This may come as a surprise to those who follow this blog, along with its associated “Mad State of Rebellion,” “Just Society,” “Just Scripture,” and “Just Reporting” pages found on this site, but I am, as of tonight, Thursday, 6 April 2017 in support of the military action taken by the current administration against the fiendish Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad.
My support will likely continue if the reason for the action remains what it seems to be—a reaction to the murder of innocents and a warning that the murder of innocent people must stop. If over the following days and weeks, we begin to see any silver-back chest thumping or hear blustery testosterone-filled language begin to emanate from the administration, as has been its habit in the past, it will quickly lose me and my support. The military actions will shift from “just” to just more of the same American hypocritical arrogance.” The action taken tonight, if done to protect the innocent, is long overdue. Though it might look, at first glance, rather rushed, let's hope the military planners had planned for such action long before the past 24 to 48 hours. I was highly critical of President Obama for his killing of innocents with his dreadful drones. Such actions were all the more abhorrent in light of his refusal to act against Assad for the sake of the innocent. I am not for war. And in my view America has no business putting “boots on the ground” in the Near East. We simply have no idea what we are doing in that part of the world. We’ve made quite enough of a mess of it already. But Syrian planes should have been stopped from conducting their deadly bombing. No fly zones, and destruction of airfields and jets should have been put into practice years ago. Obama will be harshly judged for his inaction in regard to Syria—much like Clinton will be for his inaction in the Rwandan genocide and its aftermath, and George Bush will be for his ill-advised and dishonest invasion of Iraq. Now, as I say, I am all for standing up for the innocent Syrian victims of the vile Assad. I am, it is true, less interested in firing missiles into Syrian military installations because the Syrian government is in violation of international treaties and laws. It is impossible to know and count all the treaties that the U.S. and its allies, such as Israel, have and continue to flaunt, skirt, and cheat. We have no business lecturing or attacking others over such breaches. The pot is as black as the kettle. God bless us if we are acting out of a desire to save innocent lives. And God bless those poor, poor Syrian people.
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