“Behold, [Amalichkiah] did care not for the blood of his people” (Alma 49.10). Not for the first time, we must pronounce Caligula a war criminal. He says we are in a war against the coronavirus. So be it. Make no mistake about it, he intends to sacrifice his soldiers by sending them into a suicide charge up Mount Mammon: “Open America back up to business”… the business of death. This from a man who did everything in his power to avoid going into battle. Bone spurs, my ass. Some even volunteer for the mission. Zombies. Spiritual zombies. But this order to storm Mount Mammon is only the last of his many coronavirus war crimes. His first coronavirus war crime was committed when he refused to admit, nay, when he out and out lied about the fact that an enemy was at the gates. For weeks. A month. A month and a half. “It’s under control.” “One day it will just be gone. A miracle.” During this period of criminal lying and vile fraud, he allowed the enemy to strengthen its positions outside the gate, resupply its forces, sharpen its blades, and perfect its strategies. This coronavirus war crime was compounded by his refusal to arm his soldiers for combat, killing thousands in the first wave, when soldiers were sent charging up Mount Mammon without the necessary weaponry. No ability to detect the enemy’s positions. No shields. No masks to protect against the virus’ poisonous gases. No triage for its innocent victims. And still, he refuses to arm the troops. Just plans this suicide charge into mammon infamy. If he has such disregard for his own troops, one can only imagine how he feels about other troops. Uh, no, one needn’t imagine it. Make no mistake, his attacks on the WHO, his threats to strip funds from their war effort is not about what they have or have not done in the past. It is about the future. He is currently in a bidding war with the WHO over the services of companies that can be enlisted to assist in the war effort. He wants all their efforts devoted to putting back together all the king’s men. Doesn’t want any wasted effort on saving non-Americans. “America First.” “Don’t care how many Germans, or Italians, or Koreans die, so long as I continue to have my own soldiers whom I can send charging up Mount Mammon to die.” If this isn’t yet another act of a true Anti-Christ, I don’t know what is. Jesus suffered and died that others would not have to suffer and so that death would not have the final say. In Caligula’s world, everyone must die so that he and his fellow black hearted capitalists don’t suffer even the mildest of inconveniences. And wonder of wonders, American “Christians,” having been overcome by this Anti-Christ, continue to love and support this man with the most perverted, sick, and twisted of souls. No, a man who is soulless. A ghoul. But, even this soulless man will die. And I will be there, standing humbly to the side as he stands before the judgment bar of God. I will, as I do today and every day, set aside my humility long enough to raise high my voice in condemnation, offer my own curses against him, bear my solemn witness of his crimes, not only crimes against humanity, but against all that is good and holy. Crimes against the God of Heaven. Happily will I utter, “Amen.” “So let it be” when he is cast into the burning flames of a hell that is far, far too good for him. “And then shall the wicked be cast out, and they shall have cause to howl, and weep, and wail, and gnash their teeth…” (Mosiah 16.2)
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