The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, If one still needs it, the past week provided yet more evidence of Caligula’s madness. But first… Question: Since when did Christians cheer and egg on vile public displays of hate-filled profanity? Answer: They don’t. There were no Christians in that insane gathering in Alabama—only vile white supremacists were allowed entrance. Question: How did a man so seemingly ignorant of human psychology ever succeed, even in the insipid craft of business? Answer: Graft, corruption, intimidation, victimization, bullying—need I go on? As soon as—and I mean the very second—I heard Caligula’s hateful and profane comments directed at those he called SOB’s, I knew, I knew with certainty that Sunday NFL games would witness a significant increase in protests against the kind of ignorance and white supremacy he represents. Could that vile man really not know this? Or did he know it? Is this precisely what he was after? This whole episode demonstrates unequivocally that the man is nothing but a stupid, insecure, and paranoid provocateur—whether by design or ignorance is immaterial. He is a man that feeds on satanic contention. He aims to stir up the hearts of men with anger one for another. Now, I do not mean to diminish the vileness of his provocations against American Athletes. We have a very serious white supremacy issue in America. Our police forces are openly murdering people—black people—on American streets. Our judicial system is a racist’s wet dream. But, as several Athletes themselves have asked over the weekend, isn’t a problem such as that that we face with North Korea enough to keep him busy? Shouldn’t he be focused on something like that? Probably. And yet, do we want him focused on North Korea? Look what he has done, the provocation he has instigated, in the past week. “Rocket Man”? Really? What are you, a schoolkid on a 1st grade schoolyard? “Totally destroy North Korea”? Who does he think he is, Doctor Evil? But, it is no joking matter. Did he not know? I knew. I knew the second he delivered that hateful U.N. speech that it would only incite more belligerence from Pyongyang. (His advisors knew it too, for these words were not in the written speech, but were adlibbed by the mad Caligula himself). Was this what he was after? Did he intend to incite? Or is he just stupid? It will not really matter once the bombs start flying. If we decide that he is simply stupid, we must as quickly as possible remove him from office… before the bombs start flying. If we decide that he is not simply stupid, but rabidly evil, then we must as quickly as possible remove him from office… before the bombs start flying. Either way, he is just stupid or insecure enough to need himself immortalized in human history in any way he can. And what better way than to be written into the history books as the second man to engage the immoral use of nuclear weapons. He is well on his way to infamy. You see, to him it is all the same—contending with athletes or contending with North Korea. He must have contention. He thrives on it. This is just how developmentally impeded or abjectly evil he is. While the world will never know peace with America in charge, it has, at least to this point, avoided nuclear holocaust. But with this man, the mad Caligula, we not only face the prospects of war—something we’ve grown enamored of—but annihilation—something we might just wish to avoid. He must be stopped. Stop the madness now. Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations.
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