"He had a perfect knowledge of the language of the people; wherefore, he could use much flattery, and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil” (Jacob 7.4) I try to be good. I really do. But, what am I to do? These thoughts and images come to my mind, unbidden. I suppose I could just stay silent. But even the casual reader of this site knows how my past silence torments me. Such a cowardly past. But no more. Just staying silent no longer feels just. And even non-silence is not enough. The masses can no longer hear the “still-small voice. They must be spoken to with thunder. And even then, they resist and dig their heals in further. Back-sliding heifers! Anyway, I saw the happy adoring faces of Caligula’s Hoosier hordes last night as they awaited the arrival of their prophet. Adoration. Yes. Clearly, they adore this awful monster. I saw their upraised hands, holding cell-phones aloft to click a picture of his arrival at the venue. I saw the impure joy on their faces, as they anticipated the spectacle that they were surely about to witness, and enjoy. Happy faces everywhere. Adoration. I could not help myself, it just came. I saw huge spot lights flashing against the clouds of a dark night sky. I saw an eagle. I saw thousands of happy faces, anticipating the looming spectacle. The ugly face of adoration. I saw upraised hands saluting…. No! Don’t do it. Don’t go there! Don’t say it. Bite your tongue. We’re not supposed to use that comparison. Oh, hell! … the fuehrer. “Fuehrer” means “guide.” Where, I wonder, is he taking them, this pied piper? I can only believe that he “doth speedily drag them down to hell” (Alma 30.60). The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips,
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