And if thou say in thine heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?’ There’s something I often wonder about. A decade ago false prophets pranced about America, spending time especially on the perverted FOX-dressed-in-sheeps’-clothing network, peddling false prophetic narratives. “Barack Obama,” for example, “is going to take white Americans’ guns, arm African Americans, and allow a rampage of lawlessness on American streets.” The prophecy sold a lot of guns. But, how’d that prophecy turn out? “Barack Obama is neither an American or Christian,” many ranted. Rather he is Muslim. All this will come out after he is elected.” How’d that work out? Any one notice that our former “Muslim” president knows and honors the Apostles Creed far, far more than the infidel with whom American Christians have rebelliously yoked themselves? Why is the Muslim still pretending to be Christian? Why not come out of the closet? Maybe because he really is a Christian. And American. While the current president is an infidel and Russian agent. But here’s my question. Those false prophets, who spoke so presumptuously and lyingly? Are they still being listened to? Have those duped by the likes of Sean, Rush, Brett, Laura, etc. stopped listening to these false prophets? Surely, the dupes do not continue to foolishly listen to such dependable sources of misinformation. Surely, they’ve tuned them out and turned them off, right? They have to be at least this discerning… No? No. Though the rule is so simple that any child could understand it, they continue to willfully feed in the trough of their own lusts. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Timothy 4.3-4).
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