It has been said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. But, American insanity operates on a far larger scale. If what follows is not insanity, then insanity does not exist.
The “liberal” Biden administration has agreed with the two previous administrations (the “liberal” Obama administration and the fascist administration of tRUMP) that the U.S. Navy must build 12 new “Columbia” class submarines, each at the bargain basement price of $15 billion. “Each of those 12 new subs will be armed with 16 Trident D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, or SLBMs, which have a range of 4,500 miles and can carry 14 W-76-1 thermonuclear warheads. Each one of those warheads is six times more powerful than the atomic bomb that the U.S. military detonated over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Start multiplying 12 times 16 times 14 times 6 and there isn’t enough world to destroy with math like that. After all, the single Hiroshima bomb, “small” as it was, killed an estimated 140,000 people and turned the city into rubble and ash. “The best way to understand the Columbia class submarine, then, is as a $100 billion-plus initiative that aims to deliver 16,128 Hiroshimas” (“Biden Administration Plans to Spend $109.8 Billion on Nuclear Submarines,” Paul Hennessy, The writer of the above article hinted at the math. Please indulge me as I work it out. 12 subs each with 16 ballistic missiles = 192 ballistic missiles 192 ballistic missiles each carrying 14 nuclear warheads = 2688 nuclear warheads 2688 nuclear warheads each 6 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb = 16,128 Hiroshima atomic bombs 16,128 Hiroshima atomic bombs each capable of killing 150,000 people = 2,419,200,000 dead people AND THAT’S JUST 12 SUBMARINES!!!!! AMERICA POSSESSES Thousands of additional nuclear warheads!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently in our desire for “self-defense” we intend to wipe off every human being that lives on the planet several times over. Including ourselves. Only in a mad world can that be called “self-defense.” The only thing this defends is Satan with his murderous one-third of the host of heaven. Yes, Lucifer has drafted America into his massive army of demons. Do not. I repeat, do not, ever, ever, ever try to tell me that this huge killing machine that is called America is not the very definition of insanity. Unless, of course, you wish me to know that it something far worse than insanity. Unless you wish to speak the more profound truth that it is positively satanic. Literally. This is not rhetorical flourish, hyperbole for the sake of emphasis. I am talking about the United States of America being literally possessed of the devil. A nation in the thralls of and enthusiastically supportive of his most cherished hopes and dreams. It is sad to watch as people go to an LDS temple and come out none the wiser. It is sad and ominous to watch people leave the temple and make a mockery of its genius. It is sad and ominous and dangerous to leave the temple with fluffy feel-good family sentimentality and miss the absolutely essential warnings. No, I am sorry, it is not enough to be a happy family. We must have families who do not passively wait for sin to come knocking at their door and attempt to enter their beloved little domiciles. We must have families that actively go out into the world and hunt evil down and resist it with all the force they have. We must have families who actively stand against the satanic possession of nations such as America. I have commented before on how astounding it is that the temple teaches some its most profound truths by placing them in the mouth of the greatest liar in the cosmos. Here is one of his earliest truthful pronouncements as found in the LDS temple. Lucifer threatens, “I will buy up armies and navies and will reign with blood and horror on the earth.” Do not tell me that America is not Satan’s purchasing department of blood and horror. Do not tell me that it is not doing his bidding. And do not. I repeat do not ever, ever, ever try to convince me that there is a single America who supports this monstrosity who can call themselves “pro-life.” The entire American enterprise has become one huge death cult. “Woe,” I say, “to such a nation.” “Woe. Woe. Woe. Woe. Woe!!!!! “Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. All they shall speak and say unto thee, ‘Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?’”[1] [1] Isaiah 14.9-10
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