would push in order to cleanse the earth of its filthy and mad human vermin. But now we know the truth. God has bestowed upon mankind the intelligence to face and resist life-defying forces such as the sort that COVID represents. There was a time, before the dark ages of the unholy present, when this divine gift of intelligence and rationality was appreciated and “obeyed.” Hence vaccines such as those for small pox, polio, and rubella were developed and readily accepted. Through this divine gift of intelligence or truth, humans found means to resist Death’s premature feast upon human flesh. But in today’s new dark age of unreason and rebellion, many on the right reject this gift. Snub their noses at God’s gifts. Many, like one CPAC attendee, Gregory Chittum of Texas, who said, “You’re going to have to bury me to get it [the vaccine],” give God the middle finger. Little do they know that in raising their middle finger to God, it is they, themselves, that push the button labeled, “Plague.” COVID wasn’t sent by God. It was enlivened, promoted, and transmitted by those on America’s political right, some of earth’s most unholy and dangerous parasites. The death and suffering they experience is self-inflicted. It is euthanasia by COVID. And thereby, the cleansing of the earth can begin. Mr. Chittum’s proposal sounds like a plan to me. Sounds like maybe such was God’s plan all along. There is no need for either God Himself or the rational and God-loving to raise a hand against such rebels without a cause. The maddened will cleans the earth of their madness through their own madness rather like Satan, rising up against himself, being unable to stand and so having an end. Good riddance to the mad. And Happy Millenium to the rest of you! Even so, come, Lord Jesus [1] Salina Shrestha, 16 July 2021 [2] Moses 7.48 [3] AF 1.10
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