"Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, While I have been daily active on several pages of this site, I have been somewhat quiet on the blog and “Mad State” pages. Part of the reason for this quiet has to do with other projects on which I am excitedly working, including several associated with various pages of this site. However, equally responsible for my recent silence on the blog is simply the sheer depth of and speed with which Caligula’s flood of madness flows. No sooner is one about half-way through a written response to the latest madness than another equally mad eruption breaks out. I’ll just have to learn how to more briefly respond to Caligula’s incessant and putrid excretions. Anyway, we have heard much recently about the Mormon boy who, apparently unrestrained by both religious and governmental leaders, can’t help beating women—whether wife of girlfriend. Some (naively) have marveled that such a person would be permitted to work in government, period, let alone in such a high and intimate position in the White House. But really, now, what’s a Caligula-led White House to do? It needs a staff. But, even in a city overflowing with hubris and falsehood, no one with even a scintilla of self-respect and integrity will work in Caligula’s blackened white outhouse. A wife beater is simply the very best they can hope for. So, come on! Give the guy a break. (Yes I am being facetious). Besides, how can you expect a man such as Caligula, a man without character and integrity, to be capable of judging the character and integrity of anyone else. It is simply impossible. From day 8, one cabinet member, aide, staffer, director, etc. after another has left Caligula’s cesspool of corruption under the cloud of scandal. It will not end any time soon. In fact, it will not end until the greatest scandal of them all, Caligula himself, is flushed out. Until that happy day, they really should just paint the white house black. [Yahweh said to Jeremiah]
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