“Anger, be now your song, immortal one,
Akhilleus’ anger, doomed and ruinous, that caused the Akhainans loss on bitter loss… Begin it when the two men first contending broke with one another-- The Lord Marshal Agamemnon, Atreus’ son, and Prince Akhilleus.” (Homer, Illiad, Book 1, line 1, translated by Robert Fitzgerald, “Everyman’s Library”) A humble man, a decent man, a man truly interested in his nation might, upon receiving near unanimous correction at the hands of the judiciary, take a moment and reconsider. Is there even a scintilla of a possibility he may be wrong and they may be right? But not this man. Oh, no. It is all just a huge personal power-struggle for him. It is all ego, all ‘me,’ This man’s hubris knows no bounds and will not be restrained. This man's hubris-induced-anger is going to bring this nation to its knees--just as that Gadianton robber, Bannon, has planned and intends. This man and his crimes will make Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. Hubris: “a foolish amount of pride or confidence.” “Conceit,” “haughtiness,” “pride,” “self-importance,” “egotism,” “pomposity.” SEE: "that man."
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