In buying music, one can go on line and, often, a choose between a "clean" version or an "explicit" version. Following are my own "explicit" thoughts concerning what we learned from the February 27, 2019 House oversight committee hearing with Michael Cohen. A few things are certain from today’s hearing. 1. Michael Cohen is a dirt bag. 2. Caligula hired Cohen precisely because he was a dirt bag. 3. One dirt bag hired another dirt bag. 4. In pointing out, over, and over and over and over and over again what a dirt bag Cohen is, the republicans on the committee simply confirmed what a dirt bag Caligula is. 5. In supporting the dirt bag Caligula, republicans on the committee confirmed that they themselves are dirt bags. William Rivers Pitt, writing for, provided a cleaner, more siphistcated version of the same tune. “We also learned something important about Trump himself, something we already knew in theory but needed to see in the flesh. Yes, Cohen is a lifelong scumbag with a long train of lies and double-dealing dragging behind him. Many of the questions from committee Republicans boiled down to, ‘If Trump was so bad, why did you work for him for 10 years?’ Pivot the question — ‘If you are so bad, Mr. Cohen, why did Trump keep you around for 10 years?’ — and a real measure of clarity is achieved.
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