“Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities” (Revelation 18.4-5). Having learned all the wrong lessons from the Second World War, America has since then conducted itself on the foreign stage in the most arrogant and bellicose manner. We have acted the violent bully—with all the insecurity, small-mindedness, and lack of imagination bullying evinces. We have by nearly any measure become the modern version of the ancient unholy Roman Empire. Now, we have a small minded little ass of a man in the presidency to match the character of the country. Since his election, I have called him by the name, Caligula—a small concession on my part, for calling him by this name is far, far too kind. Whereas the general populace might have at one time feigned ignorance about America’s rapacious tyranny abroad, it can no longer do so. The hubris of our capricious little Caligula is daily on full display for all to see. Still, and as always, he is supported most forcefully by those who falsely call themselves Christians. As just one of many examples, “A January Gallup poll found that Trump’s approval among Mormons had risen [risen!!!!] to 61%, higher than any other religious group surveyed, and 13 points higher than among the next group, comprising Protestants and others” (Jeremy Miller, “Why do so many Mormons back Trump? Some say it's about the land,” the guardian) No longer content with being fed to the lions to inherit the kingdom of God, “Christians,” including, sadly and ominously, those of the Mormon variety, happily sacrifice all “others” to Bel in order to inherit a world crafted by the prince of darkness. They have, like the world’s first murderous tyrant, concluded that they are not their brothers keeper; that one only has to murder to get gain; and that no world inherited by the meek is worth having. Some wonder about the tenaciousness of “Christian” support for such a defiled man as Caligula. But no one who has lived in the box should be surprised. Having been “moved upon by the Spirit,” to vote for the foul man in the first place, to reject him now is to do more than reject him. It is to call into question and expose as a lie their own “spirit-directed” lives. This, they cannot do. They cannot acknowledge their error and have no stomach for repentance. The “righteous,” after all, need no repentance. “No man repented him of his wickedness, saying, ‘What have I done?’” (Jeremiah 8.6) I remember sitting in front of the TV and watching the twin towers, for many a symbol of American’s hubristic oppression, crash and burn. I distinctly remember the feeling that came over me: “The world will never be the same.” I realized in those moments that the world would never be good again. The spiraling badness would be the result of the gross evil of that act on that single day, and the longer, equally gross evil of America’s presumptuous response. I felt on election eve, and feel now, something similar. This nation and the presidency will never be same. There is no going back. The American addict is hooked on the gross and course vulgarity that is the Caligulan world view. They cannot acknowledge their error and have no stomach for repentance. The “righteous,” after all, need no repentance. It is, as Jeremiah laments, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, Neither could they blush” (Jer. 8.6). “Come, Lord Jesus, before it is too late. “Behold, thou knowest the wickedness of this people; thou knowest that they are without principle, and past feeling….” (Moroni 9.20).
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