I see that CNN’s Don Lemon cut short an interview with one of that man’s lying lackeys, Paris Dennard. Good job, Don! This is a good first step. But, before cutting him off, Lemon had already given him several minutes to belch forth his lying propaganda. Lemon had attempted two or three times to engage him in reality. The media needs to take the next step: “One strike and you’re out.” One lie and the mic goes off. When this doesn’t work—and it won’t, the lying of that man and his propaganda machine is instinctual and sociopathic—the next step is simply to stop interviewing them. Don’t give them a single minute, not one question. They are not allowed back on until they make a commitment to stop their incessant lying. Now, while we congratulate Mr. Lemon, we must shout profanities at his and all the other networks. They devote seventy minutes of airtime to carry that man’s “fake press conference”! They ask him questions that they have to know full well he will not truthfully answer—not because he won’t, but because he can’t. He has no conception of reality and truth. He is utterly and completely delusional. He is a disciple of the “Father of lies.” Then they do one worse. They televise his damned Florida rally. WHY??? We all know why. People will watch. It will make the networks and their sponsors money. As I have charged before, that man is president today, in no small part because of the news media’s love of money over love of country. Report on the absurdities the man spouts—like the… whatever it was he imagined happened in Sweden. But don’t put him on T.V., for crying out loud. Just for the record, I no longer watch you, network and cable news organizations, so I did not actually see any of this. I practice in my own life what I am preaching to reputable news agencies. Cut him off! He can’t survive without you. Stop giving him oxygen. I only read. When I go to the gym with the cable news channels doing their all trump all the time from dozens of T.V.’s, I keep my head down. I simply cannot risk having to look at that man. I will not watch him perform his sociopathic act of lying hypnotism. I will not watch the deviant marionette manipulate his naïve and silly puppets. I will not watch him twist the media and their viewers around in his grubby little hands. Oh. Sorry. I forgot. His hands, like his other body parts, are of normal size. “Anger, be now your song, immortal one,
Akhilleus’ anger, doomed and ruinous, that caused the Akhainans loss on bitter loss… Begin it when the two men first contending broke with one another-- The Lord Marshal Agamemnon, Atreus’ son, and Prince Akhilleus.” (Homer, Illiad, Book 1, line 1, translated by Robert Fitzgerald, “Everyman’s Library”) A humble man, a decent man, a man truly interested in his nation might, upon receiving near unanimous correction at the hands of the judiciary, take a moment and reconsider. Is there even a scintilla of a possibility he may be wrong and they may be right? But not this man. Oh, no. It is all just a huge personal power-struggle for him. It is all ego, all ‘me,’ This man’s hubris knows no bounds and will not be restrained. This man's hubris-induced-anger is going to bring this nation to its knees--just as that Gadianton robber, Bannon, has planned and intends. This man and his crimes will make Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. Hubris: “a foolish amount of pride or confidence.” “Conceit,” “haughtiness,” “pride,” “self-importance,” “egotism,” “pomposity.” SEE: "that man." From 2005 to 2015, over 300,000 Americans were killed by guns; 94 were killed by jihadists.
'Nuff said? From that man's fear mongering intent on feeding the public's irrational fears, we can see just how psychologically effective terrorism is. But when it comes to killing, no one does it like Americans. In this thing, at least, America's exceptionalism is truly unmatched. |
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