“Though you grind a fool in a mortar, When pressed on why he had not issued a mask order, Mississippi’s clownish governor, Tate Reeves, responded, “If I believed that was the best way to save lives in my state I would’ve done it a long time ago.” We learn much from this nonsensical response. Here are a few truths we can extrapolate. 1. Mississippi’s governor has beliefs 2. Mississippi’s governor believes mask orders are not “the best way to save lives.” 3. Mississippi’s governor believes mask orders are an inferior “way to save lives.” 4. Mississippi’s governor believes that he has some sense concerning “the best way to save lives.” 5. Mississippi’s governor believes that masks get in the way of saving lives. This leads us to the logical question, “What, dear, stupid governor, is this mysterious “best way to save lives?” How, exactly, is NOT wearing a mask a “better way to save lives”? We can extrapolate another truth. Mississippi’s governor, like his idol in the White Outhouse, is an idiot. The idiocy of the two morons (and all their like-minded Republican governors/ lawmakers) should be called out and highlighted. These two men, and all others of their ilk, should be subject to ridicule, censorship, and impeachment. They should be made laughingstocks, a hiss and a byword. They should become the very definition of base ignorance and corruption. They should never again be trusted with any position in either the public or private sector. But this is not enough. They should be tried, convicted, imprisoned, and left to rot for crimes, i.e., stupidity and corruption, against humanity. And that, ladies and gents, is “the best way to save lives” in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Oh, and wear a damned mask… Unless, of course, you are a tRUMP supporter, in which case, since you are suicidal, please go maskless, drive without a seatbelt, pay no attention to any traffic lights, and if, by chance, you arrive safely home, drench yourself in gasoline before you strike a match to light up your cigarette—oh, and don’t forget to remove the batteries from your smoke detectors and be sure all fire suppression systems are securely locked in the off position. “A whip for the horse,
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