Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4.8). With incredible acrobatics, Evangelicals, pseudo-Christians that they are, accept, support, sustain, and enable Caligula in his private and public wickedness through such stupid, abstract, extrapolated interpretations as “the Cyrus principle”—about as absurd a theory as was ever invented by the twisted mind of man. It is a certainty that this cockamamie theory is built on far, far less evidence than, say, Darwin’s theory of evolution, which evangelicals so vociferously lambast and reject.
Their resort to such obvious bullshit theories as that of “the Cyrus principle” to support a devil is all the more damning when they need not resort to acrobatics, abstractions, and extrapolations to know who and what the little orange man is. How much theorizing and extrapolation is necessary, for example, to understand and apply Paul’s clear and unambiguous admonition found in Philippians 4.8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. No, indeed. No need for acrobatics here. No need to extrapolate or theorize. There isn’t a “true,” “honest,” “just,” or “pure” cell in Caligula’s body, perverted brain, or puny heart. There is nothing “lovely” about him, heart or soul. He has never received a “good report” from any honest or virtuous person in his too-long a life. And speaking of “virtue,” well, he, himself, has made it abundantly clear, on camera, on any number of occasions what a bunch of phooey such an antiquated and restricting idea as virtue is to his way of thinking and living. Of course, these psedo-Christians know all of this. It is precisely why they resort to such absurdities as the Cyrus tomfoolery. Such "revelation" is as ridiculous as any they ever complained of among the Mormons--not that the latter are exactly immune from flights of fantastical revelation.
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“Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself” (2 Nephi 2.27). I was reminded again how very deadly lies are. Their evil is not personal and individual, but public and societal. I was also recently reminded why so many American “Christians,” Evangelicals, have supported Caligula, the greatest liar to ever occupy the White House. “It became impossible to square my American sense of free will — our image of ourselves as empowered citizens participating in informed choices — with the reality of the way that we were hoodwinked into going along with the invasion of Iraq” (J.D. Maddox, “The Day I Realized I Would Never Find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq,” You see, as part of their apostasy, Evangelicals do not believe in free will. You are ether elected or you are not. Therefore, the “free will” that Caligula’s lies steel from individuals, and from our democracy as a whole, is, itself, in their eyes, a lie. No need to worry about the loss of freedom, because men never were free to begin with. Evangelicals’ acceptance of Caligula’s incessant lying, they imagine, has no consequences, but is simply part of the bargain they have made with the devil. They can’t go to hell fast enough for my tastes. It will be consistent with their truly free choice. They spit in the face of freedom and to captivity they will go. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8.32). To anyone watching, it was clear for decades that Caligula was a deviant sociopath. He should have been behind bars decades ago. It is impossible to take seriously the argument that he was the best of bad choices. No! A thousand times no! There was and is no choice that could be worse. America elected a devil. It is still too early to know whether there can be any recovery from its obscene choice.
Since arrogantly descending his golden escalator, the obscenity of the orange man has been on display for all to see, day after day after cursed day. It was not long before we heard Caligula speak of one of his obsessions: “grabbing pussy;” as if that anatomical part of the female body was, in his view, a plaything; women no more than objects, toys, sex toys to be used by him as he pleases for his own pleasure. This revelation, alone, should have been enough to disqualify him as a candidate for the presidency, let alone as the actual president. His profane attitude is more than personal picadillo. It is more than the repentable aberrant behavior that his pseudo-Christian supporters try to make it out to be. How can any rational thinking person, male or female, believe he could possibly govern in any moral or ethical way when that governance touches upon affairs and policies that impact women? He could not, cannot, does not, will not take the interests, needs, and demands of mere toys seriously! They could only expect to be used as the tools that they are for male self-pleasure and aggrandizement. Shame on women supporters for selling their souls to this vulture, this picker of flesh, this pussy grabber, this pornographer-in-chief! 250 years.
Almost. 250 years of Democracy. 250 years of voting. Still we fight about who gets to vote. Still we try to limit the power of the “little” people. The “weak.” The vulnerable. And Still, even on the eve of 2020 elections, we can’t get election procedures right. A testament Testament to the blundering depravity of humankind. Testament to the corruption of the human mind. And fertile ground for election tampering The senate gives Caligula permission to tamper till his hearts content-- A man who knows no contentment Insatiable devourer. Caligula will invite others to tamper. Corruption Collusion. “Russia, if you’re listen, our votes are open to manipulation. Our election is yours to toy with. Come. Collude with me It’s 2020. Come. Feed on this 250 year-old corpse called America. America the decaying. |
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