“It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17.1-2). You gotta feel for those poor Alabamians, I’m telling you, especially those of the Evangelical (un)-Christian persuasion. My word, look at the tough call they have been called upon to make—no fault of their own, mind you. On the one hand--we’ll call it the left hand, for the benefit of those evangelicals—they can choose an alleged and likely pedophile who has spent his life in camouflage, wrapping himself in sheep wool. On the other hand—the right hand—they can choose a man who possessed the moral fortitude to aid in the trial and conviction of cowardly racist thugs who bombed a church and killed innocent children. Hmm. Let’s see. What would Jesus do? Pedophile or Defender. Hard to say. It’s nip and tuck, you know. A game of inches. Kind of makes you wonder what all those evangelicals think Jesus was up to when he extended his invitation, “suffer the little children to come unto me.” The absurd dilemma so many evangelicals face should come as no surprise. It is an outgrowth of their perverted faith. Jesus had hardly taken his place at the right hand of God before Christianity became obsessed with dogma, giving more weight to what one thinks than how one acts. It has been a Christian vice for two millennia. American evangelicals have taken the vice and turned it into an art form. Ideology trumps behavior every time. Of course, one can control one’s ideology. Who can control their behavior? The evangelical solution is just another manifestation of the Pharisaical sleight-of-hand. Rewrite the rules to safeguard your perversion. Call evil good and good evil so you can call yourself good. Just in case you missed American evangelicals’ wolfish canines during the 2016 presidential election, those good ol’ evangelicals of Dixie are unabashedly baring their fangs, red and dripping with the blood of children, for all to see. Don’t ask an evangelical, especially one from Dixie, what Jesus would do. They haven’t a clue. "Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord…’
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