"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, Give Caligula the kind of defense attorney, the kind of jury, and the kind of “rule of law” that two African American men charged with murder had, and we will convict him of Russian Collusion, obstruction of justice, and dozens of unethical and illegal business crimes in about 15 minutes. But, no, as we have complained before, evidentiary rules for white collar crime of any sort, written principle by WASPs, are so impossibly high that white collar crime conviction is nearly impossible. But not so for non-white collar crimes. Case in point.* Two women are shot while in bed. One dies, the other lives to testify. The survivor testifies that these two black men stood at the foot of her bed and repeatedly shot their guns into the women’s prone bodies. The evidence at the time shows that there was only one weapon used in the shooting and that the shots came from outside the house. No witnesses other than the survivor are called for the prosecution. “Circumstantial” evidence suggests the women’s testimony is suspect. The “defense” attorney is inept, calls no witnesses, offers no defense, and does not present the evidence that would call survivor’s testimony into question. The prosecution offers no testimony but that of the survivor, and minimizes the weakness of the circumstantial evidence. The jury convicts after less than 8 hours of trial and half an hour of jury deliberations. After 40 years in prison, the two men are finally released from jail for false conviction. This is the American judicial system in a nutshell. Two different systems: one for criminals like Trump, another for innocent poor people. The latter we reward by sending them to “The Big House” for 40 years. The former, the American Electorate—represented principally by “Christians” who are to obey, not the rule of men, but the rule of God—sends to pollute and blacken the White House. As I have said so many times, how in the world is it that America’s poor are not in a constant state of rioting in the unjust streets of America? *Keith Allen and Jay Croft, “Florida clears two men after 42 years in prison for a murder they didn't commit,” cnn.com "Do not act with inequity in any legal procedure. You are not to give advantage to the vulnerable, or show favoritism toward the influential. You are to adjudicate each citizen’s case with justice” (Leviticus 19.15 author’s translation).
"Help, YHWH! For anyone with fidelity has ceased to exist; Caligula, his family, friends, associates, business partners, attorneys, administration officials, etc., etc., etc., are so utterly accostomed to lying that I truly believe that they are incapable of telling the truth. It is their very first instinct to lie. Lying is as natural to them as breathing. As we have witnessed Manafort’s trials play out, and watched as he has gotten preferential treatment because of his rich whiteness, it has all felt a good bit like theater. This feeling led me to think and consider one of Shakespeare’s many insights into human nature and human society. Lady Macduff is speaking with her son. The son speaks a truth about society as he knows it to be. Macduff’s Son: And must all who swear and lie be hanged? Lady Macduff: Every one. Macduff’s Son: Who must hang them? Lady Macduff: Why, the honest men. Macduff’s Son: Then the liars and swearers are fools. There are enough liars and swearers to beat the honest men and hang them! (William Shakespeare, Shakespeare Made Easy, “Macbeth,” Act 4, Scene 2) This seems to be precisely the sort of cynicism by which Caligula and his cabal of thieves seem to live, and now govern. The rest of us are simply fools in their theater of abomination, blasphemy, and rebellion against God…. Or would be if we hadn’t willfully elected the cabal’s leader as president. Now, we are simply complicit in their ungodly criminality. "Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? On March 7, 2019, I posted the following quote on the ‘just quotes’ page of this site. “To understand his [Caligula’s] actions, it is essential to keep in mind that sociopaths have only one goal: to enhance themselves, and that in pursuing their self-interest, they lack both normal human empathy for others and a normal human conscience. Cheating, conning, lying, stealing, threatening are all done with no remorse. “When stressed with facts that would require them to admit failure, or even that others know more or are more capable than them, sociopaths lose track of reality, becoming delusional with insistence on the truth of what they psychologically need to maintain their superior view of themselves. Indeed, nobody matters except to the degree they can serve the sociopath’s personal needs. “Mr. Trump has a long history that proves his diagnosis. If you consider the 7 traits that define Antisocial Personality Disorder in the DSM-5, he meets every one of them: 1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors 2. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying … or conning others for personal profit or pleasure 3. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead 4. Irritability and aggressiveness 5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others 6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations 7. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another” (Tana Ganeva, “Harvard psychiatrist: Donald Trump's actions are signs of a “severe, continuous, mental disturbance’” salon.com). Now, anyone who has followed posts made to this site knows that I suggested this diagnosis as early as 2016. However, I highlight this quote, not because it is in agreement with my own feelings, but for a different reason. As I considered the seven traits of the sociopath, it occurred to me that America, especially as evidenced by its foreign policy, is, in very fact, a sociopathic nation. Every sentence of the first two paragraphs could be applied to the nation. American has “one goal: to enhance [itself]”—as evidenced by its MAGA fetish. The rest of God’s children only exist to “serve the [nation’s] needs.” “In pursuing [its] self-interest,” America “lack[s] both normal human empathy for others and a normal human conscience—no empathy for our own poor, the world’s refugees, immigrants on our borders, innocent men, women, and children blown to bits and into tiny human fragments of flesh and bone and gray matter by our devilish drones, etc., etc., etc. I will have more to say on this below. How we wield of our military might and “threaten” the rest of the planet “with no remorse,” but with arrogant, boastful, and false justifications! American has, certainly, lost “track of reality, becoming delusional with insistence on the truth of what [it] psychologically need[s] to maintain [its] superior view of [itself]. In our foreign affairs we have, since the Second World War, failed to conform to international law, repeatedly lied about our violent and secret behavior taken to ingratiate ourselves, acted with aggression on every corner of the globe, disregarded the harm we have perpetrated against innocent men, women, and children, and shown a profound lack of remorse, always finding false justifications and rationalization for our vile deeds. In the past week, the right’s sociopathic Caligula--utilizing the power of the “executive order,” so hypocritically criticized by the right when Obama utilized it—decreed that U.S. military and intelligence leaders no longer need report the number of people killed by U.S. drone strikes. This, done without fanfare, in the shadows, and thus without any resistance by the compliant and complicit American citizenry is simply the latest nail in the coffin of the diagnosis: American is a sociopathic nation. It will no longer acknowledge or accept accountability for its rampage and pillage the globe over. It is a danger to God’s children everywhere. It is a nation in open and violent rebellion against the high and holy God of Heaven. "The kings of the earth set themselves, |
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