Those protesting to “reopen the country” should, by all means, be encouraged to continue their suicidal charge up Mount mammon. While this tenth-of-one-percent of the American population should be encouraged to gather—the more tightly packed together the better—their small protests should not be covered by any actual news services—FOX, of course, will cover them, but, then, they are not actually a news service.
Real news services should, however, most definitely cover the burials-sans-funerals that result from the protests. They could also keep a Vietnam era style body count, keeping a running total of the number of voters Caligula will not be able to count on to vote for him, because dead people can’t vote. Go, Red States, Go! Go back to business. I say that these protesters should not be taken serious. Why? Well, first, they’re idiots. Idiots should not be reported on. They are not news. They are a dime a dozen as can be seen by the number of voters who continue to support Caligula even as he lines them up on America’s avenues and kills them. Second, they are idiots too stupid to know that they are being manipulated by conservative corporate interests. These capitalistic marauders and rapists have been fucking and killing Americas for more than a generation now. Having had their consciences seared with a hot iron, they think nothing of adding a little more raw and rotten human flesh to the heaps of rotting corpses they have already piled high. Third, their numbers simple do not justify the coverage.[1] They are beyond being outliers. They do not even represent a significant percentage of idiots! Covering their protests is akin to reporting on individuals who have a half dozen genitalia. It is just an obscene 19th-century-style freak show without the entrance fee. Having said all of that, they could become dangerous, not only to themselves, but to others. How? Well, first, the obvious. The virus is not very discriminating. It is not picky about who it infects. It likes idiots just fine. And it will jump from an idiot to a non-idiot the first chance it gets. Individuals infected because of their idiocy in anti-intellectually humping each other during protests can infect other people. So, we need cages, not cameras surrounding protest sites. Second, humans are animals. Smarter than your typical animal, true, but still, irrational, oversized monkeys, we are. But with our monkey brain, we are extraordinarily adept at mimicking each other. Human monkeys take their cue from other monkeys. We only learn what to do and why to do it by watching others. We then mimic them. Monkey see, monkey do. So, by reporting on the protests of a statistically insignificant number of idiot monkeys, news services run the risk of infecting the greater pack of monkeys with more idiocy. TV addicted monkeys, seeing other monkeys act like idiots assume that idiocy is normal. They mimic their deadly idiocy. More bodies pile up in the morgues, upon which the corporate elite, safely tucked away in their bunkers/mansions engorge themselves. The left has refused to acknowledge this mimetic reality. The right has not been quite so dense. The right has not only acknowledged this reality, they have masterfully, if cynically, used it to their advantage. Silverbacks are smarter than your average monkey. FOX, being a creature of the right, understands the mimetic impulse. It knows what it is doing when it reports on idiocy—the protest to “open America” being only the latest example. It knows that by reporting the lunacy, it is growing it, spreading it virus like. Mimesis will have its way. The fact that real news agencies report on the idiocy without understanding that in doing so they only serve to spread it, is evidence that they do indeed represent a left-of-center worldview. In being so obtuse, they only make the left-of-center worldview less likely to endure the mimetic power of idiocy’s example. This is, by the way, one of the reasons that I have said the press should stop covering Caligula; whether it is his life, his tweets, his press briefings, etc. By reporting on his idiotic shenanigans, the press is not creating, as it fools itself into thinking it is doing, an informed public likely to act more rationally. Rather, they are showing a bunch of mimetically driven monkeys how monkeys act. They are assuring that more monkeys will act like the big orange one who stands before the camera, puffs out its chest, pounds it with his little hands, flashes his canines, and snarls out incoherent yaps, and snorts, and grunts and barks and babblings. If these real news agencies do not wake up and smell the monkey urine, they will, blinded by stars and stripes, only succeed in turning America into a zoo, not a republic And it will not be the pleasant sort of zoo called, “petting.” It will be one in which actual humans are eaten by wild animals posing as humans. Monkeys see, Monkeys do. [1] Poll after poll demonstrates this. According to the latest ABC/NORC survey, “Only 12% of Americans say the measures where they live go too far. About twice as many people, 26%, believe the limits don’t go far enough. The majority of Americans — 61% — feel the steps taken by government officials to prevent infections of COVID-19 in their area are about right. “About 8 in 10 Americans say they support measures that include requiring Americans to stay in their homes and limiting gatherings to 10 people or fewer — numbers that have largely held steady over the past few weeks.”
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