“And it came to pass that Enoch looked upon the earth; and he heard a voice from the bowels thereof, saying: ‘Wo, wo is me, the mother of men; I am pained, I am weary, because of the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which is gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctify me, that I may rest, and righteousness for a season abide upon my face?’” (Moses 7.48) The astonishing madness continues to gush, spilling over into ever widening channels. The newest spew of madness is, as usual, based on ignorance, arrogance, deceptions, murderous idolatry, and religious perversion. In yet another act of impure theater, America’s Caligula[1] has withdrawn an ignorant and greedy nation from the Paris Climate Accord. One of three nations rejecting the accord, it has shown itself to be, in very fact, the greatest danger to and the most wicked nation on planet earth. I call it theater based on ignorance because, though his ardent and admiring audience presumably does not know it, the “accord” had no teeth. It was less edict, and more mild suggestion. All “suggestions” were “voluntary.” There was no way and no organization to “enforce” its “suggestions.” Under an unprincipled and sick Caligula, who could remain in the accord while ignoring all suggestions without consequence, not one single job would ever be lost… never mind that it could create millions of jobs, as the much wiser Chinese well know. I suppose that they will now become the world leader in searching out investment opportunities aimed at renewable energy sources. While they prepare for the future, we will remain bogged down in outdated and polluting energy sources. I call it theater based on ignorance because neither the perverted actor nor his adoring minions has the intellectual honesty to acknowledge the indisputable truth that we—whether, or not, you believe that humans are contributing to global warming—are doing unconscionable violence to our God-given global inheritance. And, really, what is the problem with taking care of the planet, whether we are having an impact upon it or not? I call it theater based on deception because Caligula’s administration knows there was no need to withdraw; knows there would be no need to act in accordance with the accord; knows there would be no consequence for non-compliance; knows that with inaction not one American job would be lost; knows that not one job will be created as a result of our withdrawal; knows that many jobs will be lost through neglect of renewable energy advancements; and knows that we are doing immeasurable harm to the planet. All this deception is simply meant to feed the beastly and mad crowd with the lies it craves. Caligula’s circus, a modern-day version of flesh-eating lions, has excited his mobs, who cheer the tyrant on to ever more and greater outrages. He does not stand on some street of New York and kill someone, as he once boasted he could do without consequence. Rather, he sits in his office and threatens millions; for which he receives the accolades of his depraved hordes. I, for my part give his killing circus a big thumbs down. I call it theater based on murderous idolatry because, though no jobs will be lost and no economic disadvantage will come to the good ol’ U.S of A if it remains in the accord, the little man has told his disciples otherwise. His reason for leaving, he claims, is to get gain. His minions cheer his greed. His minions suck on the teats of his greed. His greed is their greed. Mammon is their god. They have, all of them, as Cain of old, murdered to get gain. Sold their souls for filthy lucre. I call it theater based on arrogance because Caligula does what Caligula wants—and to hell with the rest of the planet. How long before they all go their own way without us? We have proven that we can be trusted with nothing but our own selfish self-interests. Hopefully, in his arrogance, and in the arrogance of his minions, he will finally put an end to the ungodly American hegemony that has for too long polluted (pun intended) the world. I call it theater based on religious perversion because the most adoring portion of his craven audience—white unchristian evangelicals and fundamentalists—claiming an unction of the Holy Spirit by which they discern truth from error, good from evil, loudly applaud Caligula’s intended defilement of our divine inheritance. Oh, what language is sufficient to describe the perversion of those who claim so falsely that they, with their eyes anointed with the unction of the Holy Spirit, “need not that any man teach” them when, in fact, their eyes and ears and hearts and minds are slathered with a thick coating of hell’s putrid muck? In the end, it is this religious perversion of the unchristian right that is most damning. What do we do when the “righteous” fail? Caligula is simply sick in the head. To some degree he “knows not what he does.” But those who vainly take the name of God onto their lips and claim to see… they are the real threat to our nation and to all that is good and pure in the world. “How are the mighty fallen!” [1] Up to now, refusing to call him by name—thus denying him a certain degree of power—I have only referred to the latest POTUS as “that man” (emphasis on the “little”). But, I have decided to give him a name. It is a name he has well earned. The name by which he will be known on the pages of this site is “Caligula,” “little boots.” Consistent with my paste manner of referring to him, the name still emphasizes his smallness of character, but has the added benefit of emphasizing his madness. “Make the heart of this people fat,
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