“Wherefore, I, the Lord, have said that… and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie… shall have their part in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (DC 63.17). One can hope for the best in the face of the coronavirus. It is likely to sicken Americas by the millions. Who knows how many it will kill. In the face of the disaster, we can hope that Americans’ arrogance will finally be put to rest once and for all.
America is not exception. It is, in fact, quite ordinary. In the face of the coronavirus, unfortunately, it appears that its health care system is quite deficient and inferior. Other countries—South Korea, for example—are testing ten thousand people a day. Hell, one can do drive through testing, with results in hours, in several other countries! In the U.S.—the “greatest,” most “advanced” nation on the planet—not so much. The American health care system is struggling to process a few dozen tests a day. Now, there is no doubt that the American Caligula, as always, has been a flood of, not misinformation, but disinformation; meaning, he has not provided bad information accidently, but has knowingly lied—or, alternatively, is so deluded and twisted that he cannot tell reality from fantasy. In addition, his obsession with doing the opposite of his predecessor has seriously undermined government agencies’ ability to respond to all sorts of challenges as he has decimated their funds, numbers, and moral. But, he and his administration are not solely to blame for how woefully inept the current American health care system is for this type of event. The present ineptitude of the American healthcare system has been long in the making. And it is blatantly intentional. We have the resources to deal with this crisis. But we lack the will or the wisdom. It all began, of course, a generation ago when Ronnie Reagan came along and told Americans that government was not the solution to the problem, it was the problem. From that time to this, the American electorate on the right has consistently sent representatives to congress who are hostile to government—dominated by southerners, often motivated by racial animus. These representatives have done everything in their power to undermine government, which was instituted by God, according to the prophet imagination. These representatives, hiding behind the façade of “fiscal responsibility” have systematically starved government agencies necessary for the public good of the funds necessary to carry out their useful missions. While doing this, they have, through legislation, allowed America’s wealthy class to plunder government coffers. This has brought no end of suffering to America’s vulnerable. Undoubtedly, the right’s abhorrent philosophy and polices has been responsible for deaths. It will be responsible for more during the current pandemic. What has and will happen must be called what it is: murder to get gain. Now, we hear Republican lawmakers complain about the woeful performance of America’s health care system to test for coronavirus. Do not be deceived by such hollow complaint. It was their philosophy and their policies that created the ineptitude. When the crisis is over, they will, like pigs returning to the mire, go right back to their immoral philosophy and polities In addition to being humbled during the coronavirus pandemic, one can hope that America comes to understand that sin has consequences. Everyone knows Caligula is a liar. His supporters simply humorously shake their heads and say, “Oh, that Trump.” They treat his lies as a minor character flaw. But it is more than an individual character flaw. When scripture warns about the evils of lying, it is not talking about unsavory individual character flaws. Lies are not about character flaw, but about the healthy functioning of society. Societies cannot endure in an environment of lying. One loses the ability to judge. One loses the ability to act freely and intelligently. So it is with Caligula’s lies in regard to the coronavirus. His lies are revelatory of the man, yes. He is despicable. But, worse, his lies will end up killing people. Sin has consequences. The sooner Caligula’s people understand this—and they may come to understand it the hard way—the sooner we will be rid of the pestilence that is Caligula and his lies.
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